The Bored Immortal

Chapter 442 No Hope?

Chapter 442 No Hope?

Chapter 442 No Hope?

Seraphina was put into a dilemma again, trying to weigh her options, but then she looked into Mevron's aura, and all she saw was darkness.

She realized it didn't matter even if he really possessed the Blade of Hatred since he wasn't going to let Viktor go.

"Never!" Seraphina shouted as a brilliant silver light flashed, blinding both Orgaz and Mevron temporarily.

Her fairy wings sprouted out her back as she tried to fly away from them and into the portal she had hidden with a desperate expression while Viktor was still grimacing in pain in her arms.

"Tch! You leave me no choice, Fairy Queen!" Mevron growled as he armed himself with a dark blue gauntlet that manifested out of thin air and aimed at the Fairy Queen.josei

A dark blue beam shot out of the gauntlet and struck Seraphina in the back, making her let out a cry of pain as she crashed to the ground right before she could reach the portal. But even when she crashed onto the ground, she wrapped her arms and legs around Viktor to protect him, even if the impact should be the least of his worries.

But what made her unsettled was that she was unable to channel her powers. It was as if all the odic force in her body was frozen, making it impossible for her to use it.

This also meant that her spells and powers would stop working for a while, and because of this, the portal she had desperately opened also disappeared.

This made Seraphina's heart fill with despair seeing how her last option of escape was no longer an option, and Viktor was still hurting.

"I told you not to try to cross me, Fairy Queen. It never ends well for anyone," Mevron snorted as he slowly walked over and picked up the glowing red fruit on the ground, much to Seraphina's dismay.

She and Viktor had come all the way here and fought their way through while risking almost everything to get back the fruit, only to again end up in Mevron's hands.

"The Gauntlet of Gormundor?" Seraphina mumbled in a voice of disbelief and distress as she saw the dark blue gauntlet on his hand, realizing why her powers were temporarily sealed.

"You really have a good eye to recognize these things. I almost died trying to procure this from the place where it used to rest. It has the power to cripple beings of the spirit race for a while. Ha, I didn't even know you were already trying to open a portal to go home. You made me lose almost half of my life's efforts," Mevron said in an irked tone, not even daring to think about how frustrated and angry he would have been had he lost the chance to become the strongest dragon in history.

Seraphina struggled to get up while supporting Viktor due to the weakness she was feeling all over her body.

Still, she clenched her jaw as she forcibly gathered all the odic force in her body to at least give her enough energy to run.

"Really? Is she for real? Does she really think she can escape?" Mevron let out an amused chuckle as he saw Seraphina running into the woods with Viktor in her arms.

"President, she might die because of the wild beasts and creatures in this forest. She can't use her powers for a while," Orgaz said since he felt it would be a pity if a being like her met her end in such a pitiful way.

"Then what are you standing here for? Go and get her. I am not letting my fruit out of sight again. Seriously, Orgaz, are you becoming senile as you age?" Mevron said with a frustrated look before gazing at the beautiful glowing red fruit in his hands, his eyes brimming with lust for power.

He could almost see himself standing atop the peak of all Champions soon enough.

Organ softly sighed as he bowed before immediately flying off deeper into the Blackmere Forest.

Seraphina tripped and fell on some sharp thorns of dangerous flowers on her way. These thorns weren't ordinary and could even puncture a slab of steel if it were to fall on it.

Still, she never let Viktor get hurt and got up without minding her injuries even though she had no idea where exactly she was running to.

All she wanted to was not let her or Viktor get caught. If she had her powers, she could have at least hidden Viktor away, but now she couldn't do that as well.

She was already feeling heartbroken that her realm was now doomed for sure and that she had failed her daughters, who must be still eagerly awaiting her return.

She wished she could just see them one last time and reassure them, but...

"Fairy Queen! Please don't do this. Let my President help you and your people. What you are doing now is not wise," Orgaz said as he spotted her running below and swooped down to stop her.

Seraphina felt her heart beating behind her ears, feeling worried and tense, not knowing what to do or how to protect Viktor.


Suddenly, a sharp shrill scream of a woman shook the entire region as even Orgaz' ears bled before crashing down on the ground.

"UGH!" Orgaz grimaced as he clutched his ears before they could explode under the force of such an ear-rendering scream.

Seraphina also fell on her knees, though she didn't get hurt, unlike Orgaz. The scream faded as a pale blue-skinned beauty showed herself from behind the tall bushes, "Come with me if you don't want to end up dead with your man," Yannah extended her hand towards a bewildered Seraphina, who quickly came out of her daze as she grabbed Yannah's hand.

"No...Stop..." Orgaz grunted as he got up with blood still dripping down his ears due to Yannah targeting her scream on him.

But he didn't dare to follow them since he knew there was no way past the Siren Queen. He could only walk back and face Mevron's wrath yet again.

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