The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 628

Chapter 628

Chapter 628

Chapter 628

Hearing Sophia’s words, Thalassa visibly shuddered, turning excitedly towards Zephyr. “Zephyr, did you hear that? Sophia said that Grandma Sybil tripped over the couch…”

Zephyr’s eyes, murky with rage, glared at her. “What did you say to Sophia to make her say such a thing?”

Thalassa was taken aback, shocked, and incredulous.

Did Zephyr think that she had coached Sophia?

She hadn’t told her to say anything. She was just asking her questions.

She knew her own child best. Although Sophia was usually timid and the smallest of all the kids, she never cried without reason.

Either she was scared, or she was hiding something and too afraid to speak up.

Just as she was about to explain, Lysander strode into the room. His presence was chilling and intimidating. The air around him seemed to drop in temperature.

Thalassa’s heartbeat seemed to halt at the gust of wind that Lysander’s entrance stirred up.

She watched him anxiously, her heart pounding as his tall figure quickly approached.

“Lysander, I…”

Before she could finish, Sophia was lifted from her arms.

Lysander’s face was cold. “The driver is waiting for you outside.”

He wanted her to leave.

Thalassa was getting more and more anxious. Forgetting her nervousness, she spoke. “Sophia just said that Grandma Sybil tripped over the couch. Robert clearly lied…”

Robert fell to his knees with a thud, trembling, panic-stricken. “Zephyr, Lysander, I didn’t lie. I really didn’t. Children’s memories can be chaotic. I’m an adult. I wouldn’t misinterpret, and I wouldn’t lie…”

“Sophia’s memory isn’t chaotic…” Thalassa tried to explain quickly, but her words faltered under Lysander’s piercing, icy gaze.

His stare was as sharp as an ice sword, capable of piercing her heart

Stunned, Thalassa’s words got stuck in her throat, frozen in place.

The way he looked at her made her heart sink.

“I’ll give you ten seconds!” Lysander’s voice was as cold as an arctic wind.

Thalassa saw the sharpness in his eyes, sending chills down her spine.

Her lips quivered, “I’ll leave, I’ll leave right now.”


She quickened her pace towards the door, then stopped suddenly. Turning back, tears welling in her eyes, she looked at Lysander. “Sophia has an exceptional memory, far exceeding that of an average person. She wouldn’t get confused. I didn’t coach her to say anything. Please, consider the feelings of the children when you’re angry. They’re still young, and they’re scared. Don’t lose your temper in front of them.”

As she spoke, her heart ached, looking at Sophia, who was stiff in Lysander’s arms, too scared to cry, biting her lip, sobbing quietly.

If she left then, how would Sophia, already so timid, cope? She couldn’t bear to leave her child.

But Lysander and Zephyr wouldn’t accommodate her.

“Can I take Sophia with me today? She’s really scared, I’m worried about her…” Even in such circumstances, she couldn’t just leave. Even if Lysander treated her coldly, and even if Zephyr wanted her gone, she couldn’t abandon her child.

“Mommy, I want Mommy…” Sophia, hearing Thalassa’s request to take her, stretched out her small arms towards her mother, wanting to be held and leave with her.

Just as Thalassa was about to pick her up, Lysander caught Sophia’s outstretched hand, pulling it back and holding her securely. His icy

gaze turned to Thalassa. “You don’t have the right to take any child away! You have five seconds left!”

Thalassa froze.

Lysander’s icy stare was a direct hit to her heart.


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