The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Alan smiled and said, “That’s not true. You didn’t even bother to let me know that you were injured. I had to find out about it from other people. Why? Are you afraid that my presence will hinder your

relationships with others? You must have made quite an impression when you heroically saved her, didn’t you?”

Calvin looked down, and the situation of that morning when his car left the mansion suddenly flashed in his mind. The thin figure just rushed out to stop him.

At that moment, she looked pale and tired but still determined to meet him. She wanted to see him just for Lucas!

While he was willing to risk his life for her, she appeared even more willing to do the same for Lucas. She believed in Lucas solely based on his word despite the lack of evidence in his favor. Calvin wondered, “What makes her believe in Lucas so much? What is so special about him?”

Unwillingness and jealousy consumed Calvin’s heart.

He would make it clear to her that Lucas was indeed guilty and deserved to be punished, and she should not believe him at all.

“What’s the matter? You look… Could it be that Rosalie hasn’t fallen in love with you yet? Is she still thinking about Jonathan?” Alan asked.

The moment Alan finished speaking, Calvin’s face immediately darkened.

Alan quickly realized his mistake and forced out a laugh, explaining, “Haha, I’m talking nonsense. Jonathan and Rosalie have already broken up. Last time at Siren Nightclub, Jonathan seemed distant

and aloof toward Rosalie. It seems like he has lost interest in her.”

After Alan finished talking, his phone immediately received a WhatsApp message with a special ringtone. Usually, he would only choose a special ringtone for a small group of close friends he contacted frequently.

He casually picked up his phone and glanced at the message. But as soon as he read it clearly, his eyes widened in astonishment. He stared at his phone in disbelief.

Calvin, who was sitting beside Alan, asked in confusion, “What happened? You look shocked.”

What Calvin said was right. Alan was completely and utterly shocked at that very moment.

In particular, at this precise moment, Calvin was still sitting beside him. Just a moment ago, they were still talking about Jonathan and Rosalie.

The message that Alan just saw felt like a slap in the face to him!

“No, there’s nothing…” Alan guiltily replied, hastily putting his phone away.

However, his behavior aroused Calvin’s suspicion. “Does Alan not want me to know what he was looking at? Is the message he saw on his phone about me? Or is the content of that message something that would bother me?”

“What exactly did you just see?” Calvin asked again.

“It’s absolutely nothing.” Alan felt even more guilty when he looked into Calvin’s questioning eyes. Calvin smiled and said, “If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. But do you think I won’t be able to find out? Of course. If you confirm that what you saw has nothing to do with me now, I can skip the investigation.”

Alan’s face fell as a realization hit him. Despite not saying anything at this moment, Calvin would eventually find out.

After all, there was simply no way to hide something like this!

“But you’d better be mentally prepared. And I don’t know if it is true or not,” Alan replied.

Calvin raised his eyebrows, an ominous premonition welling up in his heart. He had a feeling that Alan was about to reveal some news that he dreaded hearing more than anything in his entire life.

As soon as Alan passed the phone to Calvin, his dark eyes widened, and his pupils contracted abruptly upon glimpsing the photo displayed on the screen. With both hands, he seized the phone, his gaze locked on the image on the screen. In that exact instant, his blood seemed to freeze, causing his breath to come to a complete stop.

The photo showed a man and a woman wearing white clothes, appearing to be a couple.

And they seemed to be sitting on the chairs in a waiting area of the hall. The picture was a screenshot with lines of text in it. [Guess who is getting married today at the City Hall! You can win a prize if you guess correctly!]

While Alan’s friend was sending the photo to Alan, he also asked, “I received a forwarded photo from others. Is this Jonathan? Is he married? Is this actually real?”

Was it Jonathan? If someone were to ask Calvin, he would confirm that it was indeed Jonathan! Furthermore, Rosalie appeared in the photo alongside Jonathan!

“Was this picture captured at City Hall? Are Rosalie and Jonathan getting married?” Calvin pondered.

At once, Calvin’s mind was completely blank. He couldn’t take his eyes off the photo on the phone.

Seeing this, Alan hurriedly grabbed the phone away from Calvin and said, “Stop looking. We don’t know if it’s true. You’re not fully recovered. Take care of yourself!”

Calvin looked at his empty palm with a pale face. Immediately, he picked up his phone from the coffee table and called Rosalie.

After several rings, her phone finally connected. It was the voice of Jonathan on the other end, calling out, “Calvin?”

Calvin’s heart skipped a beat and mused, “What does it mean when Jonathan answers Rosalie’s call? Is Rosalie currently with Jonathan? Is what is shown in the photo real? They really…”

“Did you apply for the marriage certificate with Rosalie today?” He struggled, almost to the extreme, to force out the remaining half of the sentence through his tightly clenched teeth.

“Yeah, Rosalie and I are married. Calvin, I don’t want you to have anything more than an ordinary relationship between a man and a woman with my wife in the future.” Although Jonathan appeared casual, there was a subtle warning in his voice.

Calvin tightly gripped the phone in his hand. “Why did Rosalie and you get married suddenly? Are you with her now? Let me talk to Rosalie on the phone. I want to hear her confirm it directly.”

“She’s not available now. Besides, she is pregnant with my child,” Jonathan replied.

The sentence struck Calvin so hard that it left him completely stunned. He thought, “Pregnant? Is Rosalie expecting a baby? Is she pregnant with Jonathan’s child? What is going on? What happened in these past few days? What caused such a sudden and drastic change in just a matter of days?”

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