The Bounty Hunter

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: The Queen’s Request

March 3rd, 2089 josei

“I want my daughter to contract with one of the spirits at the Fairy Queen’s Grove.  I will be arranging an expedition to escort her there.  Your job will be to guide the expedition.”  As the Queen said that, I glanced over at Feneris, who blushed at my gaze.  *Sigh* It just had to be an escort mission.  I hate escort missions.  

The Queen is probably trying to get Feneris a contract with a high-level spirit to shore up her claim for the throne.  If she appears too weak, it could invite rebellion.  “Your Majesty, I am unable to fulfill this request.  I have retired from mercenary work and am no longer fit for this kind of duty.  I will happily provide the map I made of the Fey Wood as a gift, but I fear that I will not be able to provide any further assistance.” 

The Queen’s brow furrowed at my response and I could tell she has gotten annoyed.  “Nonsense.”  She signaled one of the Queensguard, a handsome dark elf with some masculine features in the standard-issue black half-plate armor.  He stepped forward and drew a longsword and round shield out.  He then promptly attacked me with a vertical chop.  Elven warriors are always dangerous due to their centuries of training and combat experience.  However, when there is such a massive gap in physical ability like now it means nothing. 

During the very long time it took for the sword to reach me, I was pondering whether or not it would be better to take the hit and act incompetent.  But then I realized that the sword would break on my skin, which would be too eye-catching.  Let’s play it safe.  I casually leaned over while still on one knee, allowing the sword to pass by harmlessly.  I simultaneously rose upward and delivered a restrained uppercut to the guard.  The blow still sent him flying like he was a bird and he landed unconscious a dozen feet away from me. 

“You seem plenty capable to me.  So it is more a matter of whether or not you wish to defy a royal command.”  The Queen’s eyes glittered dangerously as she said that.  I promptly went back down to one knee “Of course not, your Majesty.”  I so want to punch this woman’s face in right now.  Hmph, as soon as I leave this building I’ll be gone for good.  Screw this mission. 

“Good.  Now as I was saying, you will be guiding this expedition.  It will be a small party, consisting of my four finest Queensguard, two Court Wizards, Feneris and Erilom.”  Why the hell is the pervert coming along?  “Your Majesty, pardon me but why is the Dutiful One coming along?”  “She’ll be your supervisor of course.  You have a commendable reputation, but I won’t take any risks when it concerns my daughter the Crown Princess.  Originally I had simply asked for a Bound One, but she has kindly offered to come herself.” 

There was an awkward pause as I tried to figure out what she was saying.  One of the few faults with slaves in this world is that they have a limited ability to operate independently.  So for people who own a lot of slaves they need to hire free people to direct them.  These people are known as supervisors.  So with the Queen saying Erilom will be my supervisor, it makes me nervous.  Do they want to enslave me? 

Erilom helpfully chimed in at this moment “Marielle doesn’t mean that you’ll be enslaved.  Bound Ones can inscribe an Oath Mark, which compels one to honor whatever promise they made when it was inscribed.  These marks can even be applied to wizards, unlike Slave Marks.  Unfortunately, they fade over time and need to be renewed.  That’s why I would come along as your supervisor, to ensure your Oath Mark doesn’t disappear before the mission is complete.” 

Fuck me.  I have just been put into checkmate.  I don’t want to risk escaping right now due to Erilom being present with her cheat item the 5 Chains of Adligo, and by the time I am allowed to leave I’ll be magically coerced into the job.  “What will be my compensation?”  I asked.  If I am forced into doing this for free, I’ll risk it and leave right now.  The Queen indifferently answered “You can pick whatever you’d like from the treasury.  As a sign of goodwill you can choose today after getting the Oath Mark applied.” 

All my irritation up to this point has vanished and my ears couldn’t help but twitch at that as my interest was perked.  I made more money with one job for Erilom than I had made in 3 years of bounty hunting.  The gap between the poor and rich in this world is enormous indeed when Erilom can casually spend a thousand gold coins for one job while a simple laborer makes one gold coin a year.  And the Royal Family are even richer than the Cult of Chains.  Their treasury will definitely be something spectacular.  

I nodded my understanding and waited as Erilom came forward to apply the Oath Mark.  “The mark needs to be placed directly on the skin and although the mark can be placed anywhere, it will definitely be most effective when placed over the heart.”  Erilom claimed.  She is so lying through her teeth right now.  But before I could object the Queen spoke “Then apply it there.”  Wait, why does she seem somewhat eager?  You’re several centuries older than me and have a daughter for goodness’s sake!  Speaking of the daughter I am surprised steam hasn’t come out of her head yet.  *Sigh* These muscle fetishists could at least throw money while they force me to strip. 

The application of the Oath Mark ended up taking a while since Erilom’s hands kept wandering.  And no one except me was raising any objections to that.  My oath was that I would guide Feneris to the Fairy Queen’s Grove and protect her along the way.  Erilom tried to get me to put in some vague statements that would have likely forced me to provide additional “service” but I managed to avoid those traps.  Shortly after that I was guided to the treasury and it was something impressive. 

There was a sea of gold coins that one could swim in and scattered treasures lying everywhere.  I wandered the treasury which was the size of football field for a long time as I tried to decide on something.  Well, the treasurer was not a wizard so I was secretly loading up my dimensional storage with a variety of valuable items.  But I should actually pick something out before he gets suspicious. 

Bingo.  I saw a pile of what looked like junk with a battered leather bound book lying on top.  The only reason why this stuff was in the treasury was because all of the “junk” was crafted from a variety of valuable metals and materials.  Other than that it was unremarkable in almost every way, but I could sense a very intricate magic in every part.  Whatever wizard made these odd whimsical contraptions was a master enchanter and a genius tinkerer. 

“Who made this?” I asked as I looked over a wire frame that was shaped like a forearm.  The treasurer showing me around responded “This pile of oddities was collected from an abandoned lab rumored to have belonged to the legendary Artificer Steale, an expert golemancer and craftsdwarf.”  The treasurer nodded toward the book “We believe that to be his journal, but there is a powerful spell on it that prevents us from opening it.  As a result, we are also uncertain what all these parts are for.  At first we thought it was for a golem, but all the parts are too small and detailed.  He might have been making a doll or something.” 

I nodded to the treasurer that this was my choice and he had it packed up for my departure.  I left the castle with a small wagon with my treasure on it.  As soon as I left their sight I placed everything in my dimensional storage and returned home. 

I smiled as I sat in my room holding one of the parts left behind by Artificer Steale, a porcelain-like mask that looked like a human face.  I never thought that the other world would have an automata.  The value of this thing and Steale’s journal is damn near priceless.  No matter how much of a pain this escort job turns out to be this payment will make it worthwhile.  *Shudder* I think I just jinxed myself.

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