The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: The Second Target

January 26th, 2089

Khoreena Folrek’s POV


My name is Khoreena Folrek.  I am a hobgoblin of the Savage Empire.  We are the largest of the “uncivilized” countries and one of the few who have been able to tenuously resist the Darkmoon Queendom.  During my childhood, I became a refugee with my family after the Darkmoon troops slaughtered or enslaved the majority of our village.  That was the first of many scenes of violence and hatred between our peoples that I witnessed. 

At first I completely hated the civilized races for their barbaric acts of cruelty, but when I joined the army to fight back I saw our side do things just as evil.  Why do our differences drive us to such malice and ill intent towards one another?  I soon left and started to travel the Darkmoon Queendom, trying to see what the differences that divided us truly were.  I then met my beloved companions and realized that everyone could live in harmony and peace.  But it seemed impossible here in our world. 

When we found the human world, it was eye-opening.  At first I thought it was paradise.  The amount of war and conflict was almost non-existent compared to our world.  But eventually I saw hidden discrimination and racial strife festering beneath the surface.  The signs of it escalating were there.  During our time here, we even saw a war envelop the entire world that caused so many to die.  Similar world wars had happened twice before in the past and they would likely happen again in the future.  So I eagerly pursued our plan to save this world as well as our own.  After a near century of preparations it is time. 

Right now I am sitting at a café in Atlanta drinking a sweet lemonade with my husband Andre Smith.  We’re going on 12 years of marriage and I am truly happy.  He’s a wonderful sweetheart and I love him dearly.  My one regret was that I never had the courage to tell him the truth about me.  He doesn’t know that I am a hobgoblin. 

That was also the reason we never had children, since it would expose me.  I had told him I was infertile when we were dating and yet he still chose to marry me.  During our decade together, I researched and perfected preserving one’s memories after reincarnation.  When the new world is born, I plan to reincarnate Andre with his memories as a hobgoblin like myself.  We’ll reunite and finally start a family together.  Fufu, he’ll be really sexy as a hobgoblin. 

I happily was chatting with him while thinking such thoughts when suddenly I sensed magic.  The surroundings seemed blurred like looking through a sheer veil.  I then noticed an overwhelming amount of bloodlust and killing intent.  It was something that could only be forged from countless battles.  I looked over and saw a man in jeans and a hooded sweatshirt walk towards me.  Normally I would fight, but Andre was here.  I can’t risk losing him. 

“Please.  Please let’s not fight here.”  I sent the message telepathically to the hooded figure as he continued walking towards us.  “I don’t want to involve these innocent people.  I swear I will not run away, so please not here.  I won’t bring weapons or anything else to the fight, so please not here.”  I begged desperately.  He was almost upon us, but instead of attacking he continued to walk right by the table brushing it slightly as he went on his way.  His bloodlust and killing intent was completely retracted and a telepathic message resonated in my head “The abandoned warehouse on 6th and Jackson.  Come at midnight.” 

He left and I was completely shaken by his appearance.  Why is a hostile wizard here and what does he want with me?  The only answer that makes sense was that our plan to save the world was blown.  My blood ran cold at the thought and what had been a lovely morning spent with my husband turned sour in an instant.  The lemonade that was so sweet just moments ago now left a slight bitter aftertaste in my mouth.

I did as instructed and was waiting at the warehouse in the middle of the night.  True to my word I did not bring any weapons or artifacts.  I pride myself on my integrity and am not so shameless as to take advantage of this assassin’s small act of mercy.  And there he is, wearing the same dark hooded sweatshirt as before.  It obscured his face so I still didn’t know what he looked like. 

“Why are you here?”  I asked.  “To stop you from destroying the world.”  He responded emotionlessly.  His answer was expected but irritating to hear.  He doesn’t understand what we are trying to do.  “We’re not destroying the world, we are creating something beautiful!  Using the best parts of both worlds and combining them into something that’s even greater.  We’ll create a paradise for everyone!” I asserted. josei

“I hear the ravings of someone whose eyes are blinded by the bright light of their impossible goal.  You desire to save the world, yet you enslave others and sacrifice them along the way.  You wish to end suffering, yet perpetuate it.  The sins you are committing seem worth it for the thing you hope to create.  But upon success you will realize to your horror that your beautiful creation is in fact a monster, Dr. Frankenstein.”  “I will not waver from the path my friends and I tread.”  At this point, I gathered lightning into my hands and readied a fighting stance. 

However, my opponent simply continued calmly standing there.  He asked me “Where is your equipment?”  “I said I wouldn’t bring it, I keep my word.  Now let’s fight!  Or are you here to talk?”  The hooded man shook his head “Your honor and honesty are commendable, but have no place in a battle.  I am neither here to fight nor talk.”  Suddenly, an ill sensation spread throughout my body and my magic dissipated as I lost the ability to control it.  I fell to my hands and knees and vomited blood.  The hooded man was unsurprised at my situation and calmly continued speaking “I was simply waiting for the poison to take effect from earlier.” 

Ah, I see now.  That slight bitter aftertaste from the lemonade was due to poison, not my shock.  Did he intentionally appear with such timing earlier to rattle me and make me vulnerable for such a tactic?  That would explain why he simply appeared instead of launching a surprise attack.  What an insidious person.  The poison was truly potent and my consciousness is already fading.  I’m sorry Andre, it looks like we will never have the chance to start a family together after all.  I’ll wait for you on the other side.  Please forgive me.

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