The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 216 - Interesting Tastes

Chapter 216 - Interesting Tastes

"How's sister?" Yu Xuan Li sat on the edge of the bed, afraid that he would disturb his sister's rest.

Concubine Min shook her head, "The imperial doctors have already checked on her pulse and told us that the poison inside her was quickly eating away her body." Grabbing her son's hands, she continued, "Son, I don't want to lose your sister. She's my only daughter and I won't forgive myself if something happens to her."

Ever since she gave birth to the princess, Concubine Min's body has taken a toll from her last pregnancy and the danger of getting pregnant again was relatively high. Hence, even if she got the emperor's attention now, she wouldn't be able to give birth without choosing between herself and the child.

Humans are selfish in nature. No matter what, they will always pick themselves over the other even if there was blood that connects them. Concubine Min was also like this, thus she couldn't let herself get pregnant again and die without seeing her two children succeed in their lives.

Of course, Yu Xuan Li was pretty clear with his mother's thoughts abd agreed with her. The value of his sister was high as she was currently the favorite of their father.. Princess Gao was smart and took after their father's looks. Once the emperor saw the little princess' face when she was young, he was so pleased that he would always attend her birthday and gift her whatever she wanted.

Other princesses don't have this privilege and that only proves how useful Princess Gao to Yu Xuan Li, who wanted to get the throne from his father.

"I know mother." Yu Xuan Li lightly squeezed his mother's hands before letting go, "I've already sent some men to inquire about the antidote from the borders. Although there isn't much assurance that there will be news. But a small glimpse of hope is better than none."

Concubine Min was so happy to hear this from her son and held him a bit longer inside the room. They talked about the current events in the imperial palace before Yu Xuan Li walked out of there and returned to his residence.

"Your highness, should I draw up a bath for you?" One of his close attendants asked while his head was lowered.

Yu Xuan Li hummed his response and took off his outer robe. The attendant left after taking the robe and did what he had to do while his master waits inside his room.

"Ming." Yu Xuan Li sudden said under the cloak of silence. A man with a cloth mask covered his face appeared behind the shadowy pillar and kneeled in front if him.

"Your highness!" The man with the mask said in complete obeisance.

This man with his face covered in cloth was one of his hundred talented soldiers that was comparable to his father's thousand army. It wasn't only Yu Xuan Li who had the idea of keeping his own personal army but it was still hidden as it wouldn't be good if his father were to caught wind of it.

"Find out everything you can about the Fourth young lady from the Lin family." Yu Xuan Li told him without needing the man to ask him the reason behind his orders.

Like a trained dog, the man nodded his head deeply once before disappearing from his sight.

Inside the Lin residence.

Qu Xing Xu drank his tea as he watched his soon-to-be wife reading a book. Since there wasn't a lot of things for then to do before the wedding and since his people were the ones who did all the things necessary for their wedding, the both of them have a lot of spare time to waste.

And coincidentally and half intentionally, Qu Xing Xu wanted to waste his time inside her courtyard.

"Why are you staring at me?" Lin Xiaofei asked nonchalantly as she flipped another page from her book. She didn't have to raise her head to know that he was looking at her this whole time because the man didn't hide it.

She reached towards the teacup with her other hand before tipping it to her lips for her to drink when she suddenly heard him reply.

"My wife's too beautiful. I can't seem to take my eyes off her." Qu Xing Xu didn't shy away from commenting.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiaofei had to choke in her tea as she glared at him. But Qu Xing Xu only answered her glare with a bright smile as if he was the happiest man in the world by just getting a glare from her.

Honestly, Lin Xiaofei couldn't understand Qu Xing Xu's character anymore. He's too unpredictable and shameless that even Lin Xiaofei, who experienced two lives already had to bow down to his unabashedly self.

Since telling him to stop staring at her and scolding him would be pointless, Lin Xiaofei let him off this time.

"What are you reading?" Qu Xing Xu, who was curious and jealous at the book because it could her undivided attention, stood behind her.

"A friend recommended this book since I had nothing to do inside my room. I just started it so I'm not sure what's it about." Lin Xiaofei told him, remembering that it was Chu Chu who gave this book to her.

Qu Xing Xu listened to her but didn't seem to be interested to know mote about this friend. He leaned forward and put his hands on the armrest. His shadow entirely covered her sitting figure.

Reading the title of the book, his hands that was on the armrest twitched twice and a glint flashed in his eyes.

The book in her hand was definitely one of the most popular book that was mostly read by women from the brothel and lower ranking family. The higher ranking noble ladies would certainly not buy something that would stain their minds and keep them blushing every time they see a man. But that also didn't mean that they wouldn't be in possession of it in secret.josei

"Your… friend has interesting tastes." Qu Xing Xu ambiguously said and because Lin Xiaofei had her back on him, she didn't catch the smile on his lips.

Lin Xiaofei asked while flipping another page, "You've read this book too? Is it worthwhile to read?"

"Hm…" Qu Xing Xu hummed and without waiting for her to say anything more, he continued, "There's a lot of scenes that I like. But there's one that I wanted to try tonight."

Lin Xiaofei raised her eyebrows and wondered what part of the book made Qu Xing Xu think like this. So she innocently asked, "And that is?"

With his wicked smile on his lips, Qu Xing Xu raised his one hand to her head and twirled it in his fingers before saying, "It's the part where the nobleman took a bath with his woman. Makes me think of doing the same tonight."

"Are you willing?"

Lin Xiaofei: "…"

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