The Blessed

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

A banquet entertaining the guests got spoiled by those people. They even missed settled time to open the banquet. The first thing after Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan went back in was to order Song Gengniu and others to prepare to start the banquet. Since there were too many people, and in the village, they didn'™t have so many etiquettes like men, women and kids under seven shouldn'™t share one table. Ling Jingxuan just let people to place that specially-customized rectangle big table in the spacious front yard, women and kids took one table, men were too many and occupied five whole tables, those servants still not included.

On the banquet, chicken, duck, fish and pork, all meat dishes you could imagine, and a few exquisite bamboo baskets not far away, with white and hot steamed buns and meat-stuffed buns inside. At the tail of each table laid a giant wooden steamer, inside of which the rice made one drool. Such a big banquet should have never been seen in villages. But everyone there had no mood to pick up their chopsticks, since they were still worried about one thing'”the plague Ling Jingxuan just said. So, however delicious the food tasted, it wasn'™t more important than their lives!

'œThank you all for taking the time to come and help me build the house. Sorry to have troubled you. I would like to offer you a toast with a cup of tea instead of wine. If there is any place I need your help, I still have to bother you.'

As if he didn'™t feel the eerie quietness at all, Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui gave each other an eye, and then nodded at his two younger brothers. Then they all stood up and made a toast to the guests. After saying those words, they spontaneously raised their heads and drank off the tea in the cup. After his two younger brothers sat down, Ling Jingxuan asked, pretending to be confused, 'œWhy don'™t you drink?'

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| Is the plague that terrible? Look at them all so frightened. Come on!

'œAhem, well, brother Ling, is it true that woman got the plague?'

Everyone felt embarrassed to open their mouths. So Shopkeeper Zhang cleared his throat and asked the doubts under everyone'™s heart on their behalf. Over a hundred guests all looked over at him. Ling Jingxuan smiled, 'œPlague? Where is that? I just lied to them. With my diagnosis, Lady Jiang should have caught some kind of skin disease, the kind hard to cure, but it wouldn'™t be contagious. Brother Zhang, rest assured. If you are still worried, later I will give you prescription for clearing away heat and toxic materials in the body, you buy the herbs need from the medicinal shop. Two doses would be enough.'

In front of so many people, he certainly would not say that he poisoned her. As long as someone got infected of that kind of poison, it looked quite horrible, in fact, not infectious at all, and it wouldn'™t kill people. Only a kind of poison that specially tortured people.

'œThat'™s great! It nearly scared me to death. I thought it is really plague. You don't know, the last plague in the town made everyone jittery. So scary!'


Shopkeeper Zhang patted on his chest exaggeratedly. Then everyone who finally got the accurate answer laughed out. The banquet started officially till now, the fragrant meat dishes on the table put an edge on their appetite. And those four tables of workers all ate to their hearts'™ content. And the table holding those women and kids were also quite lively, now and then you could hear the sound of them fighting for the food, and occasionally some little kids'™ crying sound. The whole courtyard was so alive.

'œDaddy, shall we sit with you?'

Later, Ling Wen and Ling Wu, holding their bowls pitifully, came before their father and daddy. They were the hosts at the table with woman and kids. But'¦Someone always said some harsh words. They could stand it that they totally had no table manners, a woman even just helped the kid pee and poop by holding his legs apart by the table! The toilet was just over there not far away. Their grandma just said she shouldn'™t do that by the table, she immediately talked back. They really couldn'™t stand it.

Both the two little buns'™ mouths pouted so high that one could even hang a chamber pot on them. Ling Jingxuan threw a look over at that table on the side, then moved his body and pulled them to sit between him and Ling Jingxuan, 'œI was about to ask someone to call you. In the future, Mr. Chu and your brother Yan will stay home to teach you things. So it'™d temporarily save your trouble going back and forth every day. Come on! Use the tea to propose a toast!'

Noticing that they were afraid that he would criticize them for not fulfilling their duty as the little hosts, Ling Jingxuan said that while pouring the tea for them. The two little buns'™ attention instantly got shifted, and the pitiful look also disappeared. They both took up the cut and proposed to Chu Ci and his son next to Ling Jingxuan, 'œUncle Chu, brother Yan, thank you for teaching us so many things. Thank you!'

The two little buns were quite sensible, and also clever. Chu Ci always wore that ice-cold face to anyone, but only showed that fatherly smile before them.

Yan Shengrui secretly gave his thumbs-up to Ling Jingxuan behind their back. Impressive! Just a few words and he already relieved their fear. Ling Jingxuan smiled faintly. It'™s really no big deal. He just cared about the kids.

'œDaddy, this steamed large intestines with rice flour is so delicious, and the sweet potatoes below are also delicious. Great grandpa, grandpa, have a taste. Every time daddy could come up with a lot of special dishes.'josei

While eating, the small bun still didn'™t forget to entertain everyone. Looking at his mouth covered in oil, everyone couldn'™t help laughing out, meanwhile, they also indirectly felt that dish they found so strange at first was really delicious. So everyone '˜attacked'™ at the steamed large intestines with rice flour in the wooden steamer using their chopsticks.

'œWell, it's really not bad. Fat but not greasy, smooth and refreshing. Brother Ling, you came up with this?'

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