The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 735

Chapter 735

Chapter 735

Chapter 735

“What? He’s been a member for years?!” Evelyn exclaimed. Her fingers trembled with indignation as she pointed at Bruce. “So, the moment my profile hit the dating site, you set your sights on me?”

He had the audacity to claim that there was something special between them; he had the gall to say that they were predestined?!

It was all a calculated scheme. A deliberate ploy to deceive her.

Bruce nonchalantly straightened his shirt. “Don’t say it like that. You chose me; that’s why we dated. Don’t deny that you liked me, or how else could you have given birth to our daughter and raised her? We were happy together once, and you always asked me to…”

“Bruce!” Evelyn was humiliated. She shook with rage as tears streamed down her face.

Was he trying to shame her in front of their daughter?

Thalassa was also shocked by Bruce’s audacity. She was so angry that her chest was heaving. It was just too much.

Caught off guard, Evelyn, on the verge of a meltdown, picked up a chair and hurled it at Bruce.

The chair made of steel crashed onto Bruce’s head with a loud clang.

As the chair fell to the ground, Bruce immediately clutched his head and doubled over in pain as his face contorted into a grimace.

Thalassa was stunned; her breath nearly hitched.

Everything happened too quickly. She couldn’t stop it.

Blood was steadily oozing from Bruce’s head. It was flowing like a stream.

This was serious.

“Oh, what do we do now?” Evelyn went pale. She became helpless as her rage gave way to fear at the sight of the severe injury.

Thalassa quickly snapped out of her stupor, fumbled with her phone, and dialed 911.

The matchmaker called for help and took out a first aid box, using gauze to staunch Bruce’s bleeding.

But his blood was gushing out like a fountain. It was practically unstoppable.

Everyone was pale and frightened. No one knew what to do.

Soon, the ambulance arrived.

Bruce was semi-conscious and needed someone to accompany him. Thalassa got into the ambulance, but Evelyn was too scared and weak to follow. Thalassa asked the matchmaker to look after her mother, then left with the ambulance.

In the ambulance, the paramedics managed to stop the bleeding.

Once at the hospital, Bruce was rushed into the emergency room.

Thalassa waited outside as her heart pounded with worry. If anything happened to Bruce, it would be a big deal. Evelyn could even end up in jail.

As she waited, filled with dread, the door to the emergency room swung open. The doctor came out and said urgently, “The patient has lost a lot of blood and needs a transfusion. Are you a relative?”

“I’m his daughter. You can take my blood.” Thalassa said without hesitation.

The patient is O-type. Only O-type blood can be transfused. Are you O-type?” The doctor asked.

Thalassa was taken aback. “I’m B-type.”

She remembered that her mother was also an O-type..

Two O-type parents couldn’t possibly have a B-type child.

It was as if a bomb had exploded in Thalassa’s mind. She froze on the spot.


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