The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004

Chapter 1004

Felix also wanted to tell her that, in the past few days, he somehow constantly felt like someone was secretly watching him. When he turned around to look for the person, he found nothing.

Felix wondered if it was just his imagination.

If there really was someone spying on him, who could they be?

While Felix thought about it, Jennifer turned and the quilt wrapped around her spread out a little. Her hand moved around out of habit. After touching his hand, she quieted down and stopped moving. Felix used his other hand to carefully cover Jennifer with the quilt before lying beside her. Under the quilt, the two little hands intertwined.

Felix did not know how many more nights he could sleep with Jennifer like this. He knew that he was a boy and she was a girl, and that they should sleep separately.

In addition to that, Yvette harmed Jennifer’s family.

Nevertheless, Felix still hoped that days like this could last longer. He liked having Jennifer sleeping next to him like this. Every time she fell asleep, her hand would instinctively grab his so that she could fall asleep quietly.

Felix felt like he was needed.

Maybe no one else in this world needed him. He may not matter at all and may merely be a burden, but Jennifer needed him.

That was enough for him.

Meanwhile, a man stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the presidential suite and looked condescendingly at the neon lights outside the window.

On the coffee table behind him was a DNA report. It showed that two blood samples were submitted, and the DNA result revealed a parent-child relationship between them.

“As expected, he’s my son,” mused the man. Then, he whispered, “Felix Hamilton?”

Who would have expected him to have a child on the night he was caught in trouble in the city? The child’s biological mother was Yvette. The man had investigated her and reckoned she must be the woman he disdained the most, and she had already passed away in the detention center.

No matter what, Yvette did a good deed by leaving the Serton family a blood kin.

Had the man not gotten a physical examination at the hospital, he wouldn’t have known that the people close to him had been feeding him drugs throughout all those years to end the Serton family’s bloodline.

The man would never have another blood-related child in his life. In other words, Felix was his only biological child.

Since Felix was his flesh and blood, naturally, he would bring the boy back to the Serton family.

The man took out his phone and dialed a number. “Make the arrangements. I want to meet that child tomorrow!”

The person on the other end of the phone answered, “Yes.”

The next day, when all the kindergarten children were taking a nap, Felix met an unfamiliar man in a room inside the kindergarten.

He was a tall man with a cold and gentle appearance. He made Felix feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity as if the child had seen his face before.

Felix was still too young at that moment, so he wasn’t aware that the familiarity he felt was because of his slight resemblance to the man before him.

“You’re Felix Hamilton and you’re already five years old. Your mother is Yvette Hamilton, right?” asked the man.

Felix looked at the man warily and asked, “Who are you?”

“I’m Wyatt Serton, from the Serton family of Lommore replied the man.

Anyone who heard that name would be surprised. Wyatt and the Serton family were well-known in

Lommore. The Youngblood family was powerful in Strico, and the Serton family was the same in Lommore.

But, a child like Felix did not understand the significance of Wyatt’s words. He was still vigilant. “What do you want to do? A-Are you going to tell the other kids in the kindergarten that Mother is a criminal?” That was the biggest threat for him.

In fact, Felix did not care if others would laugh at him or be mean to him if they knew that he was the son of a criminal. He simply did not want Jennifer to fight other people to help him.

Seeing Jennifer get wounded in a fight would cause Felix more pain than getting injured himself.

“I’m not that silly to tell the other kids about this. I just want to tell you that I am your biological father. This time, I have come to Strico to take you with me,” Wyatt directly stated his purpose.

Felix looked at the person in front of him in surprise. His delicate voice full of disbelief, he asked, “You’re my… daddy?”

“Yes.” Wyatt gave him a very determined answer.

“But why are you my daddy? Mommy didn’t tell me that my daddy was Wyatt Serton,” said Felix. Yvette told him that Zachary was his father.

However, Zachary was not Felix’s father-it was Yvette who lied to him. Wyatt tried to explain it using words that children of Felix’s age could understand. “It has been tested in the hospital. If you still don’t want to believe it, I can take you to the hospital in Strico for another test.”

Felix was silent. Although he did not know what kind of test it was, he believed the hospital.

Felix wondered, “If the hospital confirmed that we’re father and son, it should be true. Is he really my daddy?”

“Although you’re staying with the Youngblood family now, you’re living under someone else’s roof. Besides, your mother has harmed Rosalie, the lady of the Youngblood family, many times before. I’m afraid your life in the Youngblood residence won’t become any easier. Follow me back to the Serton family. I can make you live the same life as the children of the Youngblood family. No one will dare gossip about you there! And no one will dare disrespect you.”

To Felix, Wyatt’s words sounded like a fairy tale. A trace of doubt flashed across his eyes.

Wyatt chuckled gently, which softened his indifferent expression. “What’s wrong? You don’t believe me? In Lommore, the Serton family isn’t inferior to the Youngblood family at all. When you arrive there, you’re naturally a son of the Serton family! Come back to Lommore with me. I’ll arrange everything, and you can have whatever you want.”

Wyatt extended his hand to Felix as he spoke.

Felix was the only child in his life. Wyatt would naturally take good care of the boy and nurture him carefully.

To his surprise, Felix, standing in front of Wyatt, did not put his hand on Wyatt’s. The look on Felix’s face was even clearer-it was that of unwillingness.

There was no doubt that Felix was unwilling.

What Wyatt said earlier was a great temptation for children like Felix. However, the effect was clearly not as Wyatt had imagined.

“Don’t you want to go back to Lommore with me? Once we arrive at Lommore, there will be a group people who will serve you. You can have the best piano and teachers. It won’t be a problem if you want any toys,” said Wyatt.

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