The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077

After uttering those words, the young boy turned to the man in his 40s trailing behind him and said, “Mr. Leibman, I want to go back.”

“All right, then let’s go,” the man, Rufus Leibman, replied.

As they turned to leave, Jonathan’s voice softly echoed, “I’m sorry, but you can’t go just yet today,”

“What’s the matter now? Do you plan to stop us by force?” Rufus Leibman’s tone grew cold.

“That’s the plan,” Jonathan stated frankly. He fixed his gaze on the young boy and continued, “You just mentioned you refuse to help, not because you can’t save Lillian, but because you’re unwilling to, am I right?”

The young boy stared at Jonathan, his rosy lips tightly pressed together.

“Then, tell me, what would it take to make you willing to help?” Jonathan asked.

“Believing that he would save someone unrelated is nothing but a pipe dream. And if it weren’t for the fact that she’s carrying…” Rufus’ words abruptly trailed off, as if he’d suddenly realized something, and he didn’t finish his sentence.

The young boy, with a hint of coldness in his innocent voice, stated, “I won’t save her. Whether that woman lives or dies isn’t my concern!” Having said that, he turned to the man beside him and said, “Mr. Leibman, let’s go.”

However, as they took a few steps away, a group of people suddenly emerged from the shadows, blocking their path.

It was clear that these people were following Jonathan’s orders.

“What’s the plan now? Are you relying on sheer numbers to your advantage here? Jonathan, didn’t the elders of the Youngblood family warn you not to cross paths with the Woolbright family?” Rufus scolded.

Jonathan’s eyes narrowed in response, and he muttered to himself, “The Woolbright family…”

It occurred to him that Leonard had mentioned the Woolbright family before, describing them as a reclusive family. If the Youngblood family was in the limelight, the Woolbright family resided more in the shadows.

No one, not even Leonard, could accurately assess the Woolbright family’s current strength. Nevertheless, Leonard had advised against confronting them unless it was absolutely necessary.

Jonathan replied with a nonchalant smile, “Yes, it was mentioned, but does it really matter?” Leonard’s words had included the caveat “unless absolutely necessary,” and it now seemed that this was one of those crucial moments. If Lillian remained unconscious like this, Rosalie might never find true happiness again in her life.

Jonathan’s sole desire was to ensure a lifetime of happiness for Rosalie.

Rufus’ eyes held a glimmer of surprise as he asked, “Are you intentionally provoking the Woolbright family?”

The fact that Jonathan was aware of the Woolbright family’s existence and yet dared to block their path was perplexing, especially since the unconscious Lillian had no significant connection to Jonathan, apart from being a friend of his wife.

“If he adamantly refuses to save Lillian, then we might find ourselves on ve Lillian, then we might find ourselves on opposing sides,” Jonathan asserted, showing no signs of yielding.

“Jonathan, do you really believe you’re the most formidable force in Strico? Don’t underestimate the Woolbright family!” Rufus’ expression darkened.

“Let’s not forget the York family!” Warren added at that moment.

Amelia, who had maintained her silence throughout, gazed at Warre astonishment, taken aback by his unexpected statement.

Rufus’ expression grew even graver.

The tension continued for a moment until Callum entered the scene, cradling a little baby in his arms. He walked directly to the young boy.

The tiny baby was peacefully asleep at that very moment.

As soon as the baby appeared, the young boy’s gaze naturally shifted to the baby.

“I beg you, please save my wife!” Callum pleaded. His current appearance was disheveled, with wrinkled clothes, stubble on his chin, and unwashed hair after days of neglect. He looked utterly dejected.

His voice had even grown hoarse from days of silence.

“Why should I save her? She’s just someone irrelevant to me,” the young boy stated indifferently, his coldness appearing ingrained, regardless of his age.

“But she’s the most important person to me. You willingly came to her aid when she was giving birth to this child. Now, please save her life, and I’ll do whatever you ask!” Callum earnestly pleaded, knowing

that this boy represented his last hope.

“The person I wanted to save that day wasn’t her, but this baby,” the young boy mumbled.

His response was as expected, and the others swiftly grasped the situation upon hearing his words.

Suddenly, Amelia turned to the young boy and said, “Then save the baby’s mother. If this child grows up without a mother, imagine how miserable the baby will be.”

“Would the baby be miserable without a mother?” The young boy appeared puzzled, as if the emotions between parents and children were foreign to him.

“Yes, she would be very miserable! You’ve met the baby’s mother, and you’ve talked to her. She’s a wonderful woman. If the baby is raised by her mother, she’ll definitely be very happy!” Amelia urged. Given the circumstances, she had to appeal to the young boy’s care for the baby as much as she could.

She could only hope that the young boy genuinely cared about the baby.

Just then, Callum suddenly knelt in front of the young boy!

This unexpected act of kneeling took everyone by surprise, even the young boy, who looked at him with astonishment.

“I beg you, please save my wife!” Callum pleaded with a choked voice. This was his last hope, and he couldn’t let it slip away.

Just then, the baby in Callum’s arms suddenly woke up and began crying loudly.

The baby’s cries seemed to change the young boy’s expression.

He stared at the crying baby for a while, then eventually approached and took the baby from Callum’s arms.

Callum was taken aback but didn’t stop the young boy’s actions. He gently handed his daughter over to the boy.

The young boy, at just seven years old, held the tiny baby in his arms. The scene exuded a heartwarming feeling that was hard to put into words.

The baby continued to cry, and the young boy furrowed his brow. “Why does she keep crying?”

“Because she’s hungry and needs to be fed,” Rosalie explained, while Jonathan instructed someone to fetch the baby’s milk from the nurse.

After a short moment, a baby bottle containing 1 ounce of milk was brought over.

The young boy picked up the baby bottle and began to feed the baby. His actions were somewhat clumsy, with Rosalie and Amelia on hand to offer on-the-spot guidance.

After finishing feeding the milk, the baby drifted back into a deep slumber, and the young boy asked, “What’s her name?”

“She’s called Yasmin White,” Callum replied, a name he and Lillian had chosen before the child’s birth.

“Yasmin…” the young boy mumbled as he gazed at the baby’s peacefully sleeping face. “I can save her mommy, but after that, Yasmin will be mine.”

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