The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 586

Chapter 586

Chapter 586

Chapter 0586

Anders lets us into their room and Clint walks me to sit on the love seat next to Calista. Clint sits beside

me and Anders bring him a glass of amber liquid that smells like bourbon. Clint downs it in one go.

I look at Calista and she looks at me. We both know we aren’t going to like this news.

*Just tell us. Anders.” She says quietly.

He pulls up a chair and sits in front of Calista, taking her hand as Clint reaches out and takes mine.

wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“Luna Estella is dead.”

My stomach clenches, my whole body goes rigid and my eyes fill with burning tears as Clint’s arm

tightens around me. Calista’s free hand flies to her mouth. “Dead?” She whispers, blinking back her



“I’m sorry love. I know all of you were close. I’m not sure I believe the story of what happened. It was a

war, after all. But you’ll hear it, so it’s better that you hear it from me. They say they found her dead

body in the arms of Eli Gunnar, the boy that Alpha Jerome banished nearly a year ago.”

I feel like I’m in shock. “What about Liam?” I ask.

“He’s okay, Lily bud.” Clint says, pulling me into his lap. His hands go to my stomach. He begins


circles on my stomach, easing the tension I was feeling.

“How is Leander?”

“He’s alive, but barely. Leander’s Beta is watching over Liam. He knows he can call on us if he needs



“Did we lose any warriors?” I ask. No one in our safe room lost a mate, or we would have known, but

there are multiple safe rooms.

“No. Having us join the fight tipped the scales. Many of Jerome’s pack members got away, so we’ll

have to be extra careful, and I’ll be doubling the patrols. Leander lost some of his pack members. Once

they have their dead ready to send to the Moon Goddess, I’ll go back and stand in as Alpha if Leander



“Liam’s going to need you now, Anders.” I tell him.

“And I’ll be there for him as much as I can be. He’s only six. For now, the biggest thing I can do is help

keep his pack from being taken from him.”

The Shadow Falls pack laid their dead to rest. Anders was there acting as Alpha, speaking over their

dead and attempting to calm the pack and support those that lost their mates.


Luna Estella had her own funeral. Clint brought me and Call to her services. Anders presided over her

funeral while Leander and Liam sat in the front row. Leander looked like a body that was empty of it’s

soul, Liam cried silently.

When it was over, I was watching Liam and so I saw when he quietly left the room. I followed him,

wanting to make sure he was as okay as he could be. I found him in a library, curled up in a corner.


I went and sat beside him, putting my arm around him. He immediately stiffened, his head shooting up

as he wiped his tears from his face.

“Guardian Lily. I apologize. I know Alphas aren’t supposed to cry.”

“Who told you that?” I ask him softly, helping him to wipe his eyes.

“My father.”

“Well how about we make this our little secret. I won’t tell if you won’t. And you can cry until you’re

done. What do you say?”

He nods his head before the tears start to fall again. I pull him against my side, wrapping my arms

around him and rocking him as his tears fell. When he finally finished and pulled away, he looked at


“Thank you, Guardian.”

“Call me Lily. And if you ever need anything at all, Liam, just call me. Do you have a phone?”

He nods again.

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“Thank you, Lily.”

Over the next several years, Liam would call me off and on. I always answered and usually he just

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Cooper Author

it was hard writing about Luna Estella’s death, but more so the aftermath for Liam Updates occur daily.

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