The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 125 - Chaos Words

Chapter 125 - Chaos Words

"I certainly didn't remember this, Kali. But, no matter what this Art's origin is, I'll use it my own way. There's no way I'll fall to such despicable means." Cain was purely serious about getting his point across.

His eyes were showcased cold-hard emotions, transmitting to Kali that she shouldn't fall into any of these means as well. 

Under this serious atmosphere, Kali nodded solemnly, not even needing to be explained to her outright.

After a small silent moment, Cain gradually loosens his expression, causing the atmosphere to lighten up. 

His lips curled into a soft smile as he said, "You know since you're actually being the older sibling this time, having advice on swooning a woman?"

Kali shrugged, her expression also turning causal. "Just go for it and say that you like her. It's plainly obvious you both like each other so, why not? I read stories about people prolonging the time to get together for so long. Never understood the point. If it feels right, just go for it."

The concept of never revealing what's on your mind was simply unfathomable for Kali. She vaguely understood that emotions may be caused some hesitation. 

But she also felt like it shouldn't be to an overwhelming point where your mind can't properly focus. 

Thinking of this, Kali could see the further importance of a firm Martial Heart. Misunderstandings occur far less than those Mortals. 

And in all honesty, Cain saw where Kali was coming from. In his previous homeworld, he considered himself to be pretty straightforward. Dancing around wasn't really his forte; it felt a bit silly to him. 

At the same time though, Cain has a far better understanding of why it's tough to boldly share out feelings. 

Some people simply aren't properly equipped with that kind of skill set. If the emotions are intense enough, Cain could see why a Martial Heart would crack. 

In any case, Cain knows the exact decision he'll take tomorrow. 

"Though I'm expecting good results, whatever happens, happens. I won't be particularly forceful if she's not comfortable. For now, though, I'm going to train with my Chaotic Emerald. It's finally time for me to reach the second layer."

As Cain spoke, he summoned forth the Ancient Chaos Book. His excitement was at an all-time high. With the Spirit Soul level, it's only inevitable that he'll reach Chaos' second layer.

Seeing that same old, rusty book, Kali's eyes brightened. "Oh! I forgot that you said it has more layers. Cain't wait to see what other mystical abilities you'll pull out. And while you practice that, I'll continue stabilizing my foundation to perfection."

Kali promptly got into her cultivation state without another word, her eyes shutting into complete focus. 

It was honestly impressive how instantaneous she could achieve cultivation focus. Arrogance or not, she truly pours all of her heart into cultivation. Cain found it endearing. 

Turning his attention back on to himself, Cain similarly got into a cultivation state while also summoning his Chaotic Emerald.

Opening the book, Cain promptly tried to flip over to the second page. As he gripped the page, he felt a sudden invisible force smashing onto his enter being. 

On the outside, a brilliant glow of Chaos Energy engulfed Cain's hand.

Cain froze, locked by this abrupt invasion. This wasn't Aura suppression of Qi but of Soul Energy! 

If Cain couldn't bypass this barrier, he'd never be able to reach the second layer of Chaos Energy. 

At this moment, his Soul's Core intensely stimulated, surging out massive waves of powerful Spirit Soul Energy! The Soul Energy billowed towards the invisible force, striking it like a heavy hammer. 

With each strike, Cain could directly feel the invisible force cracking. Through nothing but sheer power, he was tearing through the Chaos barrier. 

Such a brazen method could only be done by Cain.

Controlling Soul Energy is supposed to be a calm, spiritual process. One would have the utmost focus, harmonizing themselves with every bit of sensation Soul Energy naturally emitted. 

However, Cain had reached this step long ago. His already excellent control was amplified because of the Soul Peach's Energy. 

When the Soul Peach brought him to the Soul Dimension, Cain was like a fish in water, engraving the sensation of that dimension deep in his mental psyche.

And now, the fruits of his training were showing. In no time at all, Cain was approaching the borders cracking the Chaos Barrier wide open. 

But right as he neared this step, the Chaotic Emerald brightly shimmered, releasing frantic torrents of Chaos lights!

Streaks of green light rolled out of the Chaotic Emerald, quickly drowning the Inn Room in its brilliant essence. 

At the same time, the Chaotic Emerald gushed forth a powerful wave of Chaos Energy, sending it straight towards Cain's Soul Core.

This wasn't regular 5% of Chaos Energy anymore. 

This was the complete 20% of Chaos Energy, belonging only to the second layer! 

The power between 5% and 20% couldn't be compared. It was a quantitive transformation similar to achieving higher great realms in cultivation.

And naturally, with far greater power comes far greater pain.


A piercing pain cut into Cain's mental psyche. A headache like no other threatens to split his skull open and force him out of his cultivation state. 

This anguish was comparable to having your brain slowly drilled into until it reached the depths of its core.

Any regular cultivator's Martial Heart and mental psyche would've directly shattered apart, leading them to become idiots for the rest of their lives. 

Even for Cain, it was immensely challenging to keep up with this state. His teeth gritted nearly to the point of shattering, causing pools of blood to stream down his chain. In an instant, his whole uniform was drenched in sweat.  josei

Hell, this was just utter hell!

Truly this could be considered the utmost of masochist cultivation! 

As Cain was dredging his way through this mental hell, words gradually formed within his mental psyche.

These words all emitted a hypnotic green glow as they slowly spelled out, 

'Chaos Is The Foundation.' 

As he came upon this sentence, Cain suddenly stopped. Just this phrase alone unleashed an ethereal, mystical Aura.

It felt like he was staring into a higher truth laid down by….God? 

No, not just some mere God….this was higher truth laid down by the Universe itself! 

Why could Chaos Energy perform so many heaven-defying abilities?

Why does it have power that seemed can overturn Heaven itself? 

Cain believed it had to be because Chaos Energy existed before anything and everything. This must be the Energy that created all things?

Of course, all of this was simply Cain's own reasoning and thinking. Perhaps his own answer was a bit too black and white. 

There very well could be another form of Energy that can also stand at the absolute summit.

It seemed highly possible it could be something related to the Soul or where the entirety of Qi Energy comes from. 

But for now, Cain didn't focus on other possible theories.  He tried to peer into this sentence to perceive the profound mysteries truth hidden deep within. 

However, after only a few moments of perceiving, Cain suddenly felt a crack echo out in his mind.


In an instant, the Chaos Words vanished, the Chaotic Emerald lost its shimmer, retracting its Chaos Energy. With this, Cain's Soul Core could finally stop trembling. 

"Haah~. Fai….failure….So tough…." 

Cain was gasping for air as he barely propped himself up from collapsing over. Just doing this put an immense strain on his body. 

Laying down and passing out seemed far easier. However, Cain stubbornly persisted in staying up. 

He needed to fully perceive that whole, mind-opening process. Losing this chance would only significantly delay his progress.

And Cain was fiercely determined to see this to the end. The profound truth of Chaos is right before him! 

Because of his stubbornness, Cain's Martial Heart stimulated and gushed out waves of soothing Soul Energy.

Gradually, Cain calmed himself down and began vividly recalling everything. In all honesty, he wasn't the least bit surprised that this breakthrough ended up in failure. 

Just the first layer of Chaos Energy was challenging enough to achieve. And he practically brute-forced his way back then. 

Now, brute force was no longer an option. He actually needs to fully focus on his comprehension.

It was a little surreal for Cain. Qi Energy, Soul Energy, and Astra Energy are so easily perceived. But Chaos Energy truly is at a higher standard than stood far above any typical Energy. 

Slowly, Cain positioned himself back into a cultivation state and planned out his next course of action. 

'No matter how hard I try, I definitely won't be able to reach the second layer. Estimating myself, this shouldn't take too long, but I need to center myself to prevent from collapsing. In the meantime, I think it's time to start comprehending these Sage Arts.'

Back in the Sword Sage Legacy cave, Cain put his full concentration into Qi and Soul Energy. 

When it was time to leave, he had no more room to fit this in. But on this trip back to Crimson Sea Academy is a prime opportunity.

Cain then quickly took out the jade scroll and the Elite Grade Earthen Spiral Sword. 

Starting out first, Cain opened the jade scroll, pouring his Spirit Sense into the first Sword Symbol.

Immediately, his mental psyche filled with an incomparably sharp sensation. It felt like with one wrong move, Cain would split his entire head in half. 

Cain's brows shot up in interest. So this is Sword Energy! 

Indeed, handling this type of Energy should be treated with the utmost caution. It wasn't at a dangerous level like his Draconic Lightning, but Cain did need to exert slightly more effort to keep his mental psyche stable.

Like this, Cain dual cultivates with mesmerizing the sensation from Chaos Energy and comprehending Sword Energy.

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