The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269

At that time, he had wondered who that person was. He hadn’t expected it to be her!

In reality, even if she hadn’t donated, he could have found plenty of other people to donate blood. But…

why was it her?

“There’s nothing to regret. I wanted to save that child. Even if he’s your and Harriet’s child, what does it

matter? The grudges between adults are adult matters. The child has nothing to do with our affairs,”

Riley said calmly.

Nothing to do with it? Zephyr suddenly felt a sense of irony.

Did she know that the reason he had married Harriet in the first place was because of this child?

“Since this envelope is from you, take it back. I donated blood to help someone in need; I don’t need a

reward,” Riley said, extending the envelope toward him.

However, Zephyr didn’t take it. His gaze remained on Riley’s face. “Things I give away won’t be taken

back. If you don’t want it, you can throw the envelope away!”

Riley pursed her red lips, then without a word, she turned around decisively and walked over to the

nurses’ station, holding out the envelope. “This money was donated to the hospital by Mr. Zephyr Scott.

Please take care of it.” With that, she placed the envelope on the counter and left.

Zephyr watched Riley pass by him coldly, heading toward the direction of the elevator. Suddenly, he

grabbed her arm, his voice icy. “I’ll ask you one last time, are you really planning to be my enemy?

Once you choose to be my opponent, you will lose everything in the end!”

Riley yanked her arm back sharply, her tone indifferent. “I have nothing left now. So I think I have

nothing to lose anymore. If that’s the case, what is there to fear?”

With that, Riley stepped into the elevator.

The elevator doors closed slowly, leaving Zephyr staring at the closed doors.

After a while, he returned to the ward.

At this moment, a 6 or 7-year-old boy lay in the hospital bed, pale, wearing an oxygen mask, with

needles in his arms, receiving a blood transfusion.

The last bag of blood being transfused was Riley’s blood.

Zephyr stared at the hanging blood bag in front of him, stunned. He hadn’t expected that one day

Riley’s blood would be transfused into his son’s body.

But what could truly save Hendrick was Harriet’s blood!

Otherwise, if this continues, Hendrick’s condition would only become more critical.

Zephyr sat quietly by the bedside, watching his son struggling on the line between life and death, a rare

expression of heartache in his eyes.

Originally, Riley had intended to meet Shawn, Jocelyn’s brother. This person might be the key figure in

determining what Harriet had done in the car accident case years ago.

However, when she arrived at his ward and saw the warm scene of the family of three inside, she


If the old case were reopened, the money Shawn used to start his business would be considered ill-

gotten gains and confiscated.

Would Shawn be willing?

For so many years, he hadn’t sought justice for Jocelyn’s death. Instead, he used that ill-gotten money

to improve his life.

Would he care about a sister who had been dead for so many years? Would he be willing to give up a

portion of his current wealth, or get involved in trouble?

Riley’s heart suddenly felt heavy.

Just then, she unintentionally noticed someone staring at her from a corner not far behind her,

someone she seemed to have seen around Zephyr before!

Thinking this, Riley shivered suddenly, turning back abruptly. However, she only found ordinary patients

and their families, as well as medical staff behind her. There was no one she had seen from the glass

just now.

She was being followed!

She thought, “Is it someone Zephyr sent to track me?” A chill ran down Riley’s spine. If she had

entered Shawn’s ward just now, Zephyr would know she had come to the hospital looking for Shawn!

Then, Zephyr might try to bribe Shawn, just like he did with those doctors.

Riley pretended to be looking for a ward, continuing to move forward. She lingered in front of several

wards and finally ran to the nurses’ station. She deliberately made up a name, asking if the patient had

been admitted. After receiving a negative answer, she left the hospital.

When Zephyr heard his subordinate’s report about Riley’s whereabouts, a hint of suspicion appeared in

his eyes. He pondered, ‘Was she here to see a patient? But the patient she wanted to find was no

longer here.

Was it a coincidence? Or was there something I didn’t know?’

After leaving the hospital, Riley called Calvin. He had given her his contact information before, saying

he would give her a helping hand if she needed it.

Originally, she had intended to seek help from the Griffin family regarding Shawn’s matter. However,

since Zephyr had sent someone to track her, he would undoubtedly keep an eye on the Griffin family as

well. Calvin, with his limited connections to them, was an outsider. Zephyr’s people probably wouldn’t

focus on him.

Besides, Zephyr wouldn’t easily figure out Calvin’s character.

When the call was answered, Riley briefly explained her request. “As for the details, I can send an

email to you, Mr. Gunner. I wonder if you can help. Shawn might be the only strong witness now who

can prove Harriet’s crime.”

“Sure, I’ll help,” Calvin replied readily. I’ll get you the results as soon as possible.”

“Thank you,” Riley said gratefully. Of course, she was acutely aware that Calvin agreed to help her

because of his relationship with Rosalie.

Sometimes, when she looked at Calvin, she felt like she was seeing Nicholas again. Despite a

seemingly hopeless love, they would still give their all, even if it meant only wishing for the happiness of

the person they loved. That was enough for them

Such a love was incredibly precious. She didn’t understand it back then, but now she did.

Unfortunately, Nicholas was no longer with her.

As for Calvin, was his entire romantic life destined to be like this? Or would he one day meet someone

worthy of his deep love, someone who could reciprocate his feelings?

She thought, “If this man’s love life is destined to be like this, it would be a great pity.”

Meanwhile, in the detention center, Harriet stared at her own hand with a deep, unfathomable gaze.

Her middle finger on her right hand still couldn’t move freely, all because Zephyr had broken it.

“Zephyr, don’t disappoint me too much!” Harriet murmured softly. She said inward, ‘I’m counting on you

to get me out of here!

As for Hendrick, if he has a serious illness, it would be best if he died! After all, in the future, I can find

other ways to have a child. And that child wouldn’t look like Riley!’

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