The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: An April Fool's Day to Remember

April 1st, 2090

“Why are we here, Reiji?”  I asked wearily.  “We need to expose Kira and Veronica to all parts of Japanese culture, Minato!  I’m appalled that you haven’t done this yet!”  Reiji replied in a self-righteous tone.  The girls and I are with Reiji in a maid café in Akihabara, the well-known otaku holy land.  It was late in the evening, with the night almost upon us.  I rolled my eyes at his words while Hikari stifled a giggle. 

I have actively tried to avoid exposing Kira and Veronica to too much otaku culture.  It’s not that I have anything against it, in fact I would consider myself a fan.  However, it’s extremely embarrassing trying to explain some of the more perverted elements of otakudom.  It’s just not worth the effort and I didn’t want to give Kira and Veronica a bad impression of humanity when they first came here.

Kira and Rin were busy snacking on the various pastries, while Irene was skimming through the latest e-book of Guns & Ammo.  Veronica was elegantly slipping her tea, completely at home having maids serving her.  I too was used to this, although not because I was raised in a noble household.  Being best friends with Reiji means that I have spent a considerable amount of time in maid cafés.josei

I ignored Reiji’s heartfelt sermon about the wonders of maid cafes, choosing instead to browse the news on my holophone for any stories that have hints of Pandemonium activity.  Vivian hasn’t contacted me about anything so far, but there’s no harm in checking.  What I didn’t expect was for a government wide alert to be issued on all communication devices.  My holophone, the television projectors, everything broadcasted an emergency message:  “Citizens of Japan, please return to your homes.  A hostile foreign force has invaded, please return to your homes and wait for further instructions.”

The question of which hostile foreign force was answered very quickly when I saw a pair of Chinese supersonic bombers fly over.  Those bombers then released their load, carpet bombing the entire area.  The district was decimated, or it would have been had I not discreetly launched a targeted electromagnetic pulse to disable the smart bombs from targeting the building foundations in the area.

Why the hell did they just target a civilian district and population?!?!?  This one action alone must have broken at least 4 different international treaties!  “Terra, what is happening?  Why is Japan suddenly at war?”  Hikari frantically asked.  “I don’t know, this doesn’t make any sense.  The Chinese aren’t stupid enough to invade Japan and risk the wrath of the United Faction.  They don’t have enough friends to weather that.”  I responded as I led the group away from the café in order to find a discreet location to teleport from.  Sounds of explosions and gunfire began reaching my enhanced hearing, and based on Veronica’s reaction she’s hearing it as well.

Another set of Chinese warplanes flew by, only to be intercepted by the Japanese Air Defense Force.  An aerial dogfight occurred, with the missed bullets and missiles scattering amongst the frantic crowds trying to escape.  Blood and gore sprayed everywhere as the death toll rapidly increased.  I had Irene tune into the military channels as we ducked into cover, and what we heard was not promising.  Multiple invasion forces, centered on the major cities and bases of Japan, are known.  Most have been intercepted by the Japanese Self Defense Force outside of the civilian heavy zones, with the glaring exception of Tokyo.

“Cheh, the only good news is that Japanese electronic counter warfare successfully jammed the Chinese Orbital Bombardment Satellites, else this place would have been wiped off the map already.”  Irene complained.  “Minato, you need to help!”  Reiji yelled over the chaos.  “I know!  But first I need to get everyone here and our families to safety!”  I shouted back.  I know that helping here would be a massive violation of my low-key low-magic policy, but this is my home.  What’s the point if I don’t even protect that?

We finally found an empty alleyway from which I could teleport.  Good, the sooner we get out of here the sooner I can get everyone to safety.  But as I was gathering the mana, the ground shuddered as an absurdly large explosion leveled part of the city.  The fire was an eerie green.  An abnormal stormfront appeared in the sky from which lightning struck out and shot down the JADF planes.  Most exploded in the air, although one crashed down close to us.  A loud thunderous noise echoed in the air, most similar to the barking of a dog.  Snow could be seen falling in the city.

Every television screen, computer screen, personal mobile device, and electronic billboard in the city than showed a live feed of a red-haired crimson-eyed white man in a leather jacket.  He was perched upon a spire that I recognized as the Tokyo Tower, the tallest building in the city.  “Hello Japan!  Happy April Fools!”  Dante gleefully said.  “You may be wondering why all this weird stuff is happening while the Chinese are invading.  I’ll give you a hint.”  The camera widened to show one of the skyscrapers nearby.  Dante took out his was-sceptre and gave a simple wave.  A bright red light flew out of the staff, and the entire skyscraper turned to dust.  Literally. 

After that blatant display of magic, Dante started laughing.  It was not a normal laugh.  It was inhuman, a sound that made everyone who heard it shudder involuntarily.  Ominous black and red light from his magic coalesced around him as he spoke “It was so… funny, when I heard the nickname you humans gave to me.  Demon Lord Dante.  Well, guess what?  IT’S TRUE!!!”  The area surrounding the tower vanished as an inferno of black hellfire consumed it in an instant.  The screams of terror and pain from those poor souls caught within it reached the camera, despite the distance.  Dante kept talking.  “The Demons of Pandemonium have come!  Despair as your last hope falls!  RIN!!!  DON’T KEEP ME WAITING!!!!!”

Fuck.  Pandemonium was never set-back at all, they were simply preparing.  I would try to think through what they did, but there’s no time to do anything but react.  I could see Cerberus’s monstrous form to the south, the opposite direction from Dante.  The snowfall was localized to the east, and the green fire was to the west.  The mother fucker.  He wants this to hurt.  No matter where I go, the others would rampage and destroy Tokyo before I can stop them.  He’ll wear me down and then defeat me.  It would have worked too, had I not had friends of my own to rely on.

“Reiji, I’m getting you out of here.  As soon as you arrive at the apartment, I want you to go get our parents and use this artifact to teleport them to safety.”  I said, handing Reiji a small pendant before promptly teleporting him away.  He was understandably scared, but I don’t have time to comfort him.  “Rin, Veronica.  Go take care of Cerberus.  Hikari, Irene I want you to head west.  Kira, you go east.”  I ordered as I shapeshifted into my Rin form.  “Boss, let me take care of Sparky.  The twitchy fuck will be too much of a pain otherwise.”  Irene countered, glancing over at the wrecked JADF fighter plane.  “Fine.”  I replied, flinging out an arm and fixing the jet in an instant.  Irene jumped into it, and I gave her a helping hand for take-off as I flung the jet into the sky.  The tell-tale circuit patterns indicating Optimization coursed across the plane as Irene flew into the demonic stormfront.

“Link up the illusion artifacts to your defensive ones, you’ll need the extra power.”  I said as the others readied themselves to go.  “But what about secrecy?”  Kira asked.  “It doesn’t matter anymore, we need every advantage we can get.  I believe in you guys.”  I said before taking to the skies myself and dashing to Tokyo Tower.  I have to believe in them.  They can do this.  They are so much stronger from when I first met them.  Feeling an odd sensation in my heart as I trusted the others to do their part, I flew for what’s likely to become my final confrontation with Dante.

Vivian’s POV

I am standing in the Crisis room alongside my father and his vassals.  We are all staring mutely at the screen, which just showed Dante’s live broadcast in Tokyo.  China has allied itself with Pandemonium.  Their combined forces are invading Japan.  Demons and magic have been revealed to the world.  Tokyo is turning into a hellish nightmare.  The other members of the Sino faction have invaded neighboring countries belonging to the United and Monarch Factions, and the Emperor of Zaire had just been assassinated in a coup which I would bet my sword was incited by Pandemonium.  The Empire of Zaire is rapidly devolving into a civil war, and satellite imaging is showing that the Central African Confederacy is sending in troops to take advantage of the situation. 

We too will need to send in troops quickly to prevent the Neo faction from subverting our ally.  The United faction is currently preoccupied with the minor countries of the Sino faction invading some of their key resource rich allies, meaning that military aid for Japan will be late if it comes at all.  The Neo faction will have no interest in aiding a United faction member, and the Monarch faction can’t spare the manpower with our allies in turmoil.  I doubt that any of them will believe the reports about demons and magic from Japan until it is far too late to help.  Japan will face both Pandemonium and their ally (or possible puppet?) China alone.  My attempts to contact Minato have failed, likely due to China blocking communications.

The display of power by Dante has illustrated just how in over our heads we truly are.  We can’t stop that, especially not with a Council of Nine member supporting them.  Minato is our only hope.  God help us all.

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