The Blue Eyes



All the audience at the party was stunned by Kevin's sudden proposal. Even the kids didn't dare to play around anymore and just stared at Kevin with their innocent eyes. They didn't even know the meaning of Kevin's words, but because the people around them fell quiet all of a sudden, they ended up falling silent as well.

Kris widened his hazel eyes in surprise, and he even had a thought that probably he had a hearing problem.

"What did you just say, Kev?" He dumbly asked his lover a question.

Kevin sighed heavily. He mustered up his courage just to utter that series of words, but his lover dared to make him repeat his words.

"Just go up to the stage and say what you need to say to me, Kris."

Kris blinked his eyes innocently upon hearing his lover's order. Kevin looked annoyed on the stage, and Kris was under a mysterious spell when he carefully brought his long legs to go up the stage.

All the audience stared at Kris without saying anything, and Kris finally arrived on the stage and stood right beside his lover. The three musicians on the stage had left the two of them, and it was only the young couple on the stage now.

"You don't know what you need to say to me?" Kevin questioned his lover, and when he got no response from his lover, he continued, "You always said that you wanted to be my husband, right? Then, you should be the one who proposed to me, right? Don't you feel embarrassed when it was me who proposed you instead?"

Kris worked his brain to understand what his lover meant, and when he finally understood what his lover meant, he immediately went on his knees.

Kevin gasped, and other audiences displayed the same shock on their faces.

"Thank you for singing me a song, Kevin. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to propose to you," Kris began after his hand gently grabbed Kevin's left hand. "I know I'm not the best boyfriend in the world for being an insecure boyfriend who is always jealous of others around you, but that's because I love you so much, Kevin. I want to be with you forever."

Kevin could feel his heart pound loudly, but he didn't say anything because he knew that Kris still had something else to say. Other audiences were quiet as well, and they stared at the couple on the stage with various expressions on their faces.

Blue looked so happy when she saw her brother and her uncle having their moment on the stage, while Jack sighed heavily before he managed to spread a smile on his face. Luke looked complicated as well, but he still managed to flash a small smile. Casper grinned widely, Julia smiled beautifully, while Kevin's foster parents tried to hold back their tears when they saw their only son being proposed on the stage.

"I've told you that I could be your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your boyfriend, and even your husband. And I think it's time for me to officially show you my intention to become your husband, Kevin. Will you marry me?"

Kris finally managed to propose to his lover as he continued looking up at his lover. His eyes were full of love, and he displayed all the love in his heart on the pair of hazel.

Kevin was deeply touched by Kris's proposal. Kris didn't do something special to propose to him, but the words uttered by the taller man touched his heart deeply. He remembered that right after he got the news about the explosion that killed his parents, Kris told him that sweet statement that immediately made him feel better.

Kevin almost cried, but he held back his tears because he didn't want to look so girly in front of the people who were precious to him. He was indeed the bottom in the relationship, but he didn't want to be seen as the girly one.

"You dared to propose me without a ring, Kris?" Kevin questioned his lover arrogantly.

Kris seemed to have just realized his mistake and almost slapped his forehead. However, he managed to come up with a good idea when he immediately pulled out a strand of his caramel hair and showed it to his lover.

"Just say yes, and I will give you the best ring in the world," Kris finally managed to make a comeback confidently.

Kevin finally took out his arrogant facade as he chuckled. "I will accept your proposal, but it doesn't mean that I will agree to be your wife, Kris. You will be my husband, and I'll also be your husband. Do you agree with me?"

Kevin's pride remained high, and he didn't want to lower himself in front of his lover. Kris knew his lover so well, and he laughed upon hearing the conditions coming out of his lover's thin lips. Did he have the choice to disagree with his conditions?

Kris didn't hesitate anymore as he got up and tied a strand of caramel hair on Kevin's ring finger. "I will be your husband, and you will be my husband. It's a deal, then?"

Kevin finally smiled happily upon hearing his fiance's reply. He then brought himself to hug his fiance's tall body, not caring about the spectators who still had their eyes on them.

"I love you, Kris. Sorry for ignoring you the whole day, and sorry for making you angry when I was talking with Luke earlier. That's part of my plan."


Kris raised an eyebrow upon hearing Kevin's confession. He was so upset since morning, but that was Kevin's plan all along? Including the moment with Luke?

Kris wanted to curse so badly, but when Kevin was hugging him so tightly, how could he utter the bad words?

The taller man brought his hands to return the hug, and he kissed Kevin's forehead tenderly. "I love you too, Kevin. I don't want anyone but you, so please be with me forever."

The voice sounded soft and sincere, and Kevin immediately nodded his head to respond to the sincere words.

The atmosphere around them turned solemn and warm, but then they heard the sound of guns being fired.


The calm atmosphere automatically turned into chaos.

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