The Bored Immortal

Chapter 380 - Why Help Us?

Chapter 380 - Why Help Us?

Chapter 380 - Why Help Us?

Pin drop silence descended in the region as even the goblins stopped their cheering upon seeing a sight that made their eyes pop out.


A loud sound of flesh hitting the solid cold ground echoed, and to everyone's shock, it was not the rabbitman's body that hit the ground…but the Goblin King!

And what was even more shocking was that the body of the Goblin King was decapitated… its head gone!

Instead, its severed head was in the hands of the ripped rabbitman, the blood continuously dripping off from the severed head. Each drop sounded like the sound of death's footsteps to the goblins that were silently staring at this sight, gulping down their saliva.


All the goblins suddenly let out shouts of panic and fear as their instincts to run for their lives immediately kicked in and split up in every direction so as to make it hard for this mysteriously powerful rabbitman to hunt them down.

"HEY!" Viktor shouted as he tried to run after them but then realized it was futile since they just split up in every direction.

He wouldn't have bothered about them running away since scared goblins were of no concern to him. Only the Goblin King was a threat, and he eliminated it.

However, these cunning goblins had already split up the loot of Brono and his party beforehand, and now they had carried it away in their hands as they ran away. So even if Viktor was to go after one of them, he might not even recover anything.

They also lifted Verona and ran away, wanting to at least get one woman today after almost losing their lives. Verona was horrified at the sudden turn of events and could only scream in despair, though one of the goblins knocked this noisy woman out.

But surely, they wouldn't be regrouping anytime soon after losing their most powerful member…their king.

Just to be safe, they wouldn't even put their heads out for the next couple of weeks. The figure of this strangely powerful rabbitman was etched into their brains and would never come within ten miles of him.

Seraphina came out, feeling relieved that Viktor didn't have to suffer any more blows before taking that Goblin King down.

And seeing his muscular, heroic figure, she couldn't help but look at his back with awe in her eyes. For some reason, seeing him like that made her feel as if she was looking at an indomitable entity.

Still, she avoided her gaze from the decapitated corpse and the severed head as she approached Viktor, "Don't go after them. You will get lost in this forest, especially in the dark. Even if we lost the loot, it is fine. We will just find another way to make do for the rest of the days," Seraphina said with a low sigh.

Viktor also sighed as he nodded, "I guess we went through all this for nothing other than the fact that a bunch of dirtbags got what they deserved. Sigh, we could have really used some money."

"I am sure we will find a way. But more importantly…thank you…for still sticking with me even though you had to go through these unpleasant experiences. I am sure you would have rather spent this time with your people instead of coming with me in this quest of retrieving the fruit which is already in the hands of people we can't even go against directly," Seraphina said in an apologetic tone since she truly felt that she was putting Viktor in a difficult situation. He not only had to sleep uncomfortably for the past few days but also had to kill because of her.josei

She realized that she was not at all doing him any help other than bringing trouble to him. In fact, she realized that he might have been better off without her presence.

Viktor patted her head as he said, "Sera, you worry too much. I know you might be thinking right now that you are just causing trouble for me and that I might be feeling uncomfortable about all this. But let me tell you that I am doing this because I want to. I never do things with only half my heart in it. I want to get you back your fruit just as badly as you do. I don't want to see anything bad happening to your realm. For some reason, thinking about itself makes me feel…sad…" Viktor mumbled as his eyes became glazed for a moment, wondering why he was feeling so.

Seraphina also felt a bit confused as she asked, "But why…You didn't even know about our realm a few days ago. We also didn't do anything for you, especially when you asked if I could restore your memories."

Seraphina knew that even if Viktor had a complicated heart, he still wouldn't be so earnest about helping strangers unless, as he said, his heart was really into it.

Viktor shook his head as he said, "Even I am wondering that myself. I obviously only learned about you guys a few days ago. But when I entered your realm and interacted with your daughters, I didn't really feel like a stranger. And that Tree of Life, when I stood before it, I was unable to take my eyes off it. It was as if something inside me was moved before its presence. Anyways…what I am trying to tell you is that when I learned about your realm being in trouble, I immediately felt this urge to save your realm…no matter what. And that urge was so great I wouldn't be able to even rest until I did it. I know this sounds ridiculous, but it was what I am still feeling now…just like how I can't bear to see you sad or hurt."

Seraphina felt her heart flutter for a second upon feeling the sincerity behind his tone and knew that whatever he was telling right now was coming straight from his heart, even if it did not really make sense.

"So you don't have to worry about me getting in trouble or getting blood on my hands because of you. It is something I am happy to do as long as I can see your smile again. So let's now get back to town and bring this head as well just in case," Viktor said as he used an empty woolen bag to put the head inside while Seraphina stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say or feel.

But then she got distracted upon feeling two sets of gazes from the side.

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