The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 105 - Stronger Together

Chapter 105 - Stronger Together

A sickening pit suddenly dropped in the pits of Cain and Kali's guts. 

Vicious beasts that not even a highly talented Mid-Stage Profound Soul Talent can't deal with? 

Isn't this basically signing their death warrant?!

The reality of their perilous situation was slowly sinking in for the sibling duo. They were nearly still in disbelief from before. After all, just one moment, they were casually strolling about, having a nice night out in the city.

Then, at the snap of a second, everything went to utterly hell. And it wasn't a mistake on any one of their parts. 

Truthfully, Cain, Kali, and Amber had the utmost protection in the city. None of their common sense or confidence was wrong. 

However, against hundreds of years old monsters plotting insidious plots for decades, naturally, neither Cain, Kali, nor Amber could predict this.

Amber rarely ventures out of the city or even the Academy except for mandatory missions. 

And this was quite literally the start of the sibling duo's journey. 

It was so sudden, so unjust….and Cain was beginning to realize a crucial fact.

Situations like this are simply part of the cost of their universe. Less they all wanted to be cowardly hermits; they needed to venture out of their safe-havens. 

Once out of their safe havens, anything could happen.

There's no so-called sense of justice or law and order. Not when everyone is the same playing field level. Power is accessible to all, meaning the number one rule is might make right!

If Cain was far stronger, he wouldn't need to worry about falling into traps like this. But, because of his weakness, his only option was to desperately escape. 

A strange sensation suddenly bubbled inside Cain.

This feeling of weakness felt absolutely disgusting. Within his very blood, he could feel rejection about this entire situation. 

What they need most is power. 

And once they get through this situation, Cain knew it was time to massively boost their strength!

"Dammit. Just how far did that bastard take us? Whatever, come. We need to-" Kali's words suddenly caught in her throat. 

She, along with Amber, froze up. At this moment, their Spirit Senses detected a rapidly approaching presence whose Aura was unimagined! 

The girls knew who this was. This was that damn kidnapper! A rapidly rising sense of panic started to surge. 

But before either girl became fraught with anxiety, Cain called out to them, whispering,

"Stay quiet. Amber, I'll explain this later. But for now, that guy can't sense our Aura. Trust me. Now then, both of you, stay quiet, lay down, and don't move a single muscle."

Now Cain's tone was the utmost grave. He was like a domineering commander. His orders were absolute, leaving zero room for discussion. 

Amber simply stared into Cain's dashingly determined face, feeling a bit dazed for a moment.

Unknowingly her heart started to flutter just slightly. 'Even now, he's still calm, collected, and in control. He really is….' 

Suddenly, before Amber's thoughts divulge, the danger of this situation snapped her back to reality.

She quietly nodded and layed down, completely submerging herself.

At the same time, Kali quietly got into position. She placed total trust in her brother and already knew that he had already cast Chaotic Concealment. 

Some of her nerves calmed down, but a tight feeling was still gripping her chest. Now, they just had to pray on their luck that the black robe man doesn't accidentally stumble upon them.

"Shit, shit, shit!" 

Right then, the black robe man's creepily distorted voice echoed out in the area. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber went utterly still. Neither of them even dared to peek out of the large bush.

At this time, just hundreds of meters away from them, the black robe man was shuffling in between the trees like a ghost. Even at his speed, his gaze was like a hawk. 

To even the tiniest of detail, the black robe man had his Spirit Sense covering the whole area. 

With his cultivation realm, his Spirit Sense should be able to detect even the tiniest of life forms. Wanting to find two Nascent Formation and one Profound Soul should've been easy as flipping his palm. Even if the trio vanished dozens of miles from him, his Spirit Sense could still easily detect them.

However, no matter his advantages, Cain, Kali, and Amber completely disappeared! There was the slightest trace of their Aura anywhere around here! 

Just how could this be possible?! 

Those children should be nothing more than great promising talent. How the hell are they achieving feats, not even his great Master can perform! 

"Damnit, I need to at least find her. I can't let such a golden opportunity go to waste. Master Ink will crush me!"

In all the black robe man's haste, he suddenly came to a screeching stop. His fists tightened as he began thinking out loud, "Absolutely no way those children have the ability to just magically teleport away. Perhaps the Vampire girl has a soul-saving jade within her. If she does, then….those three must've vanished far away from here."

The black robe man became calmer, his mind attempting to find some sort of rationalization. He then set his sights in a specific direction and blasted off in a black light beam.

His speed far surpassed the limits of any Profound Soul Realm cultivator. In just seconds, he soared dozens of miles away from Cain's group spot. 

At this time, the trio sensed the black robe man soaring far away from them.

But even as he left the border of their Spirit Sense, Cain, Kali, and Amber still didn't move. When they fully couldn't sense the black robe man anymore, the trio would finally move again.

In this situation where death can happen within the snap of a singer, it was far better to be safe than unable to regret anymore. 

Minutes slowly tricked by. And soon enough, around a full ten minutes pass.

When a little bit more than ten minutes passed, Cain, Kali, and Amber slowly moved. The trio calculated their movement, making sure they made as little noise as possible. 

Once they finally stood upright, the trio simultaneously released a large sigh. Each of them felt like lady-luck blessed them for this single moment. 

They didn't appreciate it before. But now, just seeing the simple trees, breathing the Qi full air seemed like a godsend. 

Amber looked like she practically wanted to lay back on the ground and whisk away to dreamland.

So much action happened at once. And she was already getting sick of it. It was especially draining as she's not the one in control of the situation. 

At the same time, Cain and Kali focused their minds. They were just about to plan out their next course of action, but suddenly, they went a bit stiff. 

Simultaneously, the sibling duo slowly settled their gaze on Amber. Mass of questions was swirling in their minds.

Because of the situation, Cain simply had no choice but to expose the Chaotic Emerlad's Chaos Energy. Thankfully, they were all alone in a secluded area where nobody else would ever be aware of this.

But still, Cain and Kali wanted this secret on an extremely tight lid. Unless they have a similar level of trust with another person, the Chaotic Emerald could never be revealed. 

This was their greatest secret.

And just as the sibling duo were wracking this mind over this situation, Amber naturally felt their stares on her. 

If this were anyone else, this situation would've turned chaotic. Tension would rise over great secrets being revealed. 

However, the standard protocol didn't happen.  josei

Instead of tensing up, getting serious, or even curious, Amber went with her simplest option.

Her expression was causal, her lips curved in a beautiful soft smile, and she spoke with her genuine feelings buried deep within her heart. 

"Fufu~. So? What's our next plan, Cain? You're basically our fearless leader who can get us through these tough situations." Her words were simple and her tone light. 

But Cain instantly understood her meanings. 

Amber indeed wasn't like other peers in her generation. She is a person who most likely highly values friendships. 

Cain was sure that he was 99% right about his assumptions. In fact, he might as well believed that he was a hundred percent right about his belief. 

These past several days, he and Amber nearly the whole day together. With their personalities, they blended so well together that it was a continual joy to always talk to her. Cultivating with her was an added pleasure to those long, arduous days. 

At the same time, Kali was full of suspicions. 

Naturally, her relationship was far shallower with Amber, leading to innate distrusts. 

However, above all, Kali fully trusted Cain. This is why she tossed a gaze at him, waiting for his final decision. 

For one moment, Cain's face was still a bit serious. But immediately the next, he shifted towards a soft, confident smile.

He nodded, saying, "Obviously, we can't stay here. And since you said the beasts here are even tougher than you, we'll need to move carefully here. I don't think we can delay getting outright seen, but we will at least have extra time since they can't detect our Aura. We need to stay close together and move as quietly as possible. Any objections, Kali?"

The air between Kali and Amber couldn't be instantly cleared up. But Cain hoped it was at least to a point where no sudden problems arrive between them.

"No….let's just get going." Kali reluctantly nodded. 

Even if she wanted to call out suspicions, it wouldn't help them at all. No matter what, Amber is still a valuable asset that can get them out of a tight edge.

She'll keep her questions down for now. 

And with Kali's conformation, Cain nodded at the girls and began leading forward, no question asked.. Neither Amber nor Kali had compliant and stuck right by his side.

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