The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 121 - Breakthroughs

Chapter 121 - Breakthroughs

Within the reward room of the Sword Sage Legacy, time swiftly passed. 

Soon enough, a whole day has passed. 

And during this time, Cain, Kali, and Amber were engrossed in their cultivation state.

Swirls of great energy converged around the trio like a small hurricane, causing their hair and clothes to recklessly flap. 

True to their words, each of them used this whole time to cultivate.

Amber's interest was mainly sparked by the Dragon Charm's magical effect. A shortcut in cultivation sounded like a divine dream for her. With the half effort she needed cut down, Amber immensely enjoyed cultivating this time.

Kali became quite fervent in her cultivation. Memories of this whole event repeatedly flashed in her mind, reminding her of her pathetic helplessness. 

Never again would she be forced into shameful situations like that.josei

This is why she took extra time to slowly refine the pure Crystal Bead Energies, making extra sure her cultivation foundation stayed near perfect with each proceeding breakthrough.

At this time, a faint layer of green shrouded the entirety of Cain's body. 

This green glow didn't resemble Chaos Energy or even Qi Energy. It appeared far more mystical, almost intangible. 

If any of the Elders from the Crimson Sea Academy witnessed this phenomenon, their minds would've exploded. 

This was an event Lower Realm cultivators only read about in legendary ancient texts.

A layer of mystical green that represents the entirety of oneself. In simplest terms, this was Cain's Soul Energy in the visible form! 

The significance of making Soul Energy visible wasn't small at all.

When Cain linked with Chaos Energy, his Soul's Energy had never appeared outside of his body. His Soul Energy acted as the basis for Chaos Energy to spread out of him and unleash its magical effects.

But as of now, Cain wasn't linked to his Chaotic Emerald. He was approaching a legendary level in Soul cultivation that barely any Lower Realm cultivation had even heard about.

Reaching this level was a bit tricky for Cain. He needed to fully absorb the remaining Soul Peach's Energy and comprehend the properties of that pure, mystical Soul Dimension.

The first Soul Peach's energy significantly strengthened his Soul's Core, but it was still a bit lacking. 

Even as Cain exercised a tremendous amount of Soul Energy several times, he still needed an abundance more of the Soul Peach's Energy.

Initially, Cain wanted to refuse to take the girl's Soul Peaches.

But Kali was adamant, claiming she barely has an affinity with Soul Energy. 

Using it for herself would be a significant waste. Especially considering her Martial Talent was at an unprecedented level that made her own grandmother revel in shock. 

Furthermore, Kali does feel a great sense of pride seeing Cain achieve feats. She just ignores the odd feelings that also come with it. 

Amber's views were just as simplistic. She barely knew anything about Soul Energy, deeming it as an effort that would just exhaust her mind.

In fact, Amber could even identify she'll be doing a tremendous unjust for all cultivators over wasting this Soul peach. Not like she genuinely cares about those notions and honors in the first place.

Still, seeing Cain succeed inscribed Amber with just pure happiness. Her and Kali's adamant nature didn't allow Cain to reject. 

Cain could only wryly smile while internally making a decision to gift the girls something useful for them.

When Cain had received the Soul Peaches, he didn't immediately absorb them. Instead, he decided to purify the Soul Peaches with his Dragon Charm, tremendously boosting their effects.

What the Dragon Charm could boost genuinely didn't matter. The pureblood essence condensed inside also had strong Soul properties that could easily enhance any type of Soul Energy meant to be absorbed.

It was because of this Cain was able to rapidly reach the next level of Soul growth. 

The amount of energy he needed was surprisingly immense. Cain had no way to judge how special it was, but he felt like he was taking in an ocean amount of Soul Energy!

Still, Cain was focused throughout this whole process. 

And now, he reached a critical juncture. 

Gradually, Soul Energy threads flowed out of his Soul's Core, circulating through Cain's internal body until reaching his Qi Veins.

There, Cain focused on refining these Soul Energy threads perfectly into his Qi Veins, creating a direct line between both power sources. 

This phenomenon is why Cain's Soul Energy is now visible. It could directly surge out of his body similar to Qi Energy, allowing him to perform all sorts of mystical abilities. 

Cain didn't know how much time had passed since this process started.

But finally, after an unknown amount of time, a tremendous change occurred within Cain. 

A faint layer of green ignited the entirety of his internal body! Waves of Soul Energy gushed all throughout, injecting straight into his bones, organs, and flesh.

The center of these massive waves of Soul Energy occurred right at his Qi Veins. 

At this moment, his Soul Energy threads perfectly blended into his Qi Veins! Qi and Soul Energy mixed, gushing out refreshing waves of Energy that greatly enhanced Cain's overall prowess.

Simultaneously on the outside, Cain's faint layer of Soul Energy transitions into a full-on luminous shine! 

Brilliant green lights discharged out of Cain, engulfing the entire room for a few moments.

"Mn….?" Suddenly Amber and Kali flung their eyes open. 

Their Soul's Core was trembling in excitement, forcing them to be awoken from their cultivation state. 

Upon doing so, shock and awe burst within them.

"Ah?? What the hell is up with Cain?" 

Kali wanted to jump and exclaim her shock. However, she found it oddly tough to move her body. Her brows furrowed as she identified this strange suppression.

This wasn't a suppression of any type of Qi Energy or Qi Aura. It felt far more personal, as if there was a large iron hand tightly gripping down her very bones. 

Aura suppression gives a feeling of being weighed down by thousands of tons of force that was attempting to crush you into bits and pieces. 

But, in Aura suppression, Kali wouldn't feel that her Soul's Core is locked down or quivering.

But this sensation was like her Soul's Core was trapped in a cage! Could this actually be a type of Soul suppression? 

Intrigued by this sudden change, Kali focused on inscribing this sensation within her mental psyche.

At the same time, Amber had a stroke of memory gradually surfacing in her mind. She froze for a few moments until her eyes brightened. "Ah. I know what this ability is, Kali. I've read about it in some ancient text. This strange-looking energy is the manifestation of one's Soul Energy. This crazy guy's comprehension is so high that he's actually reaching the Spirit Soul level."

"Spirit Soul level?" Kali temporarily stopped what she was doing. 

She didn't remember any terms like that during her lessons at home. In fact, she barely remembers getting taught anything about Soul Energy. It was like her grandmother oddly avoided this topic. 

Sensing Kali's confusion, Amber continued to say, "Yep. Apparently, when one Soul's Core strengthens enough, it can directly connect to the Qi Veins. And this level is supposed to give that person monstrous abilities. Their combat prowess is also greatly enhanced, and they can learn Soul cultivation Arts. Well….not like any of us have any those rare arts."

As Kali listened to Amber, Cain was finishing stabilizing his newest breakthrough. 

His Soul's Core tremble with immense power until gradually falling back into its normally calm state.

At this moment, Cain made a significant leap in Soul power. When probing with his Spirit Sense, it felt similar to a breakthrough in Qi Energy. 

Although, Soul Energy exuded a mysterious ethereal sensation that couldn't be described in simple words.

'As she called it, this is the Spirit Soul level! With this, I'm more than sure I can reach the second layer of that book. Plus, in general, my Chaos Teleportation shouldn't take such a massive drain on me. That book mentioned a stronger soul can handle Chaos Teleportion energy much more efficiently. Plus, my own Energy reserves were boosted by countless times. Truly, this was a great harvest.'

Beyond his Soul breakthrough, Cain was also elated about his cultivations breakthroughs. 

With using a large amount of Crystal Beads resources, he and Kali reached the 9th level of the Nascent Formation Realm.

Then, by using the Nascent Opening Pills, the sibling duo instantly broke through to the 10th level of the Nascent Formation Realm. 

Now they both were peak Nascent Masters!

Amber as well achieved a massive breakthrough, reaching the Late Stage of the Profound Soul Realm! 

The best part of their breakthrough was how none of them gathered any impurities from rapidly breaking through. All because of the Dragon Charm, their cultivation foundation remained solid. 

Although, the trio still took the time to perfect their foundation using the Qi Energy swirling in this atmosphere.

It was several levels above what they could absorb while in Crimson Sea Academy. 

In this environment, Cain and Kali also managed to increase the density of their Qi Energies by several times. From density alone, the sibling duo's prowess significantly grew.

Amber had no possible way to achieve that, but she refined her current power level to near perfection. 

A few moments passed, and Cain finally recalled his Soul Energy.

The brilliant green glow vanished as Cain slowly stood up. Rising to his feet, he felt every inch of his body crackled with pure power. 

If he were to fight at full strength now, just how strong would he be?

Enough to cross over a great realm? 

Cain wasn't entirely sure, but he was more than eager to try. If he could do so, he could finally begin the next step of his plan!

"Ahh~. Now, this was a fantastic harvest! This late-night trip wasn't so bad at all." Kali similarly rose to her feet, enjoying the exuberant power coursing through her veins.

"Huu~. It certainly was the most relaxing session by far. We need to do this again." Amber lazily stretched up, releasing a great yawn as if she had a full eight-hour sleep.

With everything they needed achieved, Cain knew it was time to go.

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