The Boss Lost His Memory and Only Remembers Me

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068: Chapter 1068-a competition

Wen Qiao followed behind Shen Yan and entered his room.

The little person ran to the desk like a madman when he entered the room. He took a dart and drew it randomly on the wooden table.

The ear-piercing sound made Wen Qiao frown.

She walked over and grabbed Shen Yan’s wrist. “Did your dad hit you?”

“No, my dad would never hit me.” Shen Yan’s body stiffened.

Wen Qiao looked at the clear handprint on his face. He had clearly been hit, but he didn’t say anything. She then recalled that when he mentioned that he would tell his father to fire her, he didn’t hold any grudges against his father.

Thinking about it, his father was still a dignified existence in his eyes. He probably also felt that he should be punished for his mistake.

This child’s personality was already very conflicted. If this continued, it would indeed be easy to make a big mistake.

It was possible to commit murder and break the law.

I saw that there’s a horse-riding track in the mountain behind your house. I’m going to ride a horse today.

“I’m not going.”

Wen Qiao crossed her arms and replied,”did I ask you a question?” I’m giving orders, okay? Change your clothes and go to the horse track.”

“I don’t like horse riding,” Shen Yan said indignantly.

I don’t care if you like it or not. Change into your equestrian suit and follow me to the horse track. I’m your home tutor, not your nanny. You should listen to me, not me.

Shen Yan cursed in a low voice, but Wen Qiao didn’t hear him clearly. Then, she saw the child cursing as he went to the closet to get some clothes and then entered the bathroom.

It was still a hot day on the 38th day of the month. The staff of the racecourse was lazing around in the shade of the trees. After all, it was impossible for the Masters and young masters to come and ride horses in such weather.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, they saw a young girl walking over with their young master.

The few of them immediately perked up.

Just by walking to the horse track, Shen Yan felt that he was drenched in sweat and panting. He looked at Wen Qiao again. This woman didn’t even blush or have a heartbeat, as if nothing had happened.

Little wimp was so angry that he almost stomped his feet.

Wen Qiao introduced herself to the staff, ” “I’m Shen Yan’s home tutor. I brought him here to ride a horse.”

It was ten in the morning, and the temperature had risen to thirty-six degrees. Even the air was hot. The staff member was wearing a straw hat, but sweat was still rolling down from his temples. He wiped his sweat and said,”Teacher Wen, the weather is so hot. Our young master’s body is so precious. I’m afraid he can’t bear it if he continues riding like this.”

Wen Qiao smiled. he’s fine. His body is just too weak. That’s why he needs to train.

“I think you’re here to torture me,” Shen Yan said.

After saying this, he regretted it!

In the past, he had always been the tutor who tortured him. When had the roles been reversed?

Wen Qiao was wearing a sun hat. you can think whatever you want. Anyway, I’m in charge of training your physical fitness as your home tutor.

He turned around and asked the staff to bring out two horses. One was tall and the other was slightly shorter, suitable for children to ride.

Wen Qiao helped Shen Yan put on his knee pads and helmet. Mount your horse.

Shen Yan wanted to say that he didn’t know how to ride, but that would be embarrassing in front of Wen Qiao. He could only endure the 36 degree temperature and get on the horse’s back.

Wen Qiao also mounted another horse.

“If you feel like you can’t do it anymore, just let me know. I’ll stop it.”

With a stubborn look on his face and pursing his lips, Chen Yan took the reins and led the way.

Fortunately, there were shade in the racecourse, which slightly blocked the heat wave. Wen Qiao looked at her watch and estimated Shen Yan’s physical fitness. With the intensity of the exercise and the sweltering weather, he could only last for an hour at most.

If the brat was still not begging for mercy after an hour, he would have to stop the call, or else he would get a heat stroke.

Shen Yan was born into a rich family. He was good at all kinds of sports, such as horse riding, archery, swimming, fencing, and so on.

He thought that even if Wen Qiao knew how to ride a horse, she would only be average at it and would not be able to compete with him, who had started training in riding and shooting at the age of four or five. Hence, he suggested, ” let’s have a competition.

what? ” Wen Qiao almost laughed out loud. compete in what? ”

“Let’s see who can finish this mountain faster.” josei

what? ” Wen Qiao narrowed her eyes. are you serious? ”

“You don’t dare to?”

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