The Blessed

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

“Yes, all of it. To be honest, since Your Excellency has exempted me of three years’ taxes, it should have extra demands, but my money is only enough for fifty thousand mu. So, I am wondering, if Your Excellency could charge me fifty thousand taels for all the wasteland.”

He had thought about it. If he had decided to do it, he would do it big. He had forty thousand taels in his hands as circulating fund now, and six thousand as changes, plus Zhao&Han couple’s three thousand, and a thousand of Jingpeng, it should be enough. As for the money used to hire the workers, he could only make more jam and earn money after going back.

“Have you... really thought this through? It's more than fifty thousand mu. When the time comes, taxes will kill you.”

Swallowing some saliva with difficulty, Hu Lizhi still can't believe what his ears heard. Does he really have the balls or just try to hitch his wagon to a star?

“As the saying goes, encourage makes miracles and weakness brings poverty. How would I know if I don’t give it a try? As long as you agree, I will immediately pay and sign the contract.”

Compared with his shock, Ling Jingxuan still looked calm and confident. Since he had made a decision, he would not allow himself to waver.

“Encourage makes miracles and weakness brings poverty? All right, I will make you!”

Then, Hu Lizhi patted on his thigh and got up, then walked before the desk and took up the brush, and wrote the title deed and the tax-exemption paper for him in person, and finally sealed them for him. And finally, he handed them before Ling Jingxuan, “This is your last chance. After you sign your name and make your mark, the title deed and the statement would go into effect.”

“Hehe…Thank you my lord. Since I have decided, I won’t regret it. Three years is enough for me to grow out things. However, I may have to trouble Your Honor to write the two contracts again. The five thousand mu of land should be under the names of Zhao Dalong and Han Fei, and the remaining forty-seven thousand mu is mine.”

Standing up and glancing at the name on the contract, Ling Jingxuan said with a smile that the land was almost theirs at this point.

“Five thousand Mu? Jingxuan...”

As soon as hearing that they could actually have five thousand mu, Zhao Dalong reflectively cried out. They had already taken enough advantage of him. How could they accept this?

But Ling Jingxuan did not give him a chance to say that, “Brother Zhao, I have decided.”

The tone was unassailable strong, and his originally mild breath suddenly turned, not only Zhao Dalong was startled, even Hu Lizhi and others all got startled. They had talked for so long, he always thought he was a gentle man like water, unexpectedly…he had hidden himself so deep. What kind of person is he after all?

“Please, Lord Hu.”

After making sure that Zhao Dalong would not speak, Ling Jingxuan instantly withdrew his overwhelming momentum, and resumed his moderate appearance, as if he had always been this gentle.


Hu Lizhi who totally couldn’t catch up with what was happening nodded, turned back and in accordance with his requirements, to rewrite a few contracts, except the land lease, there was a tax exemption statement. Ling Jingxuan carefully checked them, after making sure there was no problem, he let Ling Jingpeng make a few copies, and then left his signature and fingerprint, and by then, those things came into effect.

“Here is the bank notes for fifty thousand taels of silver, my lord. Please count them.”

Putting away the contracts, Ling Jingxuan felt out the bank note, received Zhao Dalong’s, and let Ling Jingpeng take out his one thousand, then handed them all to Hu Lizhi.

“Well, the figure is right, Doctor Ling, now that the land is yours, can you tell me the truth now? Is it that you have already did the experiment and are a hundred percent sure that you can grow things out of that wasteland?”

If not, how dare he buy so much land at a time? Though he could not believe it, it was the only possibility.

“Hehe…How is that even possible? I really don't know if I can grow anything out of it, Lord Hu. If there is nothing else, we'll leave first, the children are still waiting for us in Xinyuan.”

Things done, there was no need for them to stay. As saying so, Ling Jingxuan stood up, but Hu Lizhi suddenly said, “Where do you live? When you start farming, I must go to have a careful look.”

“I'm from Ling village, Datong town. Oh right, my lord, there is one more thing that needs your help, my aunt's husband’s family is in Shangwan village, Datong town, but many years ago, her husband died because of illness, leaving her alone taking care of her two children. I guess you should know that the life for a widow is extra hard. They got bullied all the year around and nearly couldn’t live. Before, my family was also quite poor and even if we wanted to help them, we couldn’t. Now that we finally have some money, so I want to help them move to my village to live. I wonder if Your Excellency would issue an order to change their residence registration to Ling village?”

Hearing that he asked about his address, Ling Jingxuan finally thought of the things he promised Wang Jinyu, while blaming himself in the heart, he briefed the whole thing to Hu Lizhi.

“If your uncle-in-law really has gone and they are also willing to, I can make the decision to move their household registration to your village, but it requires you aunt or cousins to the yamen for verification. When it’s convenient for them, you can ask them to find me. Just let them say your name and I will know when they come.”

For Hu Lizhi, this was a trivial matter, so he wouldn’t mind selling him this face.

“Thank you, Your Excellency.”

Having already anticipated that he would agree, Ling Jingxuan nodded to express his gratitude, turned around and left the study with Ling Jingpeng and Zhao Dalong. As Hu Lizhi watched their back, his eyes emerged a lot of complex feeling, then it finally turned into a deep sigh.

“This man is really something. He will make big achievements some day!”

After quite some time, the study rang out the deep voice of Hu Lizhi.

“Brother Zhao, this is your land deed and tax exemption deed, keep them well.”

Out of the yamen, after climbing onto the carriage, Ling Jingxuan gave the land deed and the tax exemption deed to the Zhao&Han couple.

“But…Jingxuan, how can we divide five thousand mu?”

Not daring to take the deeds, Zhao Dalong looked tangled. With a light smile, Ling Jingxuan stuffed them into his hand, “Why not? Anyway, the extra two thousand mu is for free. Just take them.”

He still had 47,000 mu of it, heehee…Until this time next year, he really would be rich! But now, it looked like he got bankrupt. He had to figure out a way to make more money, or he’d feel insecure.

“Brother Zhao, just accept it. You know my big brother. Besides, we can’t go back to ask Excellency Hu to rewrite it now, right?”

Seeing that, Ling Jingpeng smiled and relieved Zhao Dalong, and finally Zhao Dalong carefully put away the title deeds, secretly vowed in his heart that he must repay him in the future.

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