The Ceo’s Convict Wife

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

“Zachary…” The word slipped from Jonathan’s lips. “Even though he let you down, but… if he hadn’t back then… Would you be married to him now?”

“No,” Rosalie replied.

“How can you be so certain?”

“When I was younger, I didn’t grasp the importance of marrying someone from a similar social background in our world. Looking back on it now, even if I had been Zachary’s girlfriend back then, his parents would have never permitted him to marry me or accept me into the Xanthos family.”

Rosalie recounted her past, sighing at her own naivety,

“Furthermore, Zachary’s feelings for me weren’t that deep. Perhaps he had some affection for me, but it was probably more about novelty and excitement. He wouldn’t have gone against his parents or sacrificed everything within the Xanthos family for me. That’s why he was able to distance himself from me so quickly after what happened to me.” “What if he could have defied his parents for you? What if he could have given up everything in the Xanthos family for you, would you have married him then?” Now it was Jonathan’s turn to feel a pang of jealousy, and his handsome face unmistakably showed how much he cared.

Rosalie couldn’t help but chuckle. “Do you think everyone is like you? There’s no ‘what if’ in this scenario. I can’t fathom deeply loving someone who treated me as a disposable pawn.”

His grip around her tightened slightly.

Jonathan said in a low voice, “The Xanthos family won’t last much longer. Since they aim to marry within their social class, they can find a suitable match with the Hamilton family.”

Rosalie was startled and gazed up at Jonathan. “Are you planning to take action against the Xanthos family?”

“In the future, Strico’s upper-class coterie won’t have the Hamilton family in sight, and given that the Xanthos family are aligning themselves with the Hamilton family, it’s only logical that when the Hamilton family face adversity, the Xanthos family won’t escape unscathed.” Jonathan smiled faintly, yet his voice held a clear sense of resolve.


If someone else had uttered these words, they might have been easily brushed off as a joke.

However, when Jonathan voiced these words, she grasped that the fate of the Hamilton family and the Xanthos family was probably sealed.

However, both of these families were prestigious and had a strong foundation!

Especially the Hamilton family, which had experienced a considerable expansion in recent years, engaged in ambitious ventures and even achieved substantial success in international markets.

“Could such powerful families really crumble so easily?” Rosalie wondered.

Suddenly, a realization dawned upon her, and she recalled the project file labeled “Hamilton Jade Gardens” she had glimpsed on his desk. “Are you planning something regarding Hamilton Jade Gardens?”

Jonathan nodded, unsurprised by her question. “Yeah.”

“Because of me?” Rosalie asked once more.

“They owe you that,” Jonathan said, and it was also a debt he had to repay Rosalie.

“Will it affect Youngblood Group?” Rosalie didn’t want him to jeopardize the company in pursuit of her revenge.

“No,” Jonathan assured her as if he could sense her worries. “If I were to bring down the Hamilton family and the Xanthos family, causing harm to the Youngblood family in the process, then what would I have left to protect you with? I’ve promised that from now on, I won’t let anyone harm you in the slightest.”

Therefore, he needed to have enough strength to protect her better!

“I’ll do my best to protect you as well,” Rosalie said. Then, as if a sudden realization struck her, she continued, “You’re planning to take action against Hamilton Jade Gardens, is that the reason the Hamilton family sent those photos of Melanie, hoping to stir up your old memories?” Jonathan’s eyes flickered slightly. “Stirring old memories… Maybe the Hamilton family didn’t send those photos to evoke nostalgia, but to remind me of what happened back then!”

In the VIP lounge at the airport, Callum gazed silently at the plane ticket in his hand. He was about to leave Strico.

Despite having firmly made his decision, Callum couldn’t understand


why the mental images of Lillian kept intruding upon his thoughts. In these vivid scenes, she was depicted with her head swathed in thick, white bandages, her face bearing signs of weariness and paleness, all while serenely uttering the words, “I hope you achieve your heart’s desire.”

“Achieve what I desire… Have I already fulfilled my desires? Maybe I have. She’s still alive and on her way to recovery. Soon, she’ll be discharged from the hospital, embarking on a new and promising chapter in her life. Aren’t these the desires of my heart?” Callum pondered.

“What? Are you still thinking about your ex-girlfriend?” Madeline approached Callum, her hands wrapping around his arm, almost pressing her body against his. “Don’t forget, you made me a promise.” “I haven’t forgotten,” Callum replied coldly.

“I’m glad to hear that. After all, it was because of me that Lillian was saved in the first place. If you want her to stay alive, you should be prepared to pay a price, right?” Madeline continued with a faint smile. Callum’s expression darkened.

Madeline pressed on with a smile, “Don’t you think I’m a better fit for you than your ex-girlfriend? If you marry me, our two families, the Talls and the Whites, will unite. I’m willing to play a supporting role, and you’ll be in control of the power. Isn’t that what you’ve always desired? In due time, you’ll rise above all others, and no one will dare to say you’re just an illegitimate child to your face. As for your father’s first wife and her two sons, they’re destined to spend their lives in prison. Lillian can’t offer you anything. The only person who can grant you all of this is me, Madeline Tall. Breaking up with her is the smartest choice you could make.”

Every word felt like a dagger to his heart at that moment.

Callum forcefully brushed Madeline aside, his eyes bloodshot and a fiery glare fixed on her. “That’s it! Have you said all you wanted? Madeline, you better never bring up Lillian’s name in front of me again, or else I’ll…

“Or else, what are you going to do, kill me?” Madeline arrogantly lifted her chin. “Callum, don’t forget, if I die, Lillian dies too!”

Callum’s thin lips formed a tight line as he glared at Madeline. After a long pause, he finally uttered a sentence. “If anything happens to her, I’ll risk my life to kill you!”

For Callum, Lillian is his one and only non-negotiable!

“M’s, Haab, your current condition isn’t looking very promising. If you


don’t find a suitable liver donor soon, you might only have 2 to 4 months left. Once the cancer spreads, even if a suitable donor becomes available, it might be too late. Are you absolutely sure you won’t consider chemotherapy?” Amelia’s attending physician persisted, still attempting to convince her to undergo chemotherapy.

Amelia’s expression remained composed, seemingly unfazed by the doctor’s words.

In recent days, she had also explored relevant forums and read posts from patients with similar symptoms. She was aware that with her condition, choices were limited.

But chemotherapy, on the one hand, was costly, and on the other hand, patients often ended up bedridden in the hospital for most of their time after undergoing it.

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