The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

The stern and icy demeanor that she had envisioned Lysander to have when disciplining the children was nowhere to be seen.

When Lysander lifted his gaze towards the door and caught sight of Thalassa’s petite figure, his eyes flickered slightly.

Just at that moment, the little ones seated on the floor turned their heads as their childish eyes lit up at the sight of Thalassa.





The chorus of adorable voices rang out. Their tiny hands propped themselves up from the floor as they quickly stood up.

One by one, they scurried towards Thalassa as their little legs flailed in the wind.

Their joyful scampering resembled that of lively little birds, instantly soothing Thalassa’s worried heart.

Thalassa couldn’t help but smile. She crouched down to tenderly greet her little angels.

All four children simultaneously jumped into Thalassa’s arms. The impact caused her to lose balance, and they all tumbled to the floor.

The lightest of them all, Sophia, rolled around like a little rubber ball, stopping only after two rolls. She lay on the floor, looking around in confusion. Her adorably clueless expression as she looked up could warm the heart of any cold man.

Thalassa sat up, taking Elowen, who was closest to her, into her arms. She planted a big kiss on Elowen’s chubby little face as the scent of milk filled her nostrils. “Sweetie, you smell so good.” Thalassa said happily.

“Ewww! Mommy, you stink.” Elowen pouted and complained.

“Do I?” Thalassa sniffed herself as she giggled. “Mommy had some wine and didn’t take a bath, so I smell like alcohol.”

Thalassa stood Elowen up. “Mommy is going to take a bath, and then we can play.”

As she was about to head upstairs, she felt a pair of intense eyes on her, as if they were trying to see right through her.

Thalassa turned to look at Lysander, meeting his deep, ocean-like gaze.

She felt a cold shiver run through her.

Thalassa felt a surge of anger as she remembered what Fitch had told her.

Fueled by the courage that alcohol induced, Thalassa limped over to Lysander and scolded him sternly. “You cannot be harsh with the children anymore, understand? Or else I… I won’t be nice to you! I’ve raised them this far, and I’ve never been harsh with them!”

Oh my, Ms. Everhart was actually pointing fingers and lecturing Lysander.

This was the first time someone had dared to raise their voice at him.

Fitch watched from the sidelines. His heart was pounding, and a cold sweat was breaking out on his forehead.

Lysander’s deep, icy gaze was fixed on Thalassa. She was standing not too far from him, swaying slightly. Her face was flushed red due to the alcohol, adding an irresistible allure to her already beautiful face.

Having said her piece, Thalassa noticed Lysander’s chilling aura and couldn’t help but shrink back. The slew of rebukes she had prepared for him on her way here all went to waste. She didn’t have the courage to voice them out.

“Alright, I was just reminding you. I’m going to go take a bath now.” Thalassa quickly changed the topic, feeling a little awkward, and turned to walk toward the stairs.

Lysander’s deep gaze followed her retreating figure. She was slightly staggering, a sight that was etched into his mind.

He started to feel an odd heat rushing through his body, and his gaze shifted. He stood up, took a few strides towards her, and grasped her hand.

“Eh?” Before Thalassa could react, he was already leading her upstairs.

They headed straight to the master bedroom. He pushed open the bathroom door and guided Thalassa in. After closing the door behind them, Lysander turned her around and pressed her against the frosted glass door. His tall, muscular body was closing in, and his strong, masculine scent was enveloping her as his towering figure cast a shadow over her.

Thalassa’s heart was pounding.

Lysander lifted her chin with his index finger. His voice was low and husky as he teasingly asked, “How exactly do you plan on not being nice to me, hm?


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