The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321

Evelyn was rattled, her emotions raw as she wrenched herself away from David’s grasp, tears brimming in her eyes as she glared at him. “I won't go, | refuse to set foot in the police station. Don’t you dare try to stop me!”

With those words, she made to leave.

But David was quick, stepping in front of her to block her path. Seeing her in such a frantic state, he tried to soothe her fears. “Ms. Pendleton, you've got it all wrong. Mr. Sinclair isn’t sending you to the slammer. He just needs you to testify.”

A flicker of panic gave way to confusion in Evelyn’s tearful gaze. “Testify?” she asked, incredulous. “To what?”

“About Bruce’s fraud,” David clarified.

The realization that she wasn’t being carted off to jail calmed Evelyn considerably, and she followed David into the police station. Inside the precinct, Captain Payne was briefing Lysander on the Bruce case.

“We've practically got him nailed for money laundering. He’s conned a fair share of women over the years, amassing a small fortune by illicit means and then plowing that money into the stock market, looking to double it. Money laundering through investment. But to nail him for fraud, we’re going to need a witness to attest where that cash really came from.”

As Captain Payne laid out the situation to Lysander, Evelyn caught Lysander’s piercing gaze. It sent a shiver down her spine, a mix of dread and panic seizing her.

Evelyn was usually assertive at home in Thalassa’s presence, but she found herself shrinking away outside of it, especially under Lysander’s intimidating stare. She felt her courage crumbling to dust.

She could barely hold his gaze for a second before she quickly looked away, unable to withstand the pressure of his scrutiny. “She’s the witness,” Lysander’s voice cut through the tension with a chilly edge.

Captain Payne turned to Evelyn, his tone matter-of-fact. “Please come with me. We need to get your statement.”

Though Captain Payne spoke softly, the inherent authority in his voice still made Evelyn flinch. She looked helplessly at David. David nodded at her reassuringly. “It’s okay, just tell them what you know, that’s all.”

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Evelyn followed Captain Payne into the interrogation room.

The room was dim, with a single harsh light hanging over the table creating an ominous atmosphere. Evelyn sat down, her body tense with anxiety. She had never faced such a situation in her life, and it was a true test of her mental resolve.

Captain Payne sat across from her, a notebook in hand, a recorder set up on the table. Once Evelyn seemed ready, Captain Payne began. “You knew Bruce, right?”

Evelyn nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. “Yes, | knew him.”

“And what was the nature of your relationship?” Captain Payne’s voice remained even.

The question felt like a needle to

Evelyn's heart, full of humiliatiqn and in Ser vabbinttn@rine ws a

shameful chapter, a wound that bled anew with each recollection. Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the latest chapter of this novel

But Lysander needed her testimony to put Bruce b iy bars\and $0, aa degniatte 4 n MS ein was prepared to rip open her scars for all to see. Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the latest chapter of this novel

“We used to be an item,” she admitted, her toes Stare withO mM bittenas'NE's complete liar; there’s not a single honest bone in his body!” Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the latest chapter of this novel

Evelyn's chest heaved with the force of her emotions as she recounted her story.


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