The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

Rosalie hesitated for a moment as she looked at Amelia and then Warren.

“All right, someone will send me back. You two should go home as soon as possible,” said Amelia.

“Okay, then we’ll go back first,” Rosalie and Jonathan replied, making their way toward their car.

At the same time, Amelia and Warren walked together to his car.

Once inside, Warren started the engine and began to speak, his voice filled with concern, “Are you really going to give birth to the baby?”

Amelia, however, expressed her determination, “I want to give birth to this baby. Besides, the result of the consultation at the hospital hasn’t come out yet. Maybe it’s not as serious as we thought.”

“But didn’t you see what happened to Lillian today? She said everything went well at the prenatal examination, and yet she faced severe complications during childbirth, almost losing her life,” Warren reasoned. He couldn’t help but ponder the implications, “Even if it was someone else in that delivery room today, I can’t help but be afraid.”

He couldn’t help but dwell on what he might have to face in the delivery room. While today it was Callum dealing with a complicated delivery, tomorrow, it could be Warren himself in that challenging situation.

“Lillian’s situation was just a rare occurrence. There will always be exceptionally rare events happening in this world,” Amelia told him.

Nevertheless, Warren couldn’t shake off his fears and anxieties. “But I don’t want those rare events to happen to you! I don’t want to take that one-in-ten-million chance.”

Hearing this, Amelia fell silent.

The atmosphere inside the car grew heavy as pin-drop silence settled in.

When they reached their destination, Amelia said her farewell and stepped out of the car. Warren, however, couldn’t let go and grabbed her hand, leaning in closer, his voice filled with desperation. “Please, don’t go through with this pregnancy. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have insisted on you getting pregnant, let alone having this baby, Please, consider ending the pregnancy.”

Fear gripped him, a fear that had haunted him every minute and second outside the delivery room that day, a fear that Amelia would suffer the same fate as Lillian, or worse, because of childbirth.

Previously, he had not considered childbirth to be particularly challenging for women. He had assumed that while multiple births, like Rosalie’s triplets, might pose more difficulties, a typical single birth should be relatively straightforward. Furthermore, he believed that with the presence of well-qualified medical professionals and advanced medical technology, there should be little cause for concern.

However, today had shattered his illusions. He finally realized he was wrong.

Some things were beyond anyone’s control, no matter how well-prepared they were.

Amelia fixed her gaze on Warren, a cold smile on her lips as she retorted, “Warren, you’re so self- righteous. You wanted this baby and insisted that I give birth to it. Now that I want to keep it, you suddenly realize you were wrong and want me to have an abortion. What do you think I am? What do you think this child is?”

“I-I… just don’t want to lose you!” Warren stammered in a hoarse voice.

Amelia’s smile turned even colder as she replied, “My child and I are not your possessions. We’re not objects to be desired or discarded at your whim. Warren, after all these years, you remain unchanged.

Back then, you treated me as something to be used or cast aside as you pleased.”

Warren’s face suddenly paled, and her words seemed to freeze his very blood.

As she pushed him away and stepped out of the car, he remained inside, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Laughter escaped his lips but soon gave way to choked sobs, and tears streamed down his face.

He now understood that in Amelia’s eyes, he was the same as before, someone who wanted to manipulate her. What she couldn’t see was just how deeply he cared about her well-being.

He only wanted her to be safe and alive.

The next day, Rosalie picked up Amelia from the concession stand, and they went to see Lillian in the hospital. However, Lillian still hadn’t woken up. Callum appeared as if he had stayed up all night, his expression boring hints of exhaustion.

“What did the doctor say? Did he mention how long it might take for Lillian to wake up?” Rosalie inquired.

“The doctor isn’t certain at the moment. He merely mentioned that he’ll conduct another evaluation later,” said Callum, his unkempt hair and stubbled chin revealing the toll this situation had taken on him.

Rosalie tried to console him, “Don’t worry, Callum. Lillian will wake up soon. It’s possible that the delivery process drained a lot of her energy, and she’s just very tired right now.”

“Yeah, she’ll wake up,” Callum whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

As he spoke, his clenched fists seemed like a desperate attempt to reassure himself.

For some reason, as Rosalie gazed at the profoundly unconscious Lillian, a sense of foreboding began to gnaw at her heart.

Later, Rosalie and Amelia proceeded to the neonatal ICU to visit Lillian’s newborn baby.

Despite being premature, the baby was a beautiful girl with big, dark eyes. She appeared slightly thinner than average due to her early arrival, but she was undeniably adorable.

The attending doctor assured them that the baby was healthy, even though she arrived three weeks earlier than expected. The infant was to be transferred back to the ward later that evening.

Rosalie couldn’t help but hope that Lillian would awaken by then.

Amelia remarked, “This child is so beautiful. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen her with my own eyes. She went from not even breathing to being healthy in less than 24 hours.”

Under ordinary circumstances, babies in a similar condition would need to remain in an incubator for at least a week.

“I suppose she’s fortunate,” Rosalie said. “But… there’s something mysterious about the little boy. I can’t help but wonder who he is.”

Amelia pondered this and questioned, “Could it be that Lillian’s hunch about the child having special abilities is accurate?”

Rosalie, although skeptical, responded, “How could that be possible?”

However, her tone hinted at a hint of suspicion.

The following days only deepened Rosalie’s sense of foreboding. Lillian remained in a coma, while Stephen, Abigail, and Callum stayed by her side.

Stephen and Abigail were inconsolable, constantly calling out to their daughter and shedding tears. Callum, on the other hand, remained silent, his gaze fixed on Lillian. He seemed unwilling to even acknowledge their newborn daughter.

Despite the best efforts of the Strico doctors who gathered to consult on Lillian’s case, there was no clear diagnosis. The consensus was that Lillian was in good health and should have awakened by now.

However, the longer the coma persisted, the greater the risk of her slipping into a vegetative state.

The mere mention of Lillian possibly becoming a vegetable was nearly unbearable for Rosalie to hear.

“How could someone as healthy as Lillian end up in this condition after giving birth to a child?” she pondered.

Amelia was equally taken aback by the news. “Is there no other solution? She simply gave birth to a child. How could this happen?”

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