The Blue Eyes

Chapter 179 - DADDY JACK

Chapter 179 - DADDY JACK

Kris stopped Kevin's car in front of the orphanage. He turned off the engine and unbuckled the seatbelt. He didn't want to waste any time as he immediately got out of the car.

His long legs brought him to pass the large yard, and that was when he heard a strange sound coming from the yard.

"Why do you want to follow me, Martin? Just be a good kid and stay here, alright? I will be back later and we can play together again."

Kris frowned. That was Jack's voice, but the words uttered by the blonde man sounded weird in his ears. Not long after, he heard a sobbing sound, and he knew that the voice belonged to a kid. His frown went deeper upon hearing the sound.

The caramel-haired man quickened his steps until he caught a glimpse of Jack with a little boy hugging his long legs. One of Kris's brows lifted at the sight..

"You still have time to play with the kid?"

Hearing a sarcastic question coming from the front, Jack looked up and found Kris standing in front of him.

"Who the hell is playing with a kid?" Jack asked angrily instead of answering the other man's question. "This kid won't let me go and wants me to bring him instead!"

Kris chuckled when he heard Jack's refusal.

"You look like a daddy now. Sugar daddy Jack, you shouldn't leave your sugar baby alone~"

Jack's eyes widened at Kris's mock. He hurriedly pried open the chubby's hands that circled his legs and crouched in front of the owner of the hands.

"Listen to me, my dear Martin," Jack said as he tried to be patient with the little kid. "Let me go with Uncle Kris today, alright? We will catch a monster, so it will be dangerous for you if you come with us. You're afraid of the monster, right?"

The kid blinked innocently at Jack. "Brother Jack will catch a monster with Uncle Kris?" He then asked as his chubby hand wiped his tears away from his plump cheek.josei

Kris rolled his eyes when he heard the conversation. Jack taught the kid to call himself 'Brother' but gave the label 'Uncle' for Kris. That was expected, but he was still a bit annoyed by the indirect mock.

"Yes, we will go to catch the monster, so you better stay at home with your brothers and sisters, alright?"

The kid was still a bit hesitant, but he nodded his head in the end.

Jack finally smiled as he ruffled the kid's brown locks. He then stood up and asked the kid to go back to the orphanage building. Fortunately, the kid obeyed his order as he quickly ran into the building.

Jack finally could breathe a sigh of relief as he shifted his gaze to Kris. "You dared to call me a sugar daddy in front of a kid?" He asked the taller man in an annoyed tone.

Kris giggled behind his palm. "You indeed looked like a daddy just now," he replied. "I didn't expect that you would be so soft with a kid. It doesn't suit your appearance, but I admit that you're a good caretaker now."

Jack just rolled his eyes as he started walking toward Kevin's car. Kris followed suit and walked beside the blonde-haired man.

"You just left the kids like that? Are they alone in the orphanage?" Kris asked the shorter man.

"Nope," Jack answered calmly. "Your dear boyfriend has hired another caretaker for today. She's been inside the building, but that Martin kid was just too stubborn. He stubbornly followed me when I walked out the building."

Kris smiled a little. "That kid seems to like you a lot," he commented.

Jack shrugged before replying, "I treat the kids harshly sometimes, but they still like me a lot. I don't understand kids at all."

"You dare to treat them harshly? I'll report it to Kevin!"

"Are you a woman now? You want to report everything to your husband, huh?"

The two men had stopped walking and were now glaring at each other. They looked like in a glaring contest, but not long after, they laughed loudly at their childish behavior.

"We finally come back to ourselves, right, Kris? After I confessed my feelings to you, I noticed that you treated me differently. I honesty feel a bit weird because of that, but now I'm relieved that we're still the same."

Kris smiled at the shorter man. "I want to be friends with you, and that's why I start treating you well after you confessed. I feel a bit weird myself, but yeah, let's just be ourselves now."

Jack nodded his head, and they continued walking toward the silver car.

As soon as they arrived at the car, they immediately got into the car. Both of the men fastened their seat belts, and Kris quickly started the engine.

"Why are you driving Kevin's car instead of yours?" Jack asked as soon as the car started speeding on the smooth asphalt.

"This car is stronger than mine. If anything bad happens, this car is more reliable."

"We haven't even left yet, but you already think negatively."

"I'm not thinking negatively. I'm just anticipating the worst possibility."

Jack rolled his eyes when he heard Kris's rebuttal.

The silver car sped smoothly on the asphalt. The morning road was quite crowded with vehicles. It was a weekday, so the workers were heading to their workplaces like usual.

"Is Kevin really okay with us going together to Chilad?"

Jack suddenly changed the subject, and Kris once again was worried about his lover.

It was the first time Kevin had an issue with his foster parents, and he was the one who caused the tension between them. Kevin said that he was okay, but he knew that deep down inside his heart, his lover was not okay.

"Jack," the tan-skinned man called out the other man's name, and Jack turned to him. "What do you think I can do to win my in-law's heart?"

That wasn't a normal question, and Jack frowned at Kris, who was still driving the car.

"You want to impress Kevin's foster parents?"

The taller man sighed at Jack's question. "Kevin fought with his foster parents because of me. I want to help him, but I don't know what to do."

Jack looked surprised after Kris gave him further explanation.

"What?" The blonde man asked in disbelief. "How come Kevin fought with his foster parents? I heard that they just came back to this country."

"That's right. The parents just came back to this country," Kris answered weakly. "And Kevin immediately came out to his parents, but they couldn't accept if Kevin is having a relationship with a man."

Jack was stunned. He kept staring at Kris and found that Kris looked troubled today.

"That will be hard," the tattooed man replied as he looked ahead again. "It seems that Kevin's parents aren't open-minded type. It will be hard to change their perception."

Kris sighed heavily. He had told Kevin that he would meet his parents personally, but Kevin was against the idea. He said that he had to settle the matter with his parents first before he could bring him to his parents.

"But if you still want to impress his parents, then you should get to know them better, Kris. I mean, you have to know what they like and what they dislike. After that, you can do something to win their hearts."

Kris was still silent after Jack advised him so wisely. Jack wasn't a bad friend, and he was quite reliable at a time like this.

"What can I do to get to know Kevin's parents when Kevin didn't even let me meet them?"

"Oh, if that's the case, then it will be harder."

Jack seemed to be thinking for a solution as he frowned deeply. Kris was still silent and just waited for the man's idea. It was the first time he was in a relationship, and meeting an in-law was something he had never experienced.

Kris had won Selena's trust and pocketed her blessings, but Kevin's adoptive parents were a different story. He didn't expect that the foster parents were homophobic people. He had never met them even if they were Selena's best friends because Selena had never told anything about them.

Kris was basically clueless when it came to Kevin's foster parents. How could he know more about him if he couldn't meet them? Jack was right. It would be difficult.

"I can't give you any idea how, but I'll help you after we come back from Chilad."

Jack finally broke the silence, but the blonde man couldn't give him an idea. Kris didn't blame the blonde, though. Jack wasn't responsible for his problem.

"It's fine. We should focus more on our investigation for now," Kris decided.

The other man nodded at his decision and said, "But, how's Kevin now? Is he alright after he fought with his parents?"

The silver car stopped at a red light, and Kris answered, "I think he will be alright."

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