The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 139 - Hurt Oneself For Affection

Chapter 139 - Hurt Oneself For Affection

Alarm bells rang inside Lin Xiaofei's ears. She didn't know how things lead to her being pushed inside Qu Xing Xu's room. And she didn't know why her body doesn't seem to mind it at all. Was her brain affected after what happened yesterday? Or was she being influenced by Qu Xing Xu's shamelessness?

Before her conscience could even take control of her body and force her to go back to her room and lock it so that he wouldn't ever come inside her room again, Lin Xiaofei found herself sitting on the edge of a bed at the center of the room.

She saw Qu Xing Xu walking to the side and taking something from one of the compartments in the room.

She saw how he undid his robe without a hint of embarrassment or red tinge in his cheeks when he was supposed to be flustered as he did it in front of her.

And she saw how his eyes didn't leave her own while doing this.

She wanted to look away but somehow, she felt that it would be cowardly of her to avoid him. The rustling of clothes entered her ears and she could feel the tips of it turning red.

Was it right for her to just stay in his room and let him play with her emotions? Lin Xiaofei doubted that Qu Xing Xu had good intentions when he pushed her to his room.

When he told her that they would explore his room, was it right for her to think that he had other meanings behind his words?

Breathing deeply, Lin Xiaofei pursed her lips into a thin line. She was thinking about things too much that her mind was getting muddled by Qu Xing Xu's shamelessness.

"What are you thinking?" Came Qu Xing Xu's voice beside her. Lin Xiaofei almost gasped loudly from the sudden closeness and the fact that she didn't even notice how he got so close to her, she put all the blame on Qu Xing Xu and what happened yesterday.

"Nothing." She replied woodenly, trying to calm her nerves.

"It doesn't look like it's nothing though." Qu Xing Xu arched his brow with a hint of amusement.

Lin Xiaofei turned her head to look at him but she regretted doing so because when she turned her head, her nose almost touched his.

Gritting her teeth and forcing the shock and gasp that almost escape from her mouth, she forced a smile on her lips. "If you're so interested in what's in my mind. Why don't I go back to my room and let you lick your wound like a wounded animal while you mull over what I'm thinking."

Instead of getting offended with her comparing him to an animal, Qu Xing Xu's eyes glinted with amusement and Lin Xiaofei didn't like the meaning it held inside.

Damn it. The more she spends her time with him, the more she gets to know what kind of a man he is and what kind of effect he was doing on her.

Holding her hand out, palm facing upward, Lin Xiaofei said, "Give that to me."

It took a few seconds before Qu Xing Xu finally took his eyes off her and gave her the items that he got out of one of the compartments in the cabinet inside his room.

Under the warm and golden glow of the candle next to the bed, Lin Xiaofei waited for him to finish undoing his robe until his front was visible for her to treat and know how dangerous his wound is.

Lin Xiaofei had to squint her eyes to see the wound clearly with the little light that candle was offering to help her see clearly. Honestly, she wondered why his room was so dark and looked more like a graveyard than the real graveyard would like. At least, a graveyard would have the sun's light and let the place look a bit peaceful.

Thankfully, there was a small water basin next to the bed and she washed her hands with it. His wound might be a superficial one but Lin Xiaofei didn't want to be stupid and let it fester because of her clumsiness of not washing her hands.

Lin Xiaofei raised her hand, albeit slowly, touching the wound directly to know how deep the wound is, "A knife wound." She muttered softly but Qu Xing Xu heard her clearly.

"I got it when I was ambushed." He said.

"Ambushed?" Lin Xiaofei looked up at him. Surprised.

"Yes. Dozens of men in armors and swords came to us in the middle of the night. I was resting that time and didn't notice until I felt the danger and the knife swiped to my chest." He explained. Keeping up his expression calm and controlled in order to keep his lies reliable and truthful.

"I see…" Lin Xiaofei started to wash his wound with a clean towel, slowly and gently. She unconsciously tried to avoid adding more pain to him.

Qu Xing Xu observed her expression, trying to gauge it and tell whether she believed his lies.josei

And seeing how she didn't seem to stop her hand from wiping away the blood on his chest, Qu Xing Xu became satisfied and let her do her thing.

"I heard you stabbed someone in Bai Hua Lou." Qu Xing Xu suddenly asked after a long silence passed over them.

Pausing her hand mid-air, Lin Xiaofei put the towel down and nodded. "I presume, you already heard everything from Gu Yan." Her voice sounded tired.

"Yes, but not enough. What happened exactly for you to murder someone in broad daylight?"

Lin Xiaofei turned silent. She didn't know what kind of excuses she would tell him. And what's more, she's surprised that she was even thinking of formulating an excuse to him.

She sighed. "I was angry."

Qu Xing Xu waited for her to say more but with how she resumed giving his wound her attention, he concluded that she has no intention to tell him her reason and what happened exactly. He could investigate what happened and know it by the end of the day but still, it would be nice if the woman before him would tell him personally.

"And speaking of anger…" Her voice sounded once again and Qu Xing Xu was pulled out of his trance to look at her and found her glaring at him.

Then, he heard her continue speaking, "I remembered I should be angry at you for the instrument that you played in the Empress' confinement and crime."

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