The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

After a while, Rosalie eventually successfully guided Jonathan to cut the nail.

Her initial impression was that it was quite exhausting, to the point where even trimming her nails seemed more relaxing.

However, it appeared that Jonathan had unexpectedly developed an obsession with nail trimming. He meticulously examined the nails on Rosalie’s other fingers and then trimmed them individually.

Once all the trimming was done, he seemed reluctant to stop. He said, “If your nails grow long again, I’ll help you trim them.”

Rosalie suddenly found herself at a loss for words.

It was still noon, and it seemed too early to visit Aiden at the hospital.

Jonathan returned to his desk to attend to company/matters, while Rosalie took out her phone and browsed web pages.

Out of the blue, her focus was captured by a trending topic. The trend centered around Loretta. It hailed her as the ultimate victor in love and


It also reported that Loretta had officially confirmed she would be attending the GF dinner event in Strico with Calvin. The event would bring together prominent figures from Strico. The news not only refuted previous rumors of their breakup, as mentioned by others but also showcased their flourishing relationship.

In that trending topic, there were also several pictures of Loretta endorsing products and photos of her gracing the

Cer of fashion magazines.

Certainly, there was no denying that Loretta currently had access to substantial resources. Nevertheless, Rosalie’s countenance briefly soured. It was evident that Loretta’s current achievements were inextricably linked to Calvin.

If they were to part ways, her prospects would unlikely remain as promising. Moreover, someone of Calvin’s disposition probably harbored an aversion to clinginess.

At the very least, Rosalie had witnessed the relentless manner in which Calvin handled his clingy ex- girlfriend.

“What would be the outcome for Loretta in the days ahead?” Rosalie

chuckled softly. “Loretta’s destiny, whether filled with success or hardship, is no longer within my concern. Even though I had genuinely treated her like a sister in the past and would have worked hard to assist her in obtaining resources, the family’s treatment of me during my imprisonment has irreversibly severed that connection.”

Rosalie continued to scroll through the web pages. As she did, fatigue crept in. She leaned back on the couch, and her eyelids gradually grew heavier.

When Jonathan looked up, he saw Rosalie lying on the couch on her side, eyes closed, clearly fast asleep.

He stood up and quietly walked to her. Her sleeping face was tranquil, and her curled eyelashes cast shadows on her eyelids.

He obsessively looked at her sleeping form, as if observing her that way could bring a sense of tranquility and contentment to his heart.

Jonathan fetched a blanket from the adjacent lounge and gently covered Rosalie.

He once believed that wanting someone, from his point of view, was a straightforward affair. However, only then did he understand that when one genuinely desired someone, they refrained from employing their authority to intimidate. Instead, they longed for that person’s willing affection. Their words, glances, or simple gestures could induce a sense of unease, leading to sleepless nights.

As he murmured softly, he asked, “When will you start loving me? How much longer do you want me to wait?” The only response within the office was the gentle rustling of air.

When Rosalie opened her eyes, she found herself gazing at a somewhat familiar ceiling in her groggy state. After a brief moment, she suddenly shot

up and exclaimed, “I… I fell asleep!”

“Awake now? Want to sleep a little longer?” Jonathan’s voice sounded.

Rosalie was startled and looked up at Jonathan, “I… I dozed off. Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“Seeing you sleep so soundly, I wanted to let you sleep a bit longer,” he replied.

“But I had mentioned I was going to visit Aiden. I overslept,” she

exclaimed, reaching for her phone to check the time. Fortunately, it was just before three o’clock in the afternoon, so she wouldn’t be late for her hospital visit.

“We still have enough time to make it to the hospital. I’ll go with you,” Jonathan declared, getting up from his chair and putting on his coat as he walked toward Rosalie.

She nodded and then realized her somewhat disheveled appearance following her earlier nap. Her hair was in disarray, so she swiftly took off the hair ties, gathered a handful of hair, and hastily tied it back into a ponytail.

Her actions were lightning-fast, and she managed to tie her hair into a ponytail in a mere five or six seconds.

Jonathan observed that with a degree of astonishment. “Do you always fix your hair that quickly?”

“Not really. I used to take forever to do it, but then, during my time in prison…” She came to an abrupt stop. The painful experiences endured in prison were far from being a pleasant memory for either of them.

“I’m sorry,” Jonathan said softly.

“It’s… It’s okay. It’s not like you’re the one who got me into prison,” she responded swiftly. She tried to ease the awkward moment with a casual tone.” Although days in prison were tough, at least they helped me see through people’s true colors. I discerned those who truly cared about me from those who merely wore a facade.” .

Otherwise, she might still be naively immersed in what she had mistaken for love and family bonds.

Jonathan’s gaze dimmed almost imperceptibly, and he asked Rosalie, “Aren’t you afraid that I might also be wearing a facade in front of you?” She stared at him momentarily and chuckled, “I have nothing left to lose, and I can’t fathom any reason why you would have ulterior motives with me. To be deceptive, there should at least be a purpose, right? I can’t even figure out what purpose you could possibly have.”

“Yes, you’re absolutely right,” he said with a faint smile as he took her hand. “Let’s go.”

She wouldn’t know that his ultimate aim was to win her love, to ensure that she wouldn’t truly leave him once she discovered certain truths. Hence, there were certain secrets he would never allow her to uncover. Let time bury them all…

Rosalie and Jonathan arrived at the hospital and located Aiden’s ward. Surprisingly, the ward was better than Rosalie had expected. Not only

The Ceo’s Convict Wife

was it a private room, but it was also quite roomy.

However, upon their arrival at the ward, they found Aiden fast asleep. Rosalie placed the toy she had specifically bought for him on the bedside, table of the hospital bed, hoping that he would spot it as soon as he

opened his eyes.

Amelia felt somewhat surprised when she saw Jonathan accompanying Rosalie to the ward.

While she had always known Jonathan’s name, she had never actually met him. Moreover, there were hardly any photos of him online, making it difficult for ordinary people to know what he looked like.

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