The Blessed

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Getting their marriage paper didn'™t need the approval of the magistrate. They only needed to go to his assistant who was responsible for regulating the paperwork. The assistant of Qingyang County was a man in his fifties, but already looked quite aged, with very long goatees. When Yan Shengrui said his name, he even had no response at all. They both felt strange. But after thinking it carefully, they knew what was happening. Who was Prince Sheng? Someone who could shoulder with heaven and earth in Qing Kingdom! Under normal circumstances, no one would connect him with a farmer, like Ling Chenglong and others also had no specially feelings after knowing that his surname was Yan. Maybe except someone like Ling Jinghan who always considered things thoroughly, others wouldn'™t take it to the heart at all.josei

"Just sign your names here separately."

The old assistant soon wrote the marriage paper. After handling them a copy each, he pointed at a spot at the bottom. A marriage paper usually had three copies, almost the same like in the 1980s in modern times. Just a piece of paper. And the new couple and undertaker all had to sign their names on it. Then the couple kept one each, and one for the yamen to save. Then their marriage relationship would be legalized.

"Do you need to be so excited?"

As Ling Jingxuan who was taking out his specially made charcoal pencil inadvertently swept over at Yan Shengrui whose hand holding the marriage paper was actually trembling, a helpless but kind of sweet smile climbed at the corner of his mouth. Come on! Aren'™t you the general and the prince? Do you need to behave like that?

"Shut up! Sign it now!"

Being exposed on spot, Yan Shengrui felt kind of awkward, so, after throwing him a star, he took up the pen and signed his name on it. Then, he still didn'™t forget to leave his fingerprint. Seeing that, Ling Jingxuan helplessly shook his head. With a wave of his charcoal pencil, he also wrote his name on it. Then the two of them exchanged the paper and signed their names on the three copies.

"It'™s done. Congratulations!"

After the old assistant carefully confirmed it, he took the official seal and stamped on each of them, thus their marriage was finally settled.

"Thank you so much, my lord."

In a rarely good mood, the two of them cupped their hands, and then carefully stuffed the copies that belonged to them into the pouch.

"Childe Ling, right? Our Lord asks to see you."

As they were about to leave, a yamen runner ran over. The two of them who didn'™t mean to bother the magistrate gave each other a look. Now they had no choice but to pay a visit to Magistrate Hu who had helped them a lot.

"Hahe'¦Jingxuan, finally I got you! Look at you! Why didn'™t you come to me?'

Still in the study last time, seeing Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui come in, Hu Lizhi hurriedly went forward to welcome them. Since Ling Jingxuan had bought the wasteland from him, he had asked people to keep an eye on him. And just because of that, he basically knew every move of him. So, he also knew that under Ling Jingxuan'™s work, the wasteland had greatly changed. Even though it was still unknown whether he could really grow things out of it, only by looking at those straight ridges in the field, he already felt blissfully happy.

"Greetings, Lord Hu. Lord Hu is so busy, how can I both you with such a trivial thing?'

Ling Jingxuan raised a smile while cupped his hands. To this magistrate, he held a pretty good impression.

"Getting married is never a trivial thing. Jingxuan'¦who is this?'

As Magistrate Hu said, his eyes inevitably saw Yan Shengrui standing by Ling Jingxuan'™s side. Having been in the official circles for so long, almost in an instant, Hu Lizhi felt that kind of overwhelming aura on him. Suspicion was filled in his eyes. Since when their Qingyang County had such an uncommon man? Besides, not knowing whether it was his illusion or what, he felt that he should have seen him somewhere before.

"Hehe'¦He is my man Shengrui. He doesn't talk much. Hope you wouldn'™t'™ mind."

With a glance at Yan Shengrui, Hu Lizhi saw that he held one hand behind, thin lips slightly pursed, a pair of tiger eyes looking so majestic, the whole body suffused with that kind of dominant feeling. Ling Jingxuan helplessly held his forehead, and introduced him as simply as he could. Why is this as*hole trying to impress? If Magistrate Hu became suspected, they'™d get into more trouble!


Magistrate Hu, though unlike his assistant, only by a name, would never doubt his identity. He was only shocked by his overwhelming aura and couldn'™t help throwing a few more glances. Then he turned to smile at Ling Jingxuan, 'œGood for you. When are you gonna hold the wedding? I wonder if I have the honor to be present?'

Speaking of which, under his leadership, the three of them had sat down on the chair in the study. Ling Jingxuan smiled faintly, 'œWe'™ll hold it tomorrow. If you don'™t mind, it'™s really our honor if you can come.'

Although a magistrate was only a minor official, it wasn'™t a bad thing to get related with him.

'œIt'™s settled then. Of course I will come. Jingxuan, I heard that you have already had the wasteland sorted out. I guess you should know the sea water will flow back by the middle of October. Then what you have done will go for nothing. So don'™t keep me blinded. What are you planning? What are you going to plant next year?'

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