The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 102 - Nightly Stroll

Chapter 102 - Nightly Stroll

Late Evening soon fell over Crimson Sea Academy. 

At this time, Cain and Kali were currently inside of Cain's house, relaxing for just a bit after a long day of cultivation.

The sibling duo was currently in Cain's study area. 

Kali had a slight pout crossing her face as she hauntingly slouched on a chair. She was evidently annoyed beyond belief. 

At the same time, Cain had a slight teasing expression as he sat upon a table. He usually didn't tease his sister much. But it was incredibly amusing to see this new, cute side of her.

As he stared at her, he couldn't help himself and said, "So? Are you at least a little convinced of her Talent now? Even for Mortals, she's quite unique, no?" 

At the very least, Cain wants Kali to have more indifference for Amber.

He could tell his emotions, and it didn't sit comfortably with him that Kali still holds some base disdain for Amber. In a way, Amber could be a bridge to shape up some of Kali's overwhelming pride.

They may pursuit ultimate strength, but Cain didn't want Kali to be a complete loner. Such a life wouldn't make chasing great power worth it at all. And Amber could very well be the starting line for a change.

"Tch, All she got was luck. I was caught off guard this time. But next time, I'll truly show the difference between us!" Kali had the rise of a competitive spirit within her eyes.

It wasn't close to friendly. But it was better than plain disdain or overwhelming arrogance. Cain could see the potential of a good nature rivalry between them.

"Anyways, forgot about today. As for tonight, we have real plans going on." Kali's expression quickly turned solemn. "So, it's finally time for us to spread our claws into this city, huh?"

Seeing her demeanor shift, Cain similarly turned serious. He nodded, telling her,

"Indeed. Our reputation has spread decently far into the city. Plus, this uniform will virtually give us immunity from most other people. The only others who would dare to bother us are the other top three organizations, but they wouldn't be out at this time. This is the perfect time for scouting."

"Heh. Just talking about is riling me up." Kali coldly chuckled. "Say, should we attempt stealing on our first outing? I mean, I'm sure we can come up with a good plan on the spot."

Throughout their entire in the Crimson Sea Academy, Kali always had her thoughts on the Chaotic Emerald. 

The possibilities with that power were basically unending! 

And the most valuable option they could perform now was thieving. Whether it was right or wrong or lacking in pride, Kali didn't care at all. When it comes to promoting their strength, everything is fair in her eyes.

Cain took a bit to consider their options. If they really wanted to, they could wear covering clothes and masks to conceal their identities. 

Then, with the use of the Chaotic Concealment, they could practically become untraceable nighttime robbers.

Nobody would be able to sense their Auras. And nobody would be able to counter instant teleportation. 

Even if Cain was covered in a powerful cultivator suppressing Aura, his Soul Energy combined with Chaos Energy could easily bypass this suppression.

However, caution halted any ideas about this route. 

There could be moments where a powerful cultivator could move too fast, surpassing the limits in which he can stimulate his Soul Energy.

Currently, Cain is nowhere near close to the level of condensing his energies with his thoughts. And if he were to ever achieve that level, his prowess would already experience earth-shattering changes. 

Cain didn't want any unexpected accidents to befall them. He doesn't even dare to think what would happen if something critical happened to his precious sister. 

Thinking all of this, Cain made up his mind.

He then told her, "No, we'll hold off on any stealing now. I say, once we reach at least Late Stage Profound Soul, we'll go on a small stealing spree. By that time, I'm sure we can rapidly soar our cultivation."

"Ah, alright." Kali easily relented. She was becoming more calmer in handling her haste to action. 

Afterward, her brows furrowed as she then asked, "Still, should we conceal our Aura in general? We could get targeted by suspicious people."

"No, we'll keep our Aura open. If it comes that more powerful cultivators can't even sense us, that'll give us more attention than ever. And this pretty much covers all of our bases. So, are you ready to leave now?"josei

Cain asked, his lips curling in slight anticipation, already guessing Kali's response. 

"No need to even ask. Come, it's time for our nightly stroll." And as expected, Kali was roaring to go.

As soon she finished speaking, she had already hopped right out of her chair, swiftly heading over right towards the front door. 

Cain followed right behind her, and soon enough, the sibling duo was back out in the Ranking-Field.

With their target in mind, Cain and Kali promptly strolled towards the exit of the field. 

Not many other students were out at this time. As the shimmering moon slowly rose in the skies, many were preparing for any late-night training.

Walking out in the slowly turning night Ranking field inscribed a particular feeling within Cain. The atmosphere here felt just as peaceful as when the sun was shining its luminous rays.

But the beautiful moonlight glow gave the field a more sentimental feel.

  It was like one could freely bask in pleasant nostalgic memories while enjoying the warmth of the full moon.

Cain was nearly entranced by this sight as he walked. Then, suddenly, his entrance was broken up. 

Two flashes of a luminous ruby red shine were caught from the corner of his eyes.

Cain paused, his Spirit Sense sweeping over to that spot and immediately recognizing who it was. Even Kali paused as her Spirit Sense inspected who was at that shiny red spot. 

At the same time, Cain and Kali crossed gazes. 

Different thoughts swirled in their minds, but before either could say anything, the person they sensed was already on the move.

And with her level of speed, she managed to arrive within Cain and Kali's vision in mere seconds. 

"Tch. I was hoping to leave at this time, and she would be in a deep slumber. Hah~. Somethings really are inevitable." Kali grumbled when spotting her. 

While Cain wryly smiled. This was indeed a welcome surprise. 

"Up at night and not throwing yourselves at training? Something big is happening, right?"

The one who appeared before Cain and Kali was someone in an overly oversized robe hoodie. It entirely covered up her appearance, and her Natural Aura was a bit receded. 

This was a decent disguise to others. But Cain and Kali were able to immediately detect who it was. 

It was none other than Amber. And as she spoke, Amber got increasingly close to them. 

Cain, already having a feeling where this was going, still shrugged his shoulders, saying, "We're just going out for a night around town. And since you're here and not in a deep sleep, I'm sure you want to come with us, huh?" 

Amber paused, contemplating Cain's question for a moment before coming to a decision.

She pulled her hoodie, showcasing her beautiful face that was enhanced by the visage of the moon, and said, "Mnh….normally I would be sleeping. In fact, I was just sleeping on my rooftop. But my Senses are sensitive to fascinating people walking about. And since I'm up, naturally, I have to come with. Plus, since it's just the city, I don't even need to wear my hoodie. Compared to students, citizens won't be too noisy. Now let's go. I will be your tour guide for tonight."

"Heh. You? Really?" Kali mockingly snorted. "I've never once seen you leave the Academy during these last few days. I doubt you leave the Academy at all. So how the hell could you possibly guide us?"

"Well….while your thoughts make sense, you're also wrong. Actually, I know this city like the back of my hand, just like I do with this Academy. You can laze around and get work done." Amber responded with a brilliant smile.

Kali clicked her teeth, declining to talk any further. 

While Cain was thinking about the further advantages of having Amber with them. Not only she would be an excellent tour guide, but she can also add a layer of protection.

Her status really was precarious. A Core-level talented student and the genius daughter of a High-Class level Vampire Family.  Only a fool or someone extremely demented would dare to attack Amber, whether it was night or day.

Thinking of this, Cain nodded, saying, "Since it's decided, let's get going. Lead the away Amber." 

Bright joy like up Amber's face. She turned around and began leading forward, going entirely at her unique pace. And the sibling duo followed closely behind.


As the luminous moonlight glow shined over the entirety of Azure Lightning city, a new type of atmosphere permeated the metropolis of a city. 

The color lights emitting from numerous buildings glowed brighter, amplified under the moonlight radiance. 

Walking through this night radiance would allow one to feel calmer, more at ease with themselves. Compared to the intensity bustling of the day, the night was far slower.

This was also true for the people still roaming about. In the night, there was a severe lack of people filling the streets. 

The space to roam about became even more extensive, and one can find many great spots to simply lounge about.

At this time, Cain and Kali trailed closely behind Amber as she led them through the numerous city districts. 

For a couple of hours now, Amber had only showcased the Mid to High-Class level districts.

These districts had wealth painting the streets and buildings. Even down to the people still roaming about, their dress code was of the highest wealth. 

Because of this, Cain and Kali managed to scout numerous great targets to steal from.

All of which ranged from various stores, trading centers, or even places that were the equivalent to banks. 

Eagerness gradually filled Cain and Kali. When they do go on their stealing spree, the number of resources they can gain would be astronomical! 

Of course, Amber had no idea of the sibling duo's true thoughts. 

Currently, she dutifully lead Cain and Kali towards a very different part of the city. 

In this area, things were of an obvious lower quality. The material crafting this area was made from dull metal and iron, lacking the bright magicalness of most other areas of the city. The lights here were far dimmer as well.

In an instant, Cain and Kali identified where they were without Amber even needing to tell them. 

Still, Amber lazily spread her arms around in a showing manner, saying, "And this is where most Low-Clas level organization resides. As you can see, it's obviously not the best.. Plus, this is also where some criminal gangs set up base."

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