The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 119 - Perfect Rewards

Chapter 119 - Perfect Rewards

The source of the luminous radiance emitted from a tall, crystal pedestal made up of exotic divine materials. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber tossed their eyes all over the pedestal, trying to figure its own origins.

But they all came up empty-handed. Nothing in their experiences matches up with these divine materials. 

Taking even one of these divine materials could possibly grant them a fortune!

It was a passing thought but something they took note of. 

On top of the crystal, pedestal was a shiny jade scroll. And behind the jade scroll, carved into the wall, were big, powerful words.

These words didn't seem like they were crafted by some mere mortal. But a divine being passing down their touchings. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber had a touch of reverence as they read the words.

It said, 'Sage Sword Arts: Seven Strikes Of Ten Thousand Swords.' 

Just the title alone was domineering. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber could infer that one can unleash an invincible attack in seven sword strikes!

Releasing Ten Thousand Sword lights all at once, just what kind of terrifying concept is that? The energy consumption would be insane but very well possible with this Art. 

A slight chill swept through Cain, Kali, and Amber's minds. No wonder this Supreme Elder reached a Godly level. With Arts like this and who knows other Godly Martial Skill, sweeping through the Heaven Sky Planet would be easy as a flip of his hand!

Cain had a great interest in learning this. Sure, he already had a Divine Grade cultivation manual. But it's never a mistake to be extra prepared for everything. 

Still, Cain held off on his desires. He was fair, asking the girls, "So, I'm sure we all can use a powerful Art even if we have one already. How do you girls want to do this? Do you want to split it up, or…."

As Cain trailed off, waiting for the girls to pick up from him. 

Kali and Amber tossed a glance between each other. A single glance, and they can see the same glint shimmering within their eyes.

Simultaneously, small little soft smiles curled their lips. 

"Don't overthink it, Cain. This is all for you. I'm surprised a crazy cultivation junky like you isn't hoping on this prime opportunity." Amber said with a shrug. 

Even under average time, she most likely would've tossed the jade scroll out of her face. And if she did keep it, she knows she'll just be too lazy to sell it for anything useful.

"Yep. Just take it, brother. You got us to this room. You saved us from that rat multiple times. This is the very least we can do." Kali was in the same agreement. She was merely curious, that's all.

No matter what, she believed her Ice Draconic Arts could never be matched in this Lower Realm Planet. Not even if it's someone who had descended to the Divine Plane and possibly went on to God Galaxy.

The chances of these people even making it to a weak Middle-God Galaxy is supposedly one in a million. 

Kali couldn't confirm this fact, but she trusted everything her grandmother told her.

With the girl's adamant nature, Cain could only shrug. But he didn't immediately jump to take the jade scroll. He still felt a sense of duty to give the girls something equally good, so he said,

"Still, you two need some good stuff. Let's snoop around this place before deciding our next move." 

Without a moment's delay, the trio began inspecting all around the treasury room.

Cain first went to a batch of Spatial Rings that appeared the same as any other, but the energy inside is far different. The minor dimension in these rings was far bigger, at least thousands of square feet.

Furthermore, the minor dimension had a far stabler space, meaning he could transport stronger energies than just weak crystal beads. 

Taking one of these rings, Cain continued to inspect around,

A few minutes passed, and the trio gained a great harvest. 

Their most significant finds were several Spiritual Rank Pills of all Mid-Quality. It was far better than Amber's High-Class Spiritual Rank Pill!

The value of the Spiritual Rank Pill simply couldn't be described in words. This alone could carry the trio a long way. 

One other massive gain was the abundance of Innate Crystal Beads.

These Beads were absolutely perfect for the Profound Soul Realm and the Innate Lord Realm. 

Within the Profound Soul Realm, comprehension of Profound Qi is very essential. 

If one wanted to, they could shoot through the Nascent Formation Realm by purely relying on Pills or other various resources. 

However, because they forcefully broke through the cultivation of mental blocks, their mental psyche would never be developed enough to grasp Profound Qi.

Nascent Formation is the formation of a Qi Seed. 

Profound Soul is the comprehension of that very Qi Seed through the use of Profound Qi. And Profound Qi holds mysterious properties closely connected to the world itself.

Understanding Profound Qi is the gateway to understanding the mysteries of the very world. Thus, Martial comprehension is of the utmost importance. 

This strict limitation can be a shortcut with the aid of Innate Crystal Beads.

These Beads hold direct property of comprehension sensation within their Profound Energy. Absorbing this Energy not only strengthens Qi Seed but also gives a chance at improving Martial comprehension.

Of course, while this method is potentially faster, it will never beat out natural Martial comprehension. 

One's foundation can become quickly unstable, and the potential of their Martial comprehension may dry out just in the Profound Soul Realm.

Although, all of these limitations meant absolutely nothing to Cain. His Dragon Charm can cancel out any negatives.

Another great find was Nascent Opening Pills. These were best used towards the end of the Nascent Formation Realm.

The Energy contained within these Pills can rapidly strengthen the Qi Seed beyond the ordinary standard. But one would need to take far more time to stabilize their foundation because of this shortcut.

Next, they gained Early Grade Earthen swords. The Energy within these swords can massively power up even an Innate Lord powerhouse! 

However, one will need to master controlling the Energy within the sword. Once that level is achieved, only then would the Energy inside the sword seamlessly blend in a cultivator's own Qi Energy.

After a bit of pushing on the girl's part, Cain took an Elite Grade Earthen Spiral Sword.

Between Grades, the Energy within a weapon experience quantitive changes. It was similar to how the denser one's Qi Energy is, the stronger their attack.

Although, the drawback would be a more rigid time use for controlling the stronger Energy within the weapon. 

These rewards were the greatest among them all. 

"Ah! This is simply fantastic! We can make incredible breakthroughs!" Kali was utterly ecstatic. 

It felt surreal to her. Earlier this night, she was planning targets for future resources robbery. And now, after numerous life-or-death situations, she gained what many would go insane with greed for. Seems like their luck is finally turning right around. 

"With everything done with, how about you see what this mighty art is all about, Cain?" 

Amber was far more interested in seeing this supposed ultimate reward. Well, she knows it's less of personal interest but more satisfaction over seeing Cain gaining something good. 

It was something about this thought that pleases Amber. After all, she thinks he really did deserve it.

Goaded by Amber, Cain had finally walked up the crystal pedestal and opened up the jade scroll. 

Cain was immediately struck with awe, nearly falling to a trance.

The content inside the Jade Scroll wasn't anything detailed. There were only seven sword symbols arranged in a unique pattern. However, these sword symbols looked to be drawn by something genuinely divine.

The symbol's designs nearly looked life-like, as if they would pop out the page at any second. Furhtmoere, an incredible Aura whiffed out of the jade scroll, drilling right into Cain's senses.

This Aura alone gave Cain a vague feeling of a Heavenly Might! 

A so-called Heavenly Might was the Energy contained inside of a Heaven Grade cultivation manual.

This was Energy only those in the Divine Realm can ever possibly hope to achieve. 

Feeling increasingly excited, Cain casually swept his Spirit Sense over the first sword symbol.

Promptly, he gained a brief overview of the Sword Sage Arts within his mental psyche. He learned that the most important thing is that he'll need a powerful sword to train with this Art.

Furthermore, he'll need complete control over that sword and some talent with sword Energy in general. 

'An Elite Grade Earthen Sword should do the tricks. Though, when I get more cash, I'll definitely seek out a better one.' Cain concluded that this Art would be quite beneficial to him now. 

With a thought, he placed the jade scroll inside his spatial ring, turned over to the girls, telling them,

"Now that we got what we need let's cultivate for a little bit while we're here. The Qi environment is good, and the resources will boost us plenty." 

"Alright." Kali promptly nodded. Her eagerness for cultivation has never been so high.

"Uhm….using all of these resources, would this really be an idea?" Amber brought a reasonable point. 

Even someone like her knows the problems of a shaky cultivation foundation. To this day, she never used even one Pill or other kinds of cultivation resources. This is why her reputation is quite formable. 

In response to this, Cain summoned his Dragon Charm and an Innate Crystal Bead into his palm.josei

He holds both up, making sure Amber closely obverse the entire process. At this point, Cain had no sense of distrust with Amber. He'd rather slap himself than believe Amber had any hidden harmful intentions.

"Mn?" Amber immediately focused up, knowing something crazy was about to happen. 

And her intuition was indeed right. 

Before her very eyes, Cain's Dragon Charm shined a luminous glow, sending out a stream of Energy towards the Innate Crystal Bead.

In seconds, the Innate Crystal Bead was engulfed and purified by the Dragon Charm. When the process was done with, Amber instinctively caught the Innate Crystal Bead as Cain tossed it towards her.

"This….this!....Is what I would be saying if you didn't stop surprising me, crazy guy." Amber only wryly smile. 

She detected that the Innate Crystal Bead had zero impurities and was now only filled with rich Energy.

Their cultivation can perfectly improve, and their Martial comprehension has a high chance of improving. And Cain performed this with just a flip of his palm. 

Truly, Cain fit the bill of a crazy guy to a T.. And to think this guy is the only one who managed drill deep within her heart.

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