The Blessed

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

The next day, as Ling Jingxuan had expected, wolf daddy brought a wild ox back for them. A big smile crawled onto his face as he looked at it. Even the two cubs hunted a spore and a wild goat nearly the size of them separately. In order to reward them, Ling Jingxuan went to their little hours to refill the spring water for them, and offered them the remained jerkies at home. From beginning to end, wolf daddy was wearing that disdainful look, while the two cubs were growling overjoyfully.

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| “Gengniu, save one leg of the wild ox for us to eat. Take all the rest to town and sell it. Then buy more corn flour and wheat flour.”

Beef was very expensive, and this one was at least several hundred jin, selling it, it would be enough for the board wages for those workers who would open up the wasteland for them. Watching Old Song proficiently dissecting the wild ox, Ling Jingxuan wore a hearty smile. So, it was true that wolf daddy was the most reliable one except him.josei

“Got it!”

Old Song, who had already been busy in the morning, wore a smile on that sweating face. His master had always been very generous and they usually had their share of what they ate. He had never eaten beef in his decades of life.

“Jingxuan, how to cook the beef?”

Lady Wang and her younger sister were also full of smiles. Did Song Gengniy think they had ever had some? The yamen made it clear that slaughtering farm cattle is against the law, while a wild one was extra strong, so it was impossible for farmers like them to eat beef.

“Stir fry it with pepper and ginger, but the beef must be wrapped with some sweet potato powder, or it would taste not good, I’ll personally cook for you later at noon.”

“Great! Daddy, I want to eat a huge piece!”

Hearing that, the small bun excitedly clapped his hands, he liked what daddy cooked most, even the simplest dishes, he could cook it even more delicious than the restaurant, and Sister-in-law Song was also capable enough. As long as she saw daddy cook for once, she would learn how. So, every time, she’d try different dishes for them, so in recent months, they had enjoyed a lot of delicious food.

“Hehe…you little foodie! It wouldn’t taste good if the pieces are too big. Today I will make dish called stir-fried beef slices today. As for the rest, let Sister-in-law Song to make beef jerky for you as snacks.”

Amused, knocking his head gently, Ling Jingxuan bent down to hold him up. Head tilted, the small bun thought a bit and then said obediently, “OK, I like beaf jerky, daddy, are you going to town today?”

“Yes, what?”

As things were done here, Ling Jingxuan took him to walk toward the room, while Yan Shengrui, holding the big bun, walked with them side by side, and others also went back. A new day had begun again. After breakfast, they should also go busy with the work.

“Xinyuan's roast duck is delicious. I want to eat it again. Daddy bring one back for me, OK?”

The few roast ducks brought back yesterday were not enough at all for such a big family, so the small bun asked so while recalling the taste, swallowing some saliva. To him, who only had the eating behavior, Ling Jingxuan was thoroughly speechless. However delicious one thing is, if you eat it every day, you’d have enough!

“Xiaowu, daddy is going to town to do something big, so stop pestering daddy to buy food for you. Besides, don’t we have beef to eat today? How about eat the roast duck some other day?”

Shaking off Yan Shengrui’s hand, the big bun went forward to pull his younger brother. It was not that he was being stingy again, he just didn’t want him to eat too much greasy food and become a fat bun. Daddy once said, being too thin or too fat were both not good. Finally they grew a little stronger, he couldn’t let his younger brother to go to another extreme.

“Fine, but daddy, do bring it for me next time.”

Tilting his head to take a look at his elder brother and then the smiling daddy and father, the small bun pouted his little mouth, a face of reluctance. Yan Shengrui and Ling Jingxuan gave each other an eye, both read helplessness in each other’s eyes.

“Big cousin, I plan to go to the county to change my registered residence today, what do you think?”

When the whole family was sitting around the table, Zhang Qing suddenly looked at Ling Jingxuan and asked so. Last night he had consulted with his younger brother, both thought their big cousin said it right. This thing should be done early, so they could save a lot of unnecessary trouble. As for the few mu of land and that shabby house in Shangwan village, they’d leave it there for the time being, after all, that was things their father left them.

“Hmm, OK, you can quote my name directly. I have already talked with Lord Magistrate about it and he has agreed. Recently I’ll hired workers to open up the wasteland, and I guess I’ll need a lot. On the starting-up day, Guarantor Liu will also be there. Then you can ask him to find a homestead nearby for you by the way. For farmers like us, we’ll only feel eased with a house and some land.”

It was not that he didn’t want them to stay here. Actually he was doing it for their good. Once they transferred their household registration here, if they still stayed at his place, people would start to gossip again. He personally wouldn’t give it a sh*t, but his aunt would mind, wouldn’t she? After all, all those years, she had suffered enough from it.

“Hmm, I know. Then I’ll take a boat to the county later.”

Nodding, Zhang Qing could not help speeding up eating his food. Wang Jinyu and her son Zhang both raised a smile, they were finally liberated.

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