The Blessed

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

In fact, before marrying the emperor, he was not like this. Only after having been conferred as the crown princess had he become so cold, remaining aloof from the world.

“Hmm. It seems that as*hole emperor has his redeeming feature.”

Nodding, Ling Jingxuan said some approving words, but had a slight twitch with sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. Only the thing he coldly watched his own son Yan’er get sliced but did nothing, he already couldn’t generate any good feeling about him.

And also for this matter, after he saw the emperor, he had never shown him a good face, and he avoided any chance to see him, which also gave the emperor a big headache. One should know, he was the genuine Crown Princess Sheng!

"Hehe…only you would call him as*hole. Honestly speaking, you and Shengrui really match. In and out the court, Shengrui should be the only one who dares to say no before him and he could do nothing.”josei

The words as*hole emperor undoubtedly amused Chu Yunhan, which was also why he would choose to tell him his biggest secret, because he trusted him from the bottom of his heart.

"You only know it now?"

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε| Saying he and Yan Shengrui match, he wouldn’t say no. He bent over and pulled open the drawer, took out a thick pile of papers and pushed it before him, “This is the drawings and annotation about the inner sea control, and some relevant knowledge about agricultural transformation I have summarized myself. On the way back, you need to memorize them all and then burn them. Don’t let them fall into other’s hands. Agriculture is the weakest spot of Qing Kingdom. As long as you can make some useful suggestions on it, you should be able to win the emperor’s trust. If he doesn’t buy it, you can say that the saline-alkaline land planting I am experimenting on is your idea and I only pay for it. And with Shengrui and Lord Six’s side lobby, I’m afraid he’d have no reason to doubt it. But, don’t tell him who I am first. Just say you accidentally met a widower whose wife has just died. I don’t want to expose Xiaowen and Xiaowu so early.”

Since he had felt his change, Ling Jingxuan had started to prepare those things. If he planned to assist Seven (Qi) to seize the throne, the first thing was to help Yunhan resume his title. Those things could become the sharpest weapon. As for how to carry it out, that was Chu Yunhan’s thing. Those were all he could do.

"Fish in the rice fields? Is that going to work? Won't the fish eat the seedlings?"

Thumbing through those papers, Chu Yunhan became more and more excited, after all, he was the empress, who put the whole world in his heart. If he could do something for the civilians and take the chance to resume his title, of course he’d be 100% willing to do that.

"You can pick out some trial spots in a few villages outside the capital. If it works, you can popularize it in large areas the next year. If so, the farmers can also gain some extra income. Even if the taxes are a bit heavy, it wouldn’t arouse the public complaints. Of course, you can’t collect taxes for fish raising. Just take it as some welfare the court gives them. Yunhan, you got to do it properly, and also intelligently. You should let people know those are your ideas, and let all the civilians feel grateful to you. And in this way, he’d have no choice but to resume your position as the empress. Be it the emperor or the empress, or even the princes, the popular support is the foundation. You must always keep that in mind.”

Leafing through the keys points about the diversified utilization of the rice field he was pointing at, Ling Jingxuan said deeply. No one was clearer than him about it. This method should be workable. Raising fish in the rice field. Not only the fish wouldn’t chew the seedlings, but also their faeces could supply nutrients for the seedlings, which would indirectly help increase production. When the rice was ripe, the fish also grew up. Apparently it was a win-win thing.

"Hmm, thank you, Jingxuan. I will make good use of those things.”

Nodding, Chu Yunhan withdrew his eyes from those papers reluctantly. He raised his head and looked into his eyes with gratitude. This big gift was enough to help him grab the position back.

"Don't thank me, whether it’d succeed or not depends on how you do it. I can’t help with the following things. Chu Ci, this is the last time I call you this. Whatever happens in the future, don’t hold back. I hope the first thing I’d do after going to the capital is not to attend your or Yan’er’s funeral.”

Fixing his eyes on his, Ling Jingxuan was extremely serious. In his heart, Chu Ci was already his bosom friend. And Yan’er was his other kid. He didn’t want either of them to have any accident and he had to take the revenge right after he went to the capital. He was never afraid of losing blood, but it didn’t mean he liked blood. If possible, he’d rather that he could stay in this place and be a super-rich landlord forever.

"I promise you, when you take the children back to the capital, I will welcome you as the empress with Seven."

Chu Yunhan didn’t avoid it, only stared at him firmly. If he still couldn’t protect himself safe under the condition that Jingxuan had made so many preparations for him and grab back things that belonged to him, then he’d really deserve to die.

“OK. Deal!”

Ling Jingxuan stood up and held out his hand to him. Chu Yunhan strangely looked at his hand, and tentatively stretched out his to hold it. The moment those two hands held together, something called friendship took root firmly. Chu Yunhan who still hadn’t understood what shaking hands meant slowly wore a smile. Ling Jingxuan suddenly felt that that was the most beautiful smile in his two lives.

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