The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

Now, in the same way, Veronica was also forcing Callum to make a choice.

If Callum really chose Veronica, Lillian thought she probably wouldn’t blame him. After all, he had already done a lot for her.

“It seems that you want to be the second Madeline.” Callum suddenly smiled. “Have you forgotten what happened to her?”

Veronica’s expression abruptly fell, and then she said, “I’m not as stupid as her. Her actions caused the ruin of the entire Tall family.”

“You are stupider than her,” Callum said lazily, and his eyes became colder. “Since the Turner family dares to plot against me, you should be prepared for your destruction. Maybe next year, your family will be wiped out from the registers of Sloummont.”

“You…” Veronica’s expression twisted immediately. “Callum, you are too arrogant.”

Callum ignored her words and left with Lillian.

When they got in the car, Lillian asked Callum, “Are you confident about tomorrow?”

He looked at her and said, “It’s hard to say who wins or loses before everything ends. I can only say that I have made what I think is the most complete preparation.”

She bit her lip slightly. “Then… What will happen if you lose?”

“I’ll be kicked out of the board and forced to leave the company. My shares will be continually diluted until I end up with no money or power. When that happens…”

“I’ll support you!” Lillian said quickly. After saying that, she realized how stupid that sounded. Even if Callum really lost tomorrow, his assets were far more than ordinary people. Why would she ever need to support him?

“You’ll support me?” He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

She blushed. “I-I was kidding!”

“Well, I won’t take that as a joke.” He said, “If I really lose tomorrow, then you’ll have to support me. Of course, if I win tomorrow, then I will support you for the rest of my life!”

His deep black eyes were full of love. Lillian looked at Callum and couldn’t help but smile. The worry in her heart seemed to gradually dissipate as well. “Okay! Then I hope you can support me for the rest of my life!”

The board of directors meeting of the White Maple Group naturally attracted a lot of attention.

As expected, at the board meeting, Ysabel and the Turner family joined hands. They also conspired with several major shareholders. This, combined with the shares they had purchased, resulted in them holding 5% higher than Callum. If there were no surprises, Callum would lose.

At that moment, Veronica said smugly to Callum, “I told you that you would lose today. Yesterday was your best chance at winning, but you didn’t seize it.”

“Really?” Callum smiled. “I think it’s better that the Turner family remains neutral.”

“Oh? Are you asking for mercy now?” Veronica said arrogantly. She thought, “So what if he’s stubborn? In the end, he still has no choice but to beg for mercy!”

Callum didn’t say anything, simply turning on the LCD screen in the conference room and having his secretary connect the laptop. Following that, a piece of breaking news about the Turner family

suddenly greeted everyone’s eyes.

A real estate development under the Turner family’s name had been reported for cutting corners, and the relevant departments in the city were planning to investigate this matter thoroughly.

This real estate development was a key project of the Turner family in the past two years. Now that the relevant departments were investigating the matter, it was naturally necessary to stop work.

Once the construction was suspended at this stage, the sales of the houses that were originally expected to be sold one month later would also be suspended.

Even after the rectification, it was unknown how the sales would go.



If the sales were not good, then the return of funds would be slower than expected. The next series of chain reactions might even result in the entire Turner Group being dragged into the mud.

Everyone in the Turner family’s face changed, and Veronica had a dumbfounded expression. Obviously, she didn’t know about this matter before.

Since this was a board meeting, everyone’s mobile phones were not allowed into the conference room and had to be handed in earlier. Therefore, Veronica couldn’t even make a call to ask what was going on.

“I also learned the news this morning. If the Turner family wants to save itself now, it should sell its shares in the White Maple Group. Otherwise, once the capital chain of the Turner family is broken, it will be hard for the Turner family to survive, let alone partake in a slice of the pie here in the White Maple Group,” Callum said calmly. It was as if everything was within his expectations.

Meanwhile, Veronica finally understood what Madeline felt back then.

The man before her was the sort to surreptitiously force one to a dead end so that one had no choice but to do what he wanted.

“Even if the Turner family wants to sell their shares, I can buy them,” Ysabel piped up loudly.

Callum glanced at his mother and said, “Ysabel, I’m afraid that you can’t afford the shares with how much cash you hold now. Or are you going to buy those shares in installments for the Turner family?”

“You…” Ysabel glared at her son fiercely. “Fine then. Let the shares go to the highest bidder. We’ll see who the Turner family is willing to sell to then.”

“I never said that I would bid with you! If the Turner family wants to sell me the shares, then I’ll decide the price. If they refuse to sell, it doesn’t matter to me either. They can always cling on to those shares.” With that, Callum took out a statement of agreement.

Ysabel frowned and asked, “What is that?”

“I signed a multi-person agreement with some shareholders of White Maple Group to freeze the shares we own and establish a holding company. In this way, the holding company holds more than 51% of the shares. So, Mother, you and the Turner family won’t win!” Callum said.

Hearing that, Ysabel jumped to her feet and stared at her son in shock.

This was her son, the man whom she had once held high hopes for. She had changed her fate with this child, but she didn’t expect that she would one day lose everything because of him as well!

When her son destroyed the Tall family previously, she realized that he was a lot more scheming than she had imagined.

Even so, she thought that this time, she would be able to defeat her son after working together with the Turner family. After all, it was better for her to hold the power in her own hands than to leave it in others’.

But now, she had no chance to turn the tables at all.

Ysabel’s face darkened. She turned around, planning to leave the conference room. There was no reason. for her to stay here anymore.

Just when she was about to reach the conference room door, Callum’s cold voice came from behind. “By the way, Mother, after this meeting is over, I have something else to talk about with you. You may as well wait for me outside.”

A humiliated expression took over Ysabel’s face as she stomped her high heels heavily and left the conference room.

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