The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 786

Chapter 786

Chapter 786

Chapter 786

Thalassa shifted her gaze, continuing to soothe the children, not meeting Lysander’s eyes. Lysander, at this point, didn’t press further into whom exactly she was worried about.

He withdrew his gaze, pulled out his cell phone, and called David. “Pull up to Gate 2.”

Soon, Thalassa saw the black Rolls Royce drive up. She let go of the four little ones, whispering to them softly, “Darlings, let’s get in the car first, and head home.”

“Mmhm.” The little ones nodded, eager to make their way to the car.

Once Thalassa had helped them into the car, she got in herself. The car didn’t move, as Lysander had yet to get in.

Lysander instructed Fitch, who had been trailing behind him, “Follow up on this matter.”

“Yes, sir.” Fitch nodded in response.

The explosion had scared Fitch to his core, fearing that something might happen to the children. He was the one who had brought them here, and if anything happened to them, he wouldn’t be able to escape responsibility, nor could he forgive himself.

Thankfully, Thalassa and Lysander had protected the children from any harm.

However, the scene was gruesome enough to chill Fitch to the bone.

Two workers were critically injured, their fate uncertain.

Fitch turned around, heading back to the mall.

Lysander got into the car, which quickly drove away.

It was quiet inside the car. The usually talkative children were now silent, huddling in Thalassa’s arms because of the shock.

And Thalassa, holding onto her four little children, kept her heart clenched tight, not saying anything.

Lysander, sitting in the passenger seat, was even less likely to start a conversation.

The quiet atmosphere inside the car was somewhat somber, with each person lost in their thoughts.

In no time, they arrived at the Royal Estates.

Thalassa, leading the four children into the house, sat down on the couch. The children were still in shock, clinging to Thalassa’s clothes, leaning against her, sticking to her as if afraid she would leave them.

Thalassa understood that this was a sign that the children were feeling insecure.

No one knew her children better than she did. Whenever they felt insecure, they would become particularly clingy.

She sat on the couch, holding two children in each arm, comforting them silently with the warmth of her embrace.

At this moment, words were of no use to the children. Only staying close to their mother could bring them a sense of safety and comfort.

Lysander approached them, seeing the four children all leaning on Thalassa, their heads buried in her arms while she gently caressed their small heads. The scene was heartwarming and comforting.

He didn’t disturb them, instead he turned to leave the living room and return to the car. He instructed David, “Take me to the police station.”

“Yes, sir.” David nodded, driving the car away.

The detective squad had already inspected the scene and determined the cause of the accident.

Lysander’s good friend, Captain Payne, told Lysander, “After testing, we’ve found that the explosion was caused by a malfunctioning cell phone. One phone exploded, triggering a chain reaction and resulting in multiple phones exploding.”

Lysander’s eyes were impenetrable, a low pressure surrounding him. “What caused the phone to explode?”

“The phone components contained white phosphorus. This chemical, when exposed to air and reaching the combustion point, will spontaneously ignite. Given that phones inherently contain explosive material, the internal combustion led to the phone exploding. One phone explosion triggered the self-ignition of the white phosphorus in other phones, causing serial explosions,” Captain Payne explained to Lysander.

This was the cause of the accident as currently understood, with no suspicious human activity detected as yet.

Lysander said, “I see.”

With that, he stood and left.


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