The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 1334

Chapter 1334

Chapter 1334

Chapter 1334 Lysander’s voice was hoarse, low, “No need.” Thalassa didn’t want him at Evelyn’s funeral. His presence would only push her further away.

Besides, it was the townsfolk attending Evelyn’s funeral now. In such moments of raw emotion, people cried openly and shared their grief without pretense.

If he showed up, the air would stiffen, and the natural flow of mourning would be disrupted by his presence.

His arrival would turn a heartfelt goodbye into a stifled affair, where the focus might shift to reverence and status-seeking towards him.

Lysander’s decline of David's suggestion hung in the air as they watched the funeral from a distance silently.

His eyes lingered on Thalassa, who stood by the graveside. Her face, framed by the traditional white mourning attire of the West, appeared even more fragile and paler.

She was still in her recovery from miscarriage, yet she bore this immense sorrow.

Lysander’s heart ached with a hidden pain. He wished he could to go to her, to wrap her in his arms and give her strength, and to be her steadfast support.

But he couldn’t. His presence would only cause her more pain, more rejection and more turmoil. So, he chose to watch from afar.

Now, he understood how Thalassa must have felt when she wasn’t allowed to attend Leopold’s funeral-watching from a distance when the man she loved was buried, denied even the right to bid him one last farewell.

Back then, she must have been in agony and despair. Just like he was now.

He had never understood why, if she was barred from attending, she would still hide and watch from the sidelines. Now, he had become the Thalassa of that time.

He understood all her feelings. It was indeed extremely painful. The funeral ended, and the mourners gradually made their way back to the village.

Lysander’s eyes were misting, and he instructed David, “Let’s leave.”

Following orders, David quickly started the car and reversed, driving away from the village. Once they reached the asphalt road, Lysander said, “Stop here.”

David obeyed, pulling to a stop on the road, though it offered no view of Thalassa.

He didn’t question Mr. Sinclair's motives. He simply followed orders.

That night, the four children cried incessantly. hoaos inally goothiay! | therotolsféep!t alassa went to Astrid’s room. Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the latest chapter of this novel

Astrid was sorting through Evelyn’s belongings, her face wet with tears.

Thalassa rushed to her side, helping her, “Auntie, p ise Aoprtive so@alll \f yaurcgrietve elms you and something happens, what will | do?” Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the latest chapter of this novel

Astrid’s tears flowed as she shakily sorted through t ‘peels ieqtiomob m cketlres aka } iS ty Evelyn had left behind over the years. Visit NovelDrama.Org to read the latest chapter of this novel

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