The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165

Chapter 1165

Curiosity got the better of Thalassa as she pondered how Lysander had pinpointed her location with

such precision, especially given that she hadn’t even picked up the only phone when he called.

Gazing into her eyes with his deep-set ones, Lysander said, “Atticus tracked your cell’s location.”

It wasn’t just a single call he had made to her; it was over a dozen. Each call went through, but she

hadn’t answered any.

This unusual occurrence tipped Lysander off that something was wrong.

He had Atticus trace Thalassa’s phone and send him the coordinates.

By the time he made that last call to her, he was already speeding toward the cemetery.

As his car neared its destination, the sight of flames was reaching for the sky above the gravesite. He

was desperate so he floored the pedal to get there as fast as possible.

Thalassa understood and nodded. Her narrow escape from death owed as much to Lysander’s timely

rescue as it did to her son’s intervention.

Without that timely location tracking, Lysander might have been greeted by nothing more than a

charred corpse.

“Why on earth were you at Leopold’s grave at this hour?” Lysander’s handsome face hardened, his

aura chilling the air around them like a sudden snowfall.

Sensing his anger, Thalassa fought to suppress her inner panic, feigning confid she replied, “I had no

intention of being here so late, believe me. It was a spooky pitch-black place without a single

streetlight. I was there because Debby was on was trying to shake her off and somehow ended up

driving here. That woman’s l mind. She tied me to Leopold’s headstone and wanted me to ‘join’


“Do you wish to join him?” Lysander asked, his voice cold as ice.

Startled by his abrupt detachment, Thalassa froze.

What kind of question was that?

Did he think she wanted to die?

“Of course not. Why else would I be screaming for help?” Thalassa retorted.

She felt that everyone around her was losing their minds. Debby’s actions were somewh

understandable, driven to extremes by grief. But Lysander? He was usually so composed and icy. Now

he seemed to be showing a hint of madness too.

Asking if she wanted to ‘join’ Leopold was basically asking if she wanted to die, wasn’t it’

The question sent shivers down Thalassa’s spine.

Her off-the-cuff response seemed to thaw Lysander’s icy demeanor a bit, but his chiseled face

remained as stern as ever.

“Debby will pay for what she’s done!” Lysander’s chilling words echoed with resolve.

A shiver ran through Thalassa, and she asked cautiously, “What are you planning to do?”

Debby’s attempt to burn her alive was a clear violation of the law. Thalassa was no saint, and she knew

Debby should take the toll.

Yet, if it was an act of solo madness, Thalassa didn’t want Debby’s family to suffer for her actions.

After all, they were innocent.

Lysander’s deep-set eyes met hers, “What would you have me do?”

Thalassa paused.

Was he actually asking for her input?

Could she decide what price Debby would pay?

“Can we just report this to the police and let them handle it according to the law?” Thalassa was

stunned for a while before posing the question to Lysander.

She hoped a fair trial would help Debby come to her senses, to stop dwelling on Leopold’s death, let go

of the past, and look forward to the future.

“What price do you think a person should pay for burning my leg?” Lysander’s piercing bore into hers

as if it was peering into an abyss. It was bottomless and fraught with danger.

His question caused Thalassa’s heart to constrict.

She had nearly forgotten that Lysander, too, had been injured in the incident. She wasn’t the sole



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