The Black Necromancer

Chapter 437 Atrox's Divine Spark (2)

Chapter 437 Atrox's Divine Spark (2)

Leon bathed in the powerful and potent energy that surged around him, greedily absorbing it and using it to refine his core. After the cleansing and enlightenment he had gained from the Temple of Gods, he naturally knew what he needed to do in this situation.

Nedra could not withstand the pure energy that permeated through the air. It eroded her will, which had not yet reached the necessary threshold to withstand such pressure like Leon. She quickly merged with Leon to avoid doing any damage to her soul.

Leon paid no heed to any of this. His entire focus was put on refining the power that was within the Divine Spark.

As this Divine Spark once belonged to a powerful Major God, and it had not been too long ago since he died, a powerful ego still remained imprinted within the Divine Spark. Leon felt it try to erode his soul and take over his body. If it was able to accomplish this, then Leon would become the vessel through which Atrox would be born again into this world.

A fierce struggle between Leon's ego and the passive ego of the dead God of Tyranny erupted. The air around the floating island was abuzz with energy. If anyone below a certain level of strength were to be caught in the struggle, they would instantly be torn to shreds!

Within Leon's mental space, he found himself face to face with a malevolent figure. This figure was none other than the remnant ego that belonged to Atrox.

"Puny Undead. Do you really think it is that easy to absorb my Divine Spark to become a God? I will devour your soul and be reborn!" Atrox's remnant ego roared and waves of power shook Leon's mind.

However, he held firm, not budging in the face of this seemingly overwhelming power.

"You speak big words for the remnant of a fallen ego." Leon responded with a firm expression. As he spoke, his armor appeared around him and his aura also soared wildly. He was ready for battle.

A mental battle was very different from a physical one and mainly had to do with visualizing and controlling the mind to fight the way one wanted. The strength of a person's soul and mind greatly determined how well one would be able to cope in a mental battle.

Just now, by visualizing and mentally summoning his armor, Leon had greatly fortified and boosted the defense of his mind against any attacks launched by Atrox.

Leon scoffed as the black ground below their feet began to rumble. It was not actually solid ground, but a black sea, which represented Leon's consciousness. As it bubbled, hands began to reach out from it, forming tens of thousands of powerful Undead summons.

"You are in my territory, Atrox. You play by my rules. You can't defeat me." Leon said confidently. He was so confident because he knew that Atrox could never display the strength that he once had. Not only was he a remnant ego, but Michael had also spent a lot of time on eroding that ego, leaving it with merely a shadow of what strength it once had.

Atrox's expression crumpled as he saw that his bluff had failed. He spread open his hands and a black-red flame lit up on his palms.


Before he could make a move, Leon struck first, vanishing from where he stood and appearing in front of Atrox in a split second. His knee slammed into Atrox's middle, sending him flying into the distance.I think you should take a look at


A wall of black matter rose up and stopped Atrox's flight. However, before he could recover, a wave of attacks from all of Leon's summons that he had gathered in his mental space rained over Atrox.

"Argh!" Atrox's distressed grunt rang out as he was buried in the wave of attacks. Leon smirked when he checked on the strength of Atrox's ego. Already, it was at a very weak level when Michael handed it over to him. He had eroded it to near death, but left enough of it for Leon to destroy and absorb. Already, he had this in the bag.

Atrox's strength right now was only equivalent to a Mid A rank at best. With such measly strength, Leon could easily blast him away.

Attacks rained down on Atrox without stop for the next five minutes. Eventually, they ceased as Leon felt that Atrox's remnant ego had been beaten within a hair's breadth of life.


In an instant, the broken body of Atrox's remnant ego was revealed. It had turned into a translucent body made of energy that seemed to be on the verge of falling apart.

Tap tap tap...

Leon stopped a foot away from the crumbling ego. He looked down mockingly at it.

"It seems this is the end of the road, Atrox. You can rest easy knowing that I will put your Divine Spark to good use. I will surpass you in every way you can imagine." Leon said and held out his hand. Immediately, a powerful suction force emanated from his body, sucking in the fragments and energy remnants that formed Atrox's remnant ego.josei

"Leon Cromwell... I... curse you..." Atrox managed to whisper just before he was completely devoured by Leon.

"I gladly accept that curse." Leon replied just as the remnant ceased to exist.

He sighed and let his mind rest. It had not been too taxing, but it was still something. However, with the remnant ego having been disposed of, all this Divine Energy was his for the taking!

Just as Leon was thinking this to himself, a bright light suddenly illuminated his dark mental space. He looked up and saw a giant white crystal descending from the sky and gently lowering itself until it sat in the center of his mental space. It did not take much to know what this giant white crystal was.

A Divine Spark! And one that was cleansed and ready to be imprinted upon by Leon!

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