The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 708

Chapter 708

Chapter 708

Chapter 708

Lysander’s rough, calloused palm, as always, held Thalassa’s delicate wrist. His touch was electrifying and sent a tingling sensation down her spine.

He led her to the golf course and handed her a golf club.

Upon receiving it, Thalassa was taken aback by its weight. She dropped it to the ground and quickly stepped away.

She was fortunate to have moved rapidly, or else her foot would have been injured by the heavy club.

She had assumed the club would be light. She didn’t expect it to be so heavy. It was a task just to lift it; she needed to employ serious effort.

She shot an awkward glance at Lysander. His deep, piercing eyes held a hint of reproach as they met hers.

“I thought it was made of wood, not metal.” Thalassa confessed that her understanding of golf clubs was flawed.

She had assumed that the white-painted club would be light, only to find out that it was made of solid metal when she held it in her hands.

The club felt good in her hands. The material alone revealed it wasn’t ordinary; it probably wasn’t cheap either.

“Hold it steady.” Lysander advised her.

Thalassa nodded as she recalled how Lysander had held the club earlier. She mimicked him and gripped the club with both hands, aiming at the white golf ball on the ground.

She gave it a trial swing, but it felt all wrong.

Lysander approached her and stood behind her. He stretched out his hand and adjusted the direction of the club she was holding.

Only then did Thalassa realize that she had been holding the club in the wrong way. No wonder it had felt so awkward.

It wasn’t until she refocused that she became aware of Lysander’s encircling presence. His strong, muscular chest was pressed against her back. She could feel his powerful heartbeat pulsating against her back, even through the fabric of his shirt.

Her heartbeat synced with his, and they began pounding in unison.

Thalassa’s body tensed up. She felt as if the oxygen around her was being depleted, and her breathing became labored.

Lysander’s face drew closer to hers, and his magnetic, husky voice echoed in her ear. “Like this. Aim and swing. Don’t hesitate.”

The heat of his breath brushed against her delicate cheek as if it had flown off with the golf ball.

Her heart felt as though it had leaped up to her throat.

She wasn’t sure if it was the excitement from the golf ball flying off or his intense breath brushing her face that stirred the sensations within her body. She felt like she was losing control.

Her gaze followed the white golf ball as it traced a beautiful arc in the air, eventually landing perfectly in the hole.

“Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!” Hertha jumped up and clapped in excitement.

Upon seeing a caddy placing another golf ball at Thalassa’s feet, Hertha, unable to resist the urge to play golf herself, made a suggestion to Alaric as her round face beamed with a radiant smile. “Let’s play too.”

Alaric glanced at her, then at Lysander and Thalassa in the distance. He immediately understood Hertha’s intentions. “I can’t play golf.”

Joking aside, Lysander’s affection for Thalassa was fresh and passionate. Playing golf with her would be romantic.

But what was his relationship with Hertha?

Just the thought of the two of them cuddling together to play golf made him feel awkward.

“I can teach you!” Hertha declared while tugging Alaric towards another part of the golf course.

Alaric, being dragged along by Hertha, protested. “Hertha, you can’t force me like this.”

“I’m not forcing you; I’m compelling you.” Hertha retorted confidently,

Alaric, speechless, had never seen anyone speak so brazenly about coercion.

Despite having lost weight, Hertha’s strength remained undiminished.


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