The Black Necromancer

Chapter 125 [Bonus Chapter] Reaping Gains

Chapter 125 [Bonus Chapter] Reaping Gains


A dark beam rose into the air, tearing through the ceiling of the hall. The beam rapidly consumed everything it touched as it spread, turning into a pitch black pillar that threatened to swallow up everything if left unattended to.


The air around the expanding beam of darkness cracked and stiffened, struggling to prevent the unhindered spread of the beam. Droplets of sweat dribbled down the side of Jet's head as he exerted himself to stop the beam.

After half a minute, the mana powering the beam finally fizzled out, and the beam vanished. With wide eyes, the dark haired man spun around to look at Leon, only to find Leon laying motionless on the ground, surrounded by his summons. There were cracks all over his body, and the mana around him was in disarray, creating small swirls of mana that was tainted with darkness and unholy energy.

Most of the summons close to the dark beam, including Nero, Grokus, and the B rank armored summons had been killed by the beam of darkness. Those that remained had gathered protectively around Leon, eyeing Jet with obvious hostility. Raising his hands, he stepped back before turning around to face the still living armored monsters. He had not done anything much to the giant boss, so his hands were still itching for him to do something.

So, with his spirit burning, he charged forward.



It was only after the rest of the armored monsters had been killed that Leon finally came to. His mana level was dangerously low, only about thirty percent, even after all the resting. The boosted recovery rate from the potion he had taken earlier had worn off, so he downed another potion, along with a health recovery potion.josei

After that, he finally turned his attention to the notifications that floated at the periphery of his vision.

[Level 100 Cowardly Knight King killed. You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]


[Congratulations! You have defeated the Second Floor Boss, Cowardly Knight King!]

[Floor rewards are now available to you!]


[Your skills: Spirit Summoning and Spirit Storage have reached level 100! They will now merge into Supreme Skill: Abyss of The Undead!]

[You have gained a Supreme Skill! You have been awarded the title of <Supreme>!]

Leon's jaw went slack when he saw the influx of notifications. He quickly opened his status window to check the changes he had gone through after this.


Name: Leon Cromwell

Race: Royal Obsidian Skeleton

Level: 13

Health Points: 10230/25500

Mana(Core): 6850/11900(+9300)

<Strength: 210> (+42)

<Agility: 185>

<Durability: 270>

<Intelligence: 280> (+28)

<Dexterity: 190> (+38)


<Apprentice Weapon Mastery level 62>, <Spell Weaver level 75>, <Apprentice Fire Magic level 50>, <Beginner Weapon Enhancement level 70>, <Beginner Curse Eyes level 80>, <Adaptable Body level 20>, <Apprentice Water Magic level 12>, <Apprentice Wind Magic level 19>, <Apprentice Earth Magic level 7>, <Apprentice Dark Magic level 20>, <Apprentice Gravity Magic level 20>

Supreme Skills:

,m <Abyss Of The Undead>


<Slayer of Ghosts>

<God's Disciple (Michael's Blessing)>


Title Perks:

<Slayer of Ghosts>: You have stood tall against adversities, both living, dead, and those in between! This title is your reward!

+10% Intelligence.

<God's Disciple (Michael's Blessing)>: You can now carry out the will of your God!

+20% Dexterity, +20% Strength.

<Supreme>: When fighting, one of your stats will randomly increase manifold!


Leon stared dumbly at the screen, with his mind completely numb. The last time that he had seen such explosive growth in his stats was when he had ranked up. Indeed, a B rank being was vastly different from a C rank being. Before, his stat growth was very slow and he did not bother to keep count, but now, he could clearly see the differences.

'Wait, I wonder how the stats of the others have changed.' He wondered. It had been a while since he last checked the stats of Nedra and the others.

"Nedra, come over here." He called the giant white millipede to his side. As she came closer, she reduced her size until she was the size of a normal dog. Then she settled beside Leon and let him look up her status.

[Summoning Appraisal]

Name: Nedra

Race: High Undead Millipede Queen

Level: 6

Health Points: 17000

Mana: 9500

<Strength: 230>

<Agility: 200>

<Durability: 170>

<Intelligence: 185> (+19)

<Dexterity: 160>


<Raging Mind level 80>, <Berserk Charge level 65>, <Hive Mind level 92>, <Apprentice Wind Magic level 22>, <Apprentice Water Magic level 7>, <Apprentice Earth Magic level 12>, <Suppression level 32>


<Mother of Ghosts>

Title Perks:

<Mother of Ghosts>: As the first Queen of the Ghost Millipedes, you have watched over their emergence into the world. This Title is your reward!

+10% Intelligence.


Leon was satisfied when he finished going over Nedra's status page. Although her stats were not as high as his own, even though she was once stronger than him, she was still quite impressive. Her growth made him curious to see his other summons' status pages, but before he could, Jet called his name, snapping out of his haze of thought.

"Oi, Lex. Come over here!" The dark haired man said excitedly. He used his strength to push aside the giant stone throne that the armored giant had been sitting on. Leon quickly hurried over, and when he stopped beside Jet, his mouth had involuntarily formed an O shape.

"Haha! This looks good! It's just as much as when I got from the dungeon!" Leon exclaimed. Beneath the throne was an immense room that was filled with treasures of all kind. Leon sent in a few spiders to probe the place for traps, but there was nothing down there that could harm them.


Leon's booted feet slammed into the ground down below, followed by Jet and the others. His eyes shone with greed as he beheld the many treasures waiting for him to pick. Just as he was about to move forward, he paused and turned to Jet. The B rank expert had been very helpful during the fight. Jet noticed Leon turning his way and shook his head.

"Go ahead. When I clear the next dungeon, the spoils will be mine." He said and shrugged.

Leon nodded and moved ahead, his gaze roaming over the wealth just sitting around. A silver light flashed across his face and he paused, turning to look in that direction.

A four feet tall stone pedestal stood in the middle of a pile of gold. On top of the pedestal was a round, silver orb that was about the size of Leon's closed fist. Only after taking in the silver orb did Leon notice that there were three other orbs sitting silently on three shorter pedestals. The orbs were not silver, however, but instead they were pure black. The material that they were made of seemed to be swimming around, constantly twisting and moving, but retaining that spherical shape.

"Master." All of a sudden, a pitch black humanoid figure appeared beside Leon.

"Abyssus? What is it?" Leon wondered why this dungeon butler had suddenly showed up.

"Master, I want those black orbs. They can directly boost my strength to B rank. I am not sure how much they might boost my strength, but it will be considerable." Abyssus told Leon, and Leon was greatly pleased. If Abyssus' strength went up to B rank, then all of the creatures within the dungeon would also rise up in strength. This was a great thing! Abyssus already had one leg inside the door to B rank, so all he needed was one more push and he would be right up there.

"Go ahead, but leave one." Leon gave the go ahead and Abyssus surged forward, the blackness that made up his physical body splitting up to gobble up two spheres at the same time, leaving the last one untouched.

Leon strode forward, but ignored the remaining black sphere. Instead, he took the silver sphere in his hand, wondering what it did. All of a sudden, the silver sphere burst apart, but instead of splashing all over the floor, it latched onto him, and a sizzling sound began to ring out.

"Argh!" Leon cried out, and Jet was about to step in to help when Leon held up an arm. He was not stopping Jet because he liked pain. Instead, he was stopping him because a notification had popped up in front of him.

[Durability +1]

[Durability +1]


With each passing second, the silver substance that made up the orb continued to dig into his bones while adding points of Durability to his stats. Three agonizing minutes passed by before the pain finally faded away.

[Durability +150]

Leon coughed. Because what else could he do right now? He had suddenly gotten a hundred and fifty points into his Durability stat out of nowhere. Each stat of durability he had added up right now went to boosting his overall health points. Not to mention that it also made him a lot more sturdier. If the armored giant were to hit him again, then he was sure it would not do as much damage.

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