The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086

“Warren, it’s enough between us. It really is. Let’s just call it quits, okay? Take it as I’m begging you to let me go,” Amelia said softly. She had loved and hated this man in front of her, and those emotions eventually developed into an extremely complicated feeling. Even she didn’t know how to face him.

With that, she turned back to the house and closed the door.

Warren, on the other hand, stood dazedly outside as if he had been reduced to just an empty shell.

Ever since Lillian woke up, her health recovered rapidly. She could already slowly get out of bed and walk around on the second day. On the fifth day, she pretty much looked as normal as a typical person.

Because of her health and the fact that she had been medicated all the time, she couldn’t nurse her baby at all and had to dry up her milk supply, which Lillian found really regretful.

On the plus side, though, she and her baby were still alive.

Currently, in the ward, Lillian held her daughter and beamed. Although the newborn was born premature and as skinny as a beanpole, Lillian still found her daughter to be exceedingly beautiful.

The baby’s eyes, in particular, resembled Callum’s. Lillian guessed that when Yasmin grew up, the latter would also have the most stunning eyes that took people’s breaths away.

“Geez. People who don’t know you might just think you’ve been possessed based on the way you look at your daughter!” Rosalie teased.

Lillian chuckled. “This daughter of mine is my life savior! Of course, I have to pamper her.” She couldn’t help kissing the baby on the cheek. “I keep sensing that my daughter is a wonder. Before she was even

born, she’d already mesmerized that mysterious Woolbright guy! Do you think there will be an amazing love story in the future?”

Rosalie truly admired her best friend’s imagination, but it was great that Lillian was optimistic enough and didn’t harp on the matter of the promise. Had it been someone else, they would’ve likely cried themselves a river over that promise of betrothal.

“How do you know that the boy is mesmerized by your daughter?” Rosalie asked.

Lillian replied, “Isn’t that how it goes in novels and movies? That boy is quite good-looking, too. Few boys ever look this good. As long as he stays more or less the same as he grows up, it doesn’t seem that hard for my daughter to fall in love with him. Alas, we have no clue what kind of reclusive family the Woolbright family is. Will there be many house rules? If so, it will be quite troublesome!”

Rosalie chortled. “Don’t think too far. We can’t predict what will happen in the future. But if Yasmin really doesn’t like that Woolbright boy in the future, we shall find a solution to cancel the betrothal. Regardless, there will always be a way.”

“But it won’t be easy to find another boy who looks better than that one,” commented Lillian.

Rosalie was struck dumb. “Do you think your daughter is as obsessed with looks as you are?”

“She might just be.” The two women then chatted merrily. “Oh right, you’ll be discharged tomorrow, yeah?” asked Rosalie.

“Mhm. I’m dying of boredom in the hospital! At last, I can be discharged!”, Lillian looked liberated.

“Then, I’ll take the kids to your place to hang out on the weekend. Jen has been pestering me about wanting to see the baby!” said Rosalie.

Lillian said, “Sure! Amelia also said that she’d bring Aiden over on Sunday. We can get together then! Hehe! By the way, you don’t have to come when I get discharged tomorrow. My parents and Callum will be here, so it’ll be chaotic if too many people are around!”

“Okay, got it. Remember to rest well now that you’re in your postpartum period! I’ll come to see you again this Sunday.” Rosalie smiled.

When Sunday came, Rosalie took the triplets, Felix, and Karina—a total of five children-to Lillian’s home. Looking at the horde of kids, Lillian instinctively grinned and said to her best friend, “People who don’t know you might assume you run a kindergarten judging by how many children you have with you!”

Rosalie checked out the row of kids standing behind her and couldn’t resist chuckling as well. Indeed, they did resemble kindergarteners.

“Rosalie, you’re here!” Amelia approached.

“Amelia! Eh? Where is Aiden?” Rosalie hadn’t seen the boy yet.

“He’s watching Yasmin on the second floor and will be down soon.”

Sure enough, not long after, Aiden walked down the stairs.

Seeing Aiden’s appearance, Jennifer immediately rushed toward him enthusiastically and hugged him the moment he came to the first floor. She shouted warmly, “Aido!”

Aiden picked Jennifer up with ease. Although he was only nine years old, his physical fitness had improved significantly during this period of training. Despite holding Jennifer in his arms this way, he didn’t feel tired at all.

“Hehe!” Jennifer embraced Aiden’s neck, giggled, and even kissed him on the face affectionately to express intimacy.

The little girl liked expressing her fondness for people in the form of kisses.

Of course, seeing as the kids were growing up, Rosalie had taught Jennifer that kissing could only be done to one’s close family and friends instead of outsiders.

However, Jennifer had evidently included Aiden in her circle of close friends.

The nine-year-old Aiden, though, now had a better consciousness of the difference between girls and boys. When Jennifer kissed him like this, his cheeks instantly turned red.

“Why are you blushing, Aido?” Jennifer looked at him somewhat curiously in contemplation. Soon after, she seemed to have discovered a secret and went on to give him three more kisses on the cheek consecutively.

Needless to say, Aiden’s face turned even redder.

“Mommy, Aido’s face is so red!” Jennifer turned to Rosalie.

Rosalie couldn’t help laughing, and Lillian and Amelia also chuckled. With that, Aiden’s face became as red as a tomato while Jennifer laughed happier, her sweet, crisp laughter resounding through the room.

Contrarily, the other children didn’t seem to react much to this. Only

Felix looked at Jennifer’s wide grin and Aiden’s red cheeks and reflexively lowered his head.

Rosalie thought, ‘Does Jen… like Aiden? Every time she sees him, she looks so happy.

She always says that Aido is awesome at everything, as if there are no shortcomings in him.’

If one had to point out Aiden’s flaws, that would be that he could not hear and had to rely on hearing aids to listen. Even though hearing aids could help him hear sounds, he could never experience music, so Jennifer felt rather regretful about this.

She once said, “How I wish one day, Aido can hear how good music is like ordinary people. In the future, I must play an awesome song for him. Hopefully, he’ll find it great next time!”

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