The Billionaire's Secret Quartet

Chapter 929

Chapter 929

Chapter 929

Chapter 929

In a dimly lit VIP lounge, Zane’s head was forcibly yanked up by one bodyguard as another snatched the untouched glass of bourbon from Thalassa and forced some of it down Zane’s throat before cruelly dousing the rest into his eyes.

“Ah! Mr. Sinclair, I was wrong, and I swear I won’t do it again. Please… have mercy…” Zane’s eyes burned fiercely as he screamed for mercy.

Thalassa, pale as a ghost, stood petrified, too terrified to utter a word.

She had always known Lysander to be ruthless, but witnessing his methods firsthand was utterly chilling.

“Throw him out,” Lysander commanded coldly.

The bodyguards dragged Zane away, his cries fading into the distance outside the lounge.

Thalassa remained frozen in place, not daring to even glance at Lysander.

“Mr. Sinclair, welcome! Please, have a seat,” Ethan greeted with a warm smile, pulling out a chair for Lysander.

Throughout the ordeal, Lysander didn’t spare Thalassa a glance, as if she were a stranger to him. He took a seat where Ethan had gestured.

The other executives were visibly shaken by Lysander’s icy and commanding presence, trembling in silence, too intimidated to speak.

Once Lysander was seated, they all bent over backwards to flatter him, unable to straighten their spines.

“We’re truly honored, Mr. Sinclair, that you, despite your busy schedule, took the time to be with us,” one executive said with a bow. “Indeed, Mr. Sinclair, please, let us share a drink,” Dante chimed in, reaching for a bottle of red wine to pour for Lysander.

Ethan grabbed the bottle from Dante, saying, “Mr. Sinclair never drinks such low-grade stuff.”

Dante’s face turned red, feeling embarrassed.

Ethan chuckled, “I have a few bottles of the good stuff stored here at the bar. I’ll have my secretary fetch them.”

Then, turning to Thalassa, who was still standing rigidly, he commanded, “Ms. Everhart, go to the bar and mention my name; they’ll hand over a bottle of the top-shelf liquor.”

Thalassa snapped out of her daze and quickly said, “Right away.”

As soon as she left the lounge, she took deep breaths, the oppressive atmosphere lifting slightly.

Zane faced a severe punishment for his inappropriate words and leering, and though Thalassa detested him, the intensity of Lysander’s response left her deeply unsettled.

If Zane’s retinas were damaged by the alcohol, could he go blind?

What if she made a mistake? Would Lysander subject her to such cruelty?

She remembered the day in his office when he had demanded she kneel before him, causing a shiver of fear to run through her.

Taking a moment to steady her breath, she walked towards the bar, only to have her path blocked.

Thalassa glanced up to find Susan, dressed in a revealing outfit, holding a cocktail with a seemingly friendly smile. “Thalassa, we meet again. I saw Mr. Sinclair enter the lounge earlier. Were you with him?”

Mr. Sinclair, of course, referred to Lysander.

Thalassa felt nothing but disdain for any member of Bruce’s family, her contempt deep-seated.

“You’re in my way,” she said icily.

Without another word, she sidestepped Susan and continued to the bar.

Susan’s friendly facade dropped as she turned around, her eyes revealing a fierce, resentful glare.

Seething, she whipped out her phone and texted Bruce: [Dad, didn’t you promise to help me become Lysander’s woman? Now’s your chance to deliver!]-


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