The Blessed

Chapter 432

Chapter 432

"You don’t have to wait. No one ordered you to wait for me. You can only blame yourself for coming while I was still taking a walk outside.”

After receiving the tea from Zhao Shan and taking a sip, Ling Jingxuan said slowly. As his due date was approaching, he didn’t want to die while giving birth. Let alone Zeng Shaoqing today, even if His Majesty came, he wouldn’t change his route. So, he either waited here, or got out of here already!josei

"So it’s my bad coming all the way from the capital to send you something?”

Zeng Shaoqing was so speechless. Come on! Ever since Yunhan resumed his title, on one hand, he had to beware of his emperor cousin to sleep the one on his heart, on the other hand, he still had to secure the safety of Yunhan and Seven secretly. See? With an order of Yunhan, he had to come all the way here from the capital. Instead of showing some solicitude for him, this as*hole said he picked the wrong time to come. So mad!

"Oh? What is it? If it’s something worth it, maybe I would throw you a welcome party.”

Picking his eyebrows, Ling Jingxuan continued teasing him, anyway, Zeng Shaoqing was never a serious person, being too serious with him was not appropriate.

"Oh man…I’m begging you! Hurry to go to the capital to harm those big families! Please!”

Zheng Shao wore a fake begging appearance. His character was most suitable for having battles of wits with those people. With him there, the pressure on him would at least reduce by half!

Pointing to his stomach, Ling Jingxuan helplessly shook his head. Recently, Yan Er sent the news saying that there were also people who tried to kill Seven. If possible, he had already gone. Would he still wait for him to tip him?

"Yeah, I see. Then we got to wait. After Yunhan resumed his title, he has completely changed his former style and rectified both the east and west palace. Even Noble Consort Xiao didn’t get any advantage. The Chu family seems to feel that he is already out of their manipulation, so they keep doing some little tricks behind his back. And those big families already hate him to the bones. Because of him, their interest has been threatened. If it weren’t His Majesty, maybe they have long…I can feel. Yunhan is tired, and things are also not easy for Seven. After you give birth and think you are OK, go to the capital as soon as possible. They missed you already. With you around, they’d feel more secure.”

Glancing at his belly, Zeng Shaoqing then looked at Ling Yun and Zhao Shan standing behind him. Seeing that Ling Jingxuan didn't let them back off, he knew they were both trustworthy. And then he slowly revealed the situation in capital. As he had expected, his big cousin really got chronic poison. And according to his instruction, Yunhan used the detoxifying pills to remove part of his poison inside, and secretly ordered the Imperial Hospital to change other medicine. Although, his big cousin hadn’t been fully recovered, it also no longer continued deteriorating. Given his current condition, it was still not easy to handle those national affairs, so, after Yunhan resumed his position, he’d go through those memorials first every day and chose those important ones to let him make decisions. And every day, Seven would serve him in the imperial study. This was a secret originally. But someone leaked it. And a lot of people vaguely realized that His Majesty was planning to let the seventh prince to take his throne. And so, they became everyone’s target. Those people resorted to extreme measures, poison, assassination, every dirty means one could imagine. On the court, those officials under the lead of Xiao family even used the excuse that the seventh prince was already ten and could own his own mansion outside the place trying to keep him away from His Majesty. The sh*tty thing was that even people of Chu family were among them. They thought they could re-control Seven after forcing him out of the palace. One could say the situation in the capital was extremely dangerous. Fighting for the throne already came into shape.

But, though Yunhan and Seven had His Majesty’s favor, they had support of their family behind. Before his father came back, their mansion also wouldn’t plan to get involved in this vortex at least on the surface. Everyone could tell even if His Majesty issued the decree to confer Seven as the crown prince, he might not have the chance to seize the throne. Of course, there was a huge variable—the attitude of Prince Sheng who had just rendered meritorious service. Without his consent, no one could sit in the dragon chair steadily. As long as he openly supported the seventh prince, others could do nothing.

"You really belittled Yunhan. No, to be more exact, because you care too much about him, so you neglect his abilities. Since he could resume his title in such a short time and even put the harem in order, and it didn’t arouse any objection from His Majesty but even got more favored, which means that he can handle it. Shaoqing, you should try to trust him.”

No longer wanting to play dumb with him, Ling Jingxuan directly put everything above the table, including Zeng Shaoqing’s feelings for Chu Yunhan. It was undeniable that he and Shengrui’s help could definitely relieve a lot of stress for Yunhan, but not all of it. Besides, His Majesty was still there, Shengrui shouldn’t do it too obviously. If His Majesty felt that Seven was under the control of Shengrui, it might even play some bad effect. No emperor would want to watch his throne fall into the hands of his brother, unless he himself had no sons. But the fact is, he had a lot of sons, which meant that he had a lot of choices. So, even if they went to the capital, they shouldn’t have too many contacts with Yunhan and Seven. Sometimes, they might even have to play as enemies to eliminate His Majesty’s vigilance and let his pass his throne to Seven. So, Zeng Shaoqing shouldn’t lay all his hope on them, so he believed that as smart as he was, he should be about to think of these. It was just as the say goes, those closely involved cannot see clearly.

"Shengrui told you?"

Obviously not expecting him to be so direct, Zeng Shaoqing couldn’t help getting stoned there, with a face of total embarrassment. He thought he had concealed it quite well.

"Do you think he's a blabbermouth?"

Ling Jingxuan rolled his eyes at him. Your own performance sucks, all right? Even a blind man can tell! Only you yourself thought you are concealing it perfectly!


Zeng Shaoqing could not help but pout his mouth. This as*hole really had a pair of sharp eyes! No wonder Shengrui would fall for him! As*hole VS bada*s! They do match!

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