The Bookstore Mage

46 Chapter 46

46 Chapter 46

"I wonder if they'll have the courtesy to wait until morning?" Lucien mumbled as he placed the phone on the desk.

"Well, I guess there's still some time, either way, so we'll find out soon enough."

Moon appeared by his side and jumped on his lap where she curled comfortably. He didn't mind her presence and instead began to gently stroke her soft fur while continuing to read more about the spell he wanted to try.

Apparently, he was to draw a magic circle that would help gather the mana from the surroundings, he would then need to add a drop of his blood to bind the entrance to him. Lastly, was the remnant soul which he would place in the middle of the circle before he starts the incantation.

Although it seemed simple enough, Lucien knew it wasn't. The tricky part was guiding the mana that the circle was going to draw. He needed to filter the elements, leaving behind the useful ones and preventing the others from interfering with the ritual.

Another point of concern was the fact that he had no idea where the spell was going to take him. The notes left behind by his ancestor failed to mention that part. Perhaps he was supposed to figure it out on his own, or maybe it was something else. Lucien didn't know.

And so, to make sure that nothing unexpected happens, he continued to study the flow of the mana and memorized the nodes where he needed to guide it.

His study continued uninterrupted and Lucien found himself growing more immersed as the hours passed. By the time he glanced at his phone, the clock was already pointing at 1 am.

"Oh, it's already this late." A yawn escaped his mouth.

Moon was already settled on top of the bed with her eyes closed. His cup of coffee had one last sip in it, though it had long gone cold. Lucien lazily stretched his limbs and stood up. He used Imer to throw his phone on the bed before he made his way to the bathroom.

After taking care of his business and brushing his teeth, Lucien jumped under the blankets. The comfortable bed made it easy for him to fall asleep.

"Good night, Moon. Good night, Tam."

"Sweet dreams, my lord." The fairy's voice replied from the corner of the room. Although it was a little bit creepy since she was invisible, Lucien had already grown used to it so he didn't care.


The next morning, Lucien woke up a little bit earlier. After having a quick breakfast he changed into his favorite dark blue suit and made his way downstairs.

Moon was already standing by the door, almost as if she was a bodyguard of sorts. It made him chuckle as he settled behind the counter.

He pulled his sleeves down to cover the Goldhearts bracelet and adjusted his collar. Lucien had a feeling the Council would drop by for a visit soon. He didn't know why, but he chose to trust his instinct.

Almost as if on cue, Tamellalt appeared by the entrance and glanced at him.

"Your...guests, have arrived, my lord." She hesitated for a second as she contemplated how to address them.

Lucien nodded and replied:

"Please let them in."

The little fairy complied and opened the door. Four people stood by the entrance, their faces full of anxiety and uncertainty as they glanced at Tamellalt, and then at the inside of the bookstore where Lucien was at.

He recognized the lead figure as the beautiful dark-skinned lady from the council. It wasn't their first encounter after all.

"Nia, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Lucien asked.

She calmly walked inside, her steps firm yet it was clear that she was struggling to maintain a passive expression on her face.

At least she was faring better than the three people behind her. Lucien noted as he scanned his 'guests'. Two males, both relatively tall with short dark hair and average features. One had a short beard, the other a mustache, and goatee. The third member was a short blonde girl with bright blue eyes.

All of them were dressed in professional business suits. Not quite how Lucien first imagined a group of mages to look like. The group nervously stared at Tamellalt who closed the door behind them before she disappeared. Moon who was sitting behind the door was unnoticed.

Nia was the first to speak, she gave him a deep bow, and the other three followed after:

"Mr. Wood, thank you for having us. We apologize for disturbing you this early in the morning."

Lucien waved his hand dismissively and answered:

"That's alright, I had a feeling you'd come visit."

The group tensed at his words but tried not to show it. The tall man with the beard looked to be the most nervous out of the bunch, his eyes constantly darted across the bookstore, and he avoided direct eye contact with Lucien.josei

"Then I assume you already know the reason for our sudden visit, Mr. Wood," Nia asked.

"I've been made aware, yes. Though, I am a little bit curious as to what makes you think I'm involved."

The trio nervously gulped down, drops of sweat were visible on their foreheads. Nia, however, tried to remain composed. Her tone was respectful, yet still came across as professional:

"We do not think anything yet, Mr. Wood. We would like to invite you back with us to the headquarters. The higher-ups would simply like to ask you a few questions."

Lucien locked his fingers on the desk and placed his head on his hand, his eyes seemed to glow for a second causing a shudder to run down everyone's spine.

"And don't you think these 'higher-ups' should be the ones to come extend their visit if they are so sincere?"

As soon as he said that, Tamellalt reappeared behind him. Her eyes were cold as she stared at the group. A sudden pressure descended on the group making their hearts thump wildly against their chests.

It was a dangerous game, Lucien was playing but one that was necessary he thought. The Council assumed he was a high-ranking mage. They were yet unclear of the full depth of his powers, and so he believed that he needed to play the part.

There was no need to antagonize them... Yet. That, however, did not mean that he would simply follow with their whims. He needed to establish that he was not easy to deal with.

"I sincerely apologize, Mr. Wood. The Chairman wanted to be the one to extend his invite, but unfortunately, a sudden urgent matter which required his presence appeared so he was unable to make it."

Although she was shaking inwardly, Nina tried to maintain her professional attitude and quickly answered. Lucien had to admit he was a little bit impressed.

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