The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

Chapter 1093

Felix thought, ‘Some people say they have long known I will do such a terrible thing!

But I am not like that!

I didn’t push Aiden down the stairs!’

But just as Felix was about to open his mouth, a figure flashed through his mind.

It was Jennifer! “If I go with My Daddy now, I will have to leave the Youngblood residence and Strico. Then, how will I ever meet Jen again?” Felix thought.

“I… I will not leave with you.” Finally, he softly mumbled these words.

Wyatt raised his eyebrows slightly. It seemed that Felix was one stubborn kid. “You don’t want to leave with me because of Jennifer, right?” he asked.

Felix remained silent.

“But even if you stayed with the Youngblood family now, do you think that Jennifer would see you as an equal? To her, you are but a playmate that she doesn’t even take seriously. Just think about the incident this time. Did she believe you when you said you didn’t do it? Just like everyone else, she also believes that you are the one who pushed Aiden down the stairs. No matter how much you tried to explain it, she didn’t believe you, did she?” stated Wyatt.

Felix’s eyes widened in shock. He looked at Wyatt in disbelief and wondered, “I don’t understand. How does he know what happened so clearly? It is as though he saw it with his own eyes!”

Wyatt smiled faintly. “If she believed in you, she wouldn’t have ignored you or even stopped playing with you in the kindergarten.”

He was quite clear on how well the two kids got along in kindergarten.

“M… Ms. Leighton will figure it out. She is a lawyer, so she will help me find the evidence. Then everyone will realize that I didn’t push Aiden down the stairs. Jen will also come to believe me, too,” stammered Felix, his face flushing slightly as he explained.

“Rosalie is just a lawyer. She is not a cop,” Wyatt said. As for Jennifer, if she believes in you only when the investigation reveals the truth, then her trust in you is just like that of everyone else. Why would you feel reluctant to be apart from such a person?” he continued.

Felix’s face flushed even more. He held back from saying anything for a long time before finally mumbling, “No matter what you say, I won’t leave with you.”

“But if you stay with the Youngblood family, you will never get what you really want!” Wyatt remarked.

A trace of doubt flashed through his innocent, beautiful black eyes as he thought, “The only wish I have is to be with Jen. As long as I can see Jen smile at me daily, I will be satisfied!”

Wyatt didn’t try to persuade him more. He just said, “You should keep my phone number. If you want to return to the Serton family, call me immediately. I am not sure how long I can stay in Strico.” After saying that, he patted Felix’s head and left the room.

Felix was taken aback and followed him out of the room.

The two walked out one after another. At this moment, another figure was hiding secretly not far away. It was Jennifer who had sneaked out of the classroom.

When Jennifer was supposed to be taking a nap, she couldn’t fall asleep, so she happened to see the teacher leading Felix out of the nap room. She felt naked, so she secretly sneaked out while the other teachers weren’t paying attention and saw Felix enter another room.

Then she waited outside for a long time before seeing Felix come out. It was just that another man also came out with Felix from the room.

“Who was this mister? Does Felix know her?” wondered Jennifer, her tiny little head filled with various conjectures.

Suddenly, someone patted her on the shoulder. She was startled. When she turned around, she realized Guillermo, her brother, was the one who had patted her on the shoulder.

“Why are you also…” mumbled Jennifer.

“I saw you come out, so I followed you,” said Guillermo,

“Guille, do you know that man who left the room with Felix? What’s his connection to Felix?” Jennifer asked with a humble tone. She always used

“Guille” when seeking clarification from Guillermo; otherwise, she referred to him as “Momo.”

Whenever Jennifer called him “Momo,” it sounded like she was addressing a girl, but Guillermo tolerated it because she was his sister.

“He is Felix’s Daddy,” answered Guillermo calmly.

“Daddy?” Jennifer mumbled, her words nearly choked by saliva, her expression transforming into shock, starkly contrasting with Guillermo’s calm demeanor.

Guillermo explained, “His name is Wyatt Serton. Daddy was looking into the Serton family. I once hacked into Daddy’s computer and found the information. However, shortly after, Jonathan discovered it and scolded me harshly. I couldn’t use the computer for a week.”

“Well… What kind of person is Mr. Serton?” asked Jennifer.

“He is from Lommore. Serton Group, located in Lommore, belongs to him,” said Guillermo, “He seems to be here to look for Felix.”

Jennifer’s frowned and her brows furrowed deeply.

Jennifer thought, ‘Felix’s Daddy… Was he here to pick up Felix? Although I am angry that he lied to me and refuses to apologize to Aido, I still can’t help thinking about him. If Felix apologizes sincerely and doesn’t do things like this in the future, we can still be friends!

I still want to play lots of music on the piano with him!

Even after being beaten yesterday, he still wanted to play the piano with me. I found myself unexplainably angry when he mentioned it. Why was he insisting on playing the piano even if he was already injured?’

Later, when Jennifer went to look for an ointment to put on his bruises, she realized Rosalie had already applied some ointment for him.

At night, she did think of wanting to talk to Felix and asking him if he was in pain! But when she reached the door of his room, she hesitated again and finally didn’t go in.

Jennifer had taught her to be an honest child, so she had also hoped that Felix could be the same.

When Jennifer and Guillermo returned to the classroom, Felix was already there. The teachers had also realized that the two children were missing and panicking over looking for them. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Guillermo and Jennifer returning.

Guillermo made an excuse and said he had sneaked out with his sister to play. The teachers only reminded them not to sneak out like that again in the future, and the matter blew over just like that.

Jennifer looked over at Felix, standing silently, not far away. She wanted to ask him why he had never told her about his Daddy coming and looking for him.

But she stopped after taking only a step.

“Did he not tell me because he had never considered me as his best friend?” wondered Jennifer. As this speculation flashed through her mind, she finally decided to stay out.

At night, Jonathan called Felix into the study. “I know your father came to see you in the kindergarten today.”

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