The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons

Book 6

Book 6: Chapter 130

Jasmine glanced behind herself before tugging on Ashley’s sleeve. “Is this really a good idea?” the Wind Lord asked in a whisper. If she spoke any louder, the seven lords following behind them would hear her. “What if Vur thinks they want to fight him again?”

Ashley shrugged. “I doubt Vur will mind,” the Light Lord said. “He already knows he can beat them.” Ashley turned her head around to look at the lords. Ouyang Feng glared at her, but he was the only one of the lords who didn’t look like he was going to a funeral. Ashley ignored the Martial Lord’s gaze and addressed the other lords. “If you’re going to look so miserable, why did you even want to come?”

“You know how ill-tempered dragons are,” Zoose said and heaved a sigh. “If we send an underling, or, heaven forbid, don’t send anyone at all, wouldn’t that just be asking for trouble?”

“All of you have lost your spines,” Ouyang Feng said. “We’re the lords of the tower. No matter what obstacle is placed in our way, we’re supposed to get over it. No matter how many times we fall, we’re supposed to pick ourselves up off the ground. Why are you guys acting like a bunch of losers with your tails tucked between your legs? Are you whipped dogs?”

“Don’t worry,” Jasmine said. “When we go inside, I’ll tell Vur what’s up. Only the Martial Lord who thinks with his fists wants to fight; everyone else is surrendering.” Her gaze scanned the other lords’ expressions. “Right?”

Ouyang Feng frowned and looked at his companions. “Zoose? Frostie?”

The Lightning Lord and Frost Lord turned their heads away.

Ouyang Feng clicked his tongue. “I made one mistake,” he said. “Who knew that dragon’s soul would be strong enough to defend against my Soul Annihilation?”

“So, you’re saying you would’ve won if you hadn’t stunned yourself?” the Water Lord asked. “Don’t joke around. You might be the strongest lord, but even you can’t beat the eight of us if we worked together.”

“I’m not saying we would’ve won,” Ouyang Feng grumbled. “I’m saying there’s a chance we would’ve won. Let’s not pretend like we won’t put on a better showing if we fought Vur again. I’m sure Magnus wouldn’t be knocked out of the fight the instant it begins, and I’m sure Darkie over there wouldn’t get slapped by a dragon’s tail while in stealth.”

The Shadow Lord’s expression darkened, but no one could see it because of the pitch-black mask he wore.

“I’ll only fight Vur again if everyone joins in,” Zoose said. “Light and Wind Lords included.”

“Hey, I fought last time,” Jasmine said. “It’s not my fault no one covered their ears.”

“I had a feeling things would end up like this,” Ouyang Fend said and held out his hand. His root bracelet flashed amber, and a pouch appeared atop his palm. “I brought enough earplugs for all of us.”josei

“I’m not doing it,” Ashley said before anyone could reach out to grab a pair. “If any of you honestly think the dragon is the only one in their group you have to worry about, then you’re blind.”

Ouyang Feng snorted. “What? Are they dragons too?” he asked. He shook his head. “Forget it. Take us inside. I’m not going to fight; I’m not afraid of facing a tough enemy, but my teammates are worse than pigs.”

“You should challenge Vur to a duel,” the Water Lord said. “I’d love to see him kick your butt again.”

“Don’t be upset at me because I failed to protect you,” the Martial Lord said and crossed his arms over his chest. “Be upset at yourself for being so weak as to require my protection in the first place. It’s your mentality that’s dragging you down.”

“Alright, everyone, shush for a second,” Jasmine said and raised her hand. “We’re going in.” The wooden tablet that they were standing around shone with an amber light that engulfed their bodies. When the light faded from view, the lords found themselves in a forest.

Jasmine and Ashley led the way without saying a word, and the seven other lords exchanged glances with one another before following after the two women. After a few seconds of walking, a clearing came into view. In the back of the clearing, there was a dragon curled up into a ball, snoring with a snot bubble floating out of its nostril. In front of the dragon, sitting on a rocking chair, there was an elf wearing a black dress.

Lindyss crossed her arms and placed one leg over the other as Jasmine and Ashley approached. The rest of the lords hovered near the edge of the clearing, not certain whether or not they should go in. “Did you get everything I wanted?” Lindyss asked, raising an eyebrow at Jasmine.

“We did,” Jasmine said and held out her left arm.

Lindyss held out her root bracelet as well, and the two bracelets pulsed with amber lights once they were connected. The cursed elf gestured towards the lords at the edge of the clearing with her chin. “What are they doing here? Did they want to be beaten again?”

“Well, the Flame Lord came to swear fealty to you,” Jasmine said, “and he was the first lord we went to. The other lords saw the Flame Lord following us, so they followed along as well.”

“Like little ducklings,” Lindyss said. “How cute.” She waved at the lords, gesturing for them to come over. The cursed elf smiled as they came over, coming to a halt behind Ashley. “I’ll grant you your wish to become our lackey, Flame Lord.” Lindyss’ expression returned to normal as she pointed at the lords standing beside Magnus. “What about the rest of you? Are you here to submit as well?”

Ouyang Feng snorted. “I’m not here to become your subordinate,” he said. “I thought we were going to have a meaningful discussion concerning the future of the tower. Since that isn’t the case, I’ll be leaving.”

“You wanted to have a meaningful discussion?” Lindyss asked, a small smile appearing on her lips as Ouyang Feng turned his back to her. “It’s difficult to have one of those when the disparity between the groups is too great.” She chuckled upon seeing the Martial Lord stiffen. “If you’re upset, I can personally show you the difference.”

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