The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 3 Afterword

Book 3 Afterword

Well, this is a bit late considering the story ended two weeks ago. Anyways, I'm back. I hope you all had a wonderful New Years. There's not a lot I have to say. Maybe answer some questions that'll probably be asked?

When will Blue Mage Book 3 come out on Amazon? I'm thinking June 2019, but don't quote me.

Will there be a Blue Mage Book 4? Probably.

When will it start? Maybe 2020.

What will I be doing in the meantime? Writing.

Writing what? I made a post on my website, but I'll copy and paste it here for convenience.

I’m back from my break, hope you all had a nice New Years. I know I informed some people who asked that I’d continue The Godking’s Legacy after I finished Blue Mage Book 3, but I’d like to apologize because that isn’t the case. I haven’t thought up a satisfactory setting for TGL Volume 3 (timeskip(?), new location(?), ending(?)), and without those, I don’t feel like I’d be able do the story justice. Instead, I’ll be starting a new book (probably not going to be a series, it’ll most likely be short like VRMMO dragon and not as long as Demon’s Journey—though the title resembles DJ’s a lot (mainly because I’m uncreative)) called Zombie’s Journey. It’s a standalone that has nothing to do with Demon’s Journey. The setting is a post-apocalyptic earth. The main character is a zombie. There’s no magic. There probably won’t be any comedy. It’s written in first-person pov. Basically, completely different than what I normally write, so I’d like to apologize in advance if that puts some of you off. I promise I’ll start TGL Volume 3 after this story is done (most likely 3-6 (?) months from now, don’t quote me). Anyways, you can read the first chapter of Zombie’s Journey here: Chapter 1. There are currently two chapters, and the story will be updated once a day at the usual time: 9 AM EST. Thanks for reading, and I’m sorry for disappointing those folks who were waiting for TGL Volume 3.

Of course, I'll be posting this new story on RRL too. The story is here:

Thanks for all the support!



Thanks to my patrons Roman V., Travis C., William N., Moth, Tyler L., Hadrian Battlefury, Zachary S., David M., and Sharda H. from Hot Mug Studios for supporting me!

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