The Blue Eyes

Chapter 23 - A CONFESSION

Chapter 23 - A CONFESSION

Both Kevin and Blue were shocked after they heard Kris's unexpected question. The two of them were even at a loss for words.

"Kris, you—"

"Yes, I am a werewolf, just like the creature that tried to hurt you earlier."

Kevin and Blue were even more surprised to hear Kris's direct confession. In addition to their shocked expressions, they also had expressions of fear plastered on their faces.

Blue even unconsciously scooted over to Kevin and grabbed the latter's arm tightly, as if she was seeking protection.

Kris saw it all. He clearly saw how the young man and the young girl in front of him reacted to his confession. He knew they were both scared. He knew that the story of werewolves had embedded in their souls. They knew so well how dangerous a werewolf was.

Especially Kevin. He looked really fearful right now. It seemed like the tragedy that happened to his parents seventeen years ago still wounded him. Many years had passed, but the wound in his heart was still fresh as if the calamity just happened yesterday.

In addition to that, Kevin just experienced a scary experience when a black werewolf almost eating him alive. That accident alone was enough to make him traumatized.

Kris, the werewolf that just revealed his true identity, could only sigh at the scene in front of him.

"I'm a werewolf, but I'm different from the creature that attacked you earlier. I have absolutely no intention of hurting you. Don't you trust me, Kevin?" Kris asked again. His sad eyes stared directly at Kevin's as if he was looking for help. He now looked like a child who had lost his parents' hold.

"You didn't speak honestly to me from the start. Do you think I can still trust you?" Kevin asked back in a disappointed tone.

Kris laughed sadly at the question. "I have a reason why I'm not being honest with you, and also with you, Blue." He turned to Blue for a moment before went back to Kevin. "There are things I can't tell you right now, but it's for your good. Please believe me."

"But, you killed Rachel and her family!" Blue suddenly joined to corner the werewolf. "You deliberately killed innocent people. How can you still pretend to be a good person after what you did?"

Kris looked at Blue in disbelief. It seemed like the girl forgot that Rachel's case was related to her.

Kevin looked confused when he heard Blue suddenly brought Rachel's name in their conversation. He was clueless about the matter related to the poor girl.

"I didn't kill them! I didn't kill Rachel and her family!" Kris finally defended himself in a frustrated tone.

"But, last night you told me that you killed her and her family!" Blue argued with a slightly raised tone.

"I lied to you! I just sent Rachel and her family overseas for your safety. What did I kill them for?"

Kris's refutation did not make Kevin and Blue let their guard down. It was clear that they were still building a sturdy fortress to fend off Kris's attack should the attack appear.

"Kris, I did say that not all werewolves are bad, but it doesn't mean you are one of them. Your presence in our life is too suspicious. You suddenly appeared, suddenly lived in my house, then approached Blue, even to the point of adopting her. All of them are too strange to be called coincidence."

Kevin's words made sense, and they were all true. All of them were not coincidences. All of them were parts of the plan that had been prepared by Kris. Yes, a plan he had put together in advance so that everything could be executed perfectly.

It may be useless for him to explain everything now. He was guilty and worthy of suspicion, after all.

In the end, Kris stood up from his seat and said, "Okay, I won't force you to believe me. I'll go out of your life if that's what's best for you."

After saying that, Kris started walking towards the front door of Kevin's residence. He was about to open the door and leave for good, but then he remembered something.

He then turned around again and directly looked at Blue, then said, "Can I talk to you in private, Blue? I have important things to say."

Blue did not immediately answer Kris's question. She first looked at Kevin doubtfully, asking the older man for advice. Kevin caught the signal sent by Blue, and even though he was worried about the girl's safety, it seemed that there was something important that Kris wanted to convey to Blue.

In the end, the scientist nodded, non-verbally permitting Blue to fulfill Kris's request.

Blue finally agreed to talk to Kris after that. She stood up and walked over to Kris. The two of them came out of Kevin's house and talked alone in the dim yard.

"Blue, listen to me carefully." Not wanting to waste time, Kris began to speak. "For now, don't say anything about your power to Kevin. He will only be more anxious if he finds out the truth. You don't want your brother to worry more, do you?"

Blue seriously digested Kris's words, silently considering Kris's request. Maybe what Kris said was true too. Kevin would only feel more and more worried if he found out about her power. With that in mind, she nodded obediently in the end.

Kris smiled in relief when he saw Blue's non-verbal answer. "And, starting today, you have to take care of Kevin. Your powers start emerging, and you can use them to protect Kevin as long as you can control your emotions. I won't go away from you two for real. If you need anything, you can call me. I've saved my number on your phone."

After having had enough to talk with Blue, Kris finally turned around and got ready to leave. But, suddenly Blue called him, "Wait." That one word was enough to hold his steps. He stopped walking but did not turn around. His ears caught Blue's soft voice, "Am I also a werewolf?"

Kris choked up a little at Blue's question, but he then smiled even though Blue could not see it. And, without answering Blue's question, he continued his steps to leave Kevin's residence.

That inevitably annoyed Blue, who at that time was desperate for an answer. In the end, she had to swallow her curiosity.

"Blue?" Kevin's soft voice and a light pat on her shoulder snapped Blue out of her reverie. It seemed that the young scientist decided to approach Blue after he saw Kris leaving his house.

Without saying anything else, Kevin invited Blue into the house and closed the door again. He sat back down on the sofa again, motioning for Blue to sit beside him. The girl complied with the order and positioned herself next to the young man.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Kevin immediately asked after Blue had sat right next to him.

Blue gulped hard at Kevin's sudden interrogation. Just now she was warned by Kris not to tell Kevin, but now she was being immediately interrogated by Kevin.

"I'm not hiding anything from you, Brother," the young girl finally answered.

However, that answer did not seem to make Kevin satisfied because the young scientist asked her again, "Then, what is Kris's relationship with Rachel and her family? Why do you two look like you are hiding something from me about that?"

Blue felt increasingly cornered by Kevin's question. She wanted to be honest, but she remembered Kris's words earlier. Besides, she was also not ready to reveal her dark secret that she had killed five thugs at once.

She couldn't imagine how Kevin would react. She couldn't imagine if Kevin would really turn his back on her and leave her alone after knowing the truth. Kevin seemed to be really disappointed with Kris just now, and she did not want to be in Kris's position causing that disappointment.

"There is indeed something going on between me, Uncle Kris, and Rachel, but I can't tell you right now, Brother. Can you give me some time? I promise I'll tell you everything later."

That wasn't actually the answer Kevin want to hear, but he was well aware that at this moment Blue was feeling pressured by his question. Tonight had been a tough night for them, and he didn't want to make Blue feel any worse.

In the end, the young man raised his hand to stroke Blue's long hair and said, "I'll wait until you're ready. Now go to sleep, you can use the guest room. Early in the morning, I'll take you home."

Blue could breathe a sigh of relief because Kevin could understand her condition. The girl finally nodded and immediately walked to the guest room to rest.josei

She left Kevin who was still sitting in the living room. The young man's eyes staring blankly at the front door of his house. Those eyes seemed so sad as if they were longing for someone to appear at the door.

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