The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Trap-kun

March 1st, 2089

It has been close to a month since I have moved Kira and Veronica to my world.  The apartment was all set up for them and I equipped them with a variety of magic artifacts I had already prepared.  There was the standard illusion artifact that made them look like two normal Japanese girls of high school age.  They had translation artifacts so they could speak the language.  I also gave them a communicator that allowed them to contact me telepathically from anywhere at any time. 

 But most importantly I had given each of them a magical grimoire filled with all the information I knew about this world.  It contained detailed explanations tailored to someone from their world and even contained some of my memories that it could transfer to them to imbue them with knowledge faster.  It took me forever and a lot of valuable materials to make these grimoires but they have already proven to be an invaluable investment. 

Kira and Veronica have been placed under a temporary house arrest while they study.  We do go on daily excursions outside to isolated areas, but I will not allow them out into populated areas until they can pass a test involving this world’s common sense and knowledge.  josei

They have been making progress on that front recently, so I’ll have to start preparing for our outing.  There was one minor miscalculation I had made when picking the apartment though.  One of the two bedrooms I had set up in the apartment has never been used since the three of us would sleep together in the same bed every night.  It’s a waste of the extra cost I’m paying to rent a two-bedroom apartment but I don’t care. 

Seeing Kira sleeping on my left and Veronica sleeping on my right while their bodies press up against mine every night does a wonderful job of keeping me positive.  On a less positive note, I am trying to figure out what to do about my Rin persona.  I won Japan’s Rising Idol, much to my dismay, and did so by a record margin. 

Top Talent had to greatly increase their contract offer due to the number of competing deals that had been offered to me, so the money is particularly attractive.  I desperately need the money with my two girls to support, but the time requirements are somewhat daunting.  I have hired an agent and hope to negotiate terms so that I minimize the commitments that Top Talent wants from me.   Any contract I do sign will take effect in the summer, so I don’t have to worry about it for now.

Today is another day of school and so I reluctantly extricated myself from Kira and Veronica’s embraces in order to get ready.  School had been a major pain recently thanks to Shirou.  He hasn’t stopped his pursuit of Hikari and has deemed me to be the biggest obstacle obstructing him.  He first tried to spread malicious rumors about me, which I have ignored since I don’t care about what everyone thinks. 

His next attempt was to humiliate me publicly with some traps and awkward situations which I easily avoided.  He then resorted to getting some of his lackeys together to try and intimidate me.  That ended with me meticulously beating the living daylights out of all 5 of those idiots and Shirou himself.  I made sure to not break anything and focused on their torsos so the bruises wouldn’t be apparent.  After this last attempt, he has been quiet.  I dare say he’s been scared off at last.  I think my unbridled killing intent during our last encounter did the trick.

One good thing about school is that Reiji is coming back after his two-month absence.  I had kept in touch via e-mail, but I hadn’t been able to see him in person due to concerns he might have been contagious.  In celebration of his return, Hikari and I both decided to head over to his house and meet him at the door before walking to school together.  We were there waiting when the door creaked open and we finally saw Reiji again. 

Rather than joy, our response was one of great laughter.  “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!”  Hikari has literally fallen over from laughing so hard and even I am laughing to the point where I am out of breath.  Reiji glared at us while yelling “You guys suck!”  I managed to barely pull myself together long enough to respond “Sorry, Reiji-chan… HAHAHAHAHA!!!” Before falling into another round of laughter.  Hikari has now progressed to crying due to laughing so hard. 

Reiji’s illness had caused him to have an extremely strong sensitivity to sunlight, fever, loss of appetite, severe nausea and a loss of vocal function among other varied symptoms.  As a result, he had lost an incredible amount of weight these past two months and his skin had become much paler.  His vocal cords have also altered due to damage from the infection, making him have a higher pitch than before. 

Reiji had always been a feminine looking guy with some nice facial features despite his many folds of fat.  But now that he is so slender he has transformed into a super androgynous bishounen.  His cute little nose with his heart-shaped face and innocent eyes have combined with his smaller figure and pale skin to make him look like a pretty girl with a boyish charm.  Even his higher pitched voice would make people think he is a cute girl.  Honestly he is more attractive than a lot of the girls in our class.  And that’s why it is so damn funny. 

We eventually managed to recover and walked with Trap-kun to school.  I have become rather fond of that nickname for Reiji while Hikari seems to favor Reiji-chan.  Reiji was pouting due to our behavior, which made him look even more like a girl.  When we entered the classroom, a silence fell over the students as they saw Reiji.  Hikari and I both managed to keep straight faces as the guys started to drool over “her” while the girls enviously looked at “her” lovable appearance.  Then the bomb dropped when Reiji took his seat and Kawaguchi-sensei told everyone he had returned. 

All the guys had a shell-shocked look on their faces and all the girls had a dead eye look at the fact that a boy was so much prettier than them.  Hikari and I both could no longer hold it in and burst out laughing once more.  The rest of the school day was spent cheerfully as we continued to laugh at everyone’s reactions to Reiji’s drastically changed appearance.  But when I arrived home, my parents were waiting for me with a surprising announcement “Minato, your father and I have arranged a marriage for you.”  …Hah?

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