The Bumpy Road of Marriage: Divorce Now, Daddy

Chapter 2555

Chapter 2555

Chapter 2555: Chapter 2555: Calm Down

The two of them sat like this for the entire morning. Neither of them spoke. Yu Jiangqing leaned on Ding Ning and fell asleep. Just like a child, he lay quietly on her body and fell asleep.

His eyes were slightly black, and there were actually a few fine lines at the corner of his eyes. Ding Ning could not help but reach out to touch the fine lines at the corner of his eyes.

This man was no longer young.

Just like last time, when he knew that he had just turned twenty-four, he was obviously a little shocked.

Twenty-four, that was very far away from him.

When he was twenty-four, he was still experiencing the darkest and most difficult period of his life.

But no matter what, they still had to go back.

Hei Zi and the others felt that on the way back, their boss was in a good mood. It was not the kind of good that he used to make fun of them, but the kind that came from the bottom of his heart.

Ding Ning lowered her head and counted the poison and poison that she had found this time. After Yu Jiangqing finished teasing his soldiers, he went over and sat down beside Ding Ning, “Think about the flying beasts yourself. If you want to go, go and sign up. You’re still young. This time, it’s my turn to wait for you.”

At the age of twenty-four, the best age in life was to go out and fight for yourself.

Ding Ning raised her head, snorted, and continued to pack her things.

“Hey, I’m being serious with you. What kind of attitude is this? Is there such a way to treat a leader?”As Yu Jiangqing said this, he saw Ding Ning suddenly poke a transparent bottle to his lips, but she didn’t touch it.

Yu Jiangqing raised his hands and stepped back. He couldn’t afford to offend her.

“Be careful that one day, I will poison you to death.”Ding Ning threatened fiercely as she turned around and continued to tidy up the things.

Yu Jiangqing slowly put down his hands and turned around to look at his giggling subordinates. “If you laugh again, I will poison all of you.”

After Yu Jiangqing threatened the people he dared to threaten, he turned around to look at Ding Ning who had her eyes lowered. “Search our n?wno?el.?rg”He felt that Ding Ning had changed. Although she was still fierce, at least she wasn’t as cold as before.

“I’m serious,”Yu Jiangqing said seriously.

“I know you didn’t do anything bad. The flying beasts are indeed better than me.”Ding Ning raised her head and looked at Yu Jiangqing. She thought that Yu Jiangqing agreed to her to participate in the selection and form a new team with the flying beasts because she suspected that he was cheating.

She had eyes and could see clearly.

Yu Jiangqing leaned lazily on the cushion of the chair. “You only have one chance. If you lose it, you may never have another chance in the future.”

“I have more important things to do now.”Ding Ning only glanced at Yu Jiangqing before putting the glass jars into the small metal box with the ice cubes.

More important things?

Yu Jiangqing’s heart thumped. Did she know about that?

“What, what is it?”Yu Jiangqing was actually a little worried. After all, her so-called mother was still living at the entrance of the army.

Ding Ning put away the poison and sat back beside Yu Jiangqing, “Why did I tell you? It’s my own matter.”

“No, no, Ding Ning, what do you mean? I’m your husband. What other matters are your own matters? Tell me clearly about this matter.”Yu Jiangqing didn’t know if it was because he had something hidden in his heart.., his temper was a little too big.

However, his temper had always been very unstable. Ding Ning had experienced this before, so she did not find it strange. josei

“Leader, calm down. Your soldiers are watching you.”Ding Ning motioned for him to look back. Hei Zi and the others were indeed watching him.

“What are you looking at? Close your eyes collectively.”Yu Jiangqing turned back and shouted.

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