The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: The Next Step

December 6th, 2088

After taking on Erilom’s direct request, I had several weeks of relative calm to enjoy before the plan was scheduled to begin.  I spent the majority of that time in Faulk, thoroughly emptying the place of treasure.  Apart from my dungeon-diving, I also managed to survive three more rounds on Japan’s Rising Idol, placing 1st overall each time.  

I was getting used to the format, but they change it up as the season progresses.  The idea is to progress from just singing all the way up to an actual idol concert as the contestants ‘rise’ to idol level.  The next couple of episodes will require we dance amongst other things.  And the final 2 episodes will require us to create our own songs.  We were told already to start writing.  Haaa.  Seeing all that money add up in my bank account though is really quite satisfying.  I’ve also been keeping busy preparing the plan for Veronica and Kira. 

Hikari had some big news to share during this time also.  She just yesterday got a part-time job as a model at a famous modeling agency.  She seemed really excited about the pay and the access to a lot of amazing clothes.  But apparently her father set a condition that he never wants her to be at a shoot alone.  The modeling industry has had some scandals in the past that have made him paranoid.  So Hikari kept badgering me to agree to be her chaperone until I said yes.  *Sigh* I think her first photo shoot is coming up at the beginning of next month. 

Honestly, I’m getting exhausted by all the things I’ve been having to do.  And I still have to deal with the Redemption group.  Haa, I think their guard will have lowered by the end of January, I should start making preparations for that as well.  My current dream is to one day wake up and realize I have nothing to do and then promptly go back to sleep.  That dream seems a long way off as I am currently headed back home after scouting out some apartments. 

I opened the door with a weary “I’m home.” as I was thinking about what still needed to get done in the other world.  And then suddenly…. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINATO!”  I was ambushed by my parents, Hikari and Reiji with a surprise party.  Oh right, it’s my 16th birthday today.  I casually put the dagger I had just drawn back into its sheathe before anyone noticed and proceeded to my dining room table that had a fantastic meal set on it.  Both of my parents were wearing dumb doting looks on their faces, my dad even had a video camera and was filming everything.  He was 6 foot 4 inches with brown hair far lighter than mine, green eyes and a large build.  He was what one would call “ruggedly handsome” and was a stark contrast with my slender and elegant mother.  

It was a small gathering, but everyone here was someone that I care about.  I felt a warm feeling spread throughout me and I couldn’t help but give a happy smile as I said “Thank you everyone.”  I then spent a very pleasant afternoon with them.  My dad and Reiji were animatedly talking about American comic books while I was listening in and my mother and Hikari were discussing something in whispers while sending glances my way every once in a while.  Eventually though Hikari and Reiji left, and my parents had gone to bed after drinking a little too much.  They both have low tolerance for alcohol, so they’ll be out until the late morning tomorrow. 

It was later in the evening, but it wasn’t quite night yet, so I decided to visit the 9 Lives Trading outpost briefly since I had the time.  I entered through the doorway and greeted Kira and Veronica.  We spent a good deal of time chatting at first but soon we were simply sitting together in silence, enjoying each other’s company.  Kira had fallen asleep on my lap, her cat ears were cutely twitching as she dreamed.  Veronica was still awake and she was lying in my arms contently. 

During these past few weeks, Veronica and I have gotten even closer.  Our dates were always a lot of fun and we never tired of each other’s company.  Veronica now stirred a bit and said “Terra, I’m getting a bit sleepy.  I’m going up to my room.  Please come say good bye once you put Kira to bed.”  She gave me a kiss good night, gently stroked Kira’s hair and went up the stairs.  She’s really developed a soft spot for Kira, huh.  That’s good, it looks like they’ve become friends. 

I gently put Kira in her bed as instructed and lightly knocked outside of Veronica’s room.  After I heard a faint “come in” I entered the room and saw Veronica sitting on the edge of her bed in a white silken robe.  The moon was full tonight and the light shined through the window, giving the whole scene a surreal feeling. 

As I closed the door behind me, she stood up elegantly and I noticed at this time that her face was a little flushed and the tips of her twitching ears were red.  Her hands seemed to tremble slightly from either nervousness or excitement as she undid her robe and let it slide off her shoulders and onto the floor.  josei

She was wearing nothing beneath it.  Her soft and slender body was on full display, her flawless light caramel skin practically glowing in the moonlight.  Her perfect hourglass figure and large perky breasts were exposed completely to my eyes.  All the blood right now is rushing to my head and my mind has gone blank.  I was able to keep my composure when Erilom did this same maneuver, but with Veronica I don’t even know what the word composure means right now. 

Her face and ears are turning red under my unabashed gaze and she only said one word filled with emotion and meaning as she looked at me with pleading violet eyes “Terra.”  *Whoosh* I have never moved so fast in my life up to this point.  She barely finished saying my name before my clothes were off and I already had her in a passionate embrace where we then shared a long, long kiss. 

I pushed her down onto the bed where she laid there shyly, “I love you, Terra.” She said.  I leaned in for another long kiss and then I responded “I love you too, Veronica.”  Her whole body was quivering slightly as her breathing became ragged “Please make me yours.  I’ll do whatever you’d like.”  Veronica whispered.  Her face and ears were completely red by this point.  Her shy and submissive demeanor made my blood boil as I gave in to my desires.  I had my way with her for the rest of the night as we took another big step forward in our relationship.

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